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Originally posted by Anthony:
The challenge is fitting the laser itself, not the power supply. It only needs a 1 MW power source.

And they're not talking about fitting it into an APC, they're talking about fitting it into an HMMWV.
Anthony, is this the 100 KW+ MTHEL in a humvee? Or the 10 KW ordnance disposal model?
A HUMVEE with a laser? Now, THAT's impressive!
Would it be used against incoming shells/rockets, against helicopters/lanes or against other ground vehicles/personnel?

We're now TL 7.8, I think. Only a few little pushes... more efficient lasers... and we'll have a Carbine. Only 1.2 TLs to go to a jump drive! :D
At 100 KW, all of the above. Artillery, guided missiles and manned aircraft just became obsolescent.

There is a lot of talk about "hardening" rockets and aircraft against lasers, but if we have to power and focus to affect the 5mm+ steel walls of artillery shells that is 'way more than a flying system csn handle.

Jump drive ... do a google on "Alcubierre and van den Broek"