this is my smallest true LASH design.
i envision relief crews at every port so that every crew gets a few days in port in between jumps. indeed, the crew of the support ship IS the relief crew for the jump ship, and vice versa. each port needs at least on support ship.
with this plan, approach time ought to be cut (i haven't the math, so i'll assume %50)
our schedules looks like this:
3 hours approach time
15 hours for drive inspections, refueling, and payload transfers.
1 hour to recharge the jump drive
turnaround time becomes ~19 hours. no customs inspections for the jump ship.
true LASH, jump-1, 1000 tons full displacement
jump ship
200 ton, Streamlined
12 months, TL 10
MCr 130.1 (full price)
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 navigator, 3 engineers, 1 medic, 2 gunners
Drives: jdrive-E, mdrive-A, pplant-E. 1g manuever, 5 parsec jump. enhanced diagnostic system (5 tons, .5 MCr)
Bridge: model/2 computer, 2 hardpoints, 2 single turrets (missile and sand). allows up to jump-2.
Fuel: 50 tons (0 parsec range, 28 days endurance)
Life Support: 8 staterooms
Payload: 43 tons cargo. 1 800 ton, or up to 4 200 ton lighters
Special: this ship accomodates an additional engineer to assist in maintenance, repairs, and drive inspections to help compensate for the nearly continual use the the j-drive.
this ship does not carry its own jump fuel. its support ship acts as a drop tank to supply jump fuel.
performance specs:
up to 200 tons in lighters, jump-2, burns 80 tons fuel from support ship
up to 200 tons in lighters, jump-1, burns 40 tons fuel from support ship
up to 400 tons in lighters, jump-1, burns 60 tons fuel from support ship
up to 600 tons in lighters, jump-1, burns 80 tons fuel from support ship
up to 800 tons in lighters, jump-1, burns 100 tons fuel from support ship
cargo space is for small freight like mail and diplomatic pouches. small craft are chartered as needed for off-loading.
support ship
200 ton, Streamlined
11 months, TL 9
MCr 26.686 (full price)
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 engineer, 1 gunner
Drives: mdrive-A, pplant-A. 1g manuever. 10 tons wasted.
Bridge: 2 hardpoints, 1 ton reserved for fire control, 1 single turret (missile)
Fuel: 125 tons, refinery (8 tons, .036 MCr)
Life Support: 4 staterooms (double occupancy with relief crew)
Payload: 9 tons cargo
Special: repair shop (5 tons, .5 MCr)
may be carried as a lighter. carries jump fuel, relief crew, and small freight like mail and diplomatic pouches.
life support consumables for the jump ships are generally tucked into some of the wasted space in the engine compartment.
small lighter
200 ton, Streamlined
11 months, TL 9
MCr 24.7 (full price)
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 engineer, 1 medic
Drives: mdrive-A, pplant-A. 1g manuever. 10 tons wasted.
Bridge: 1 hardpoint, 1 ton reserved for fire control
Fuel: 10 tons (28 days endurance)
Life Support: 3 staterooms
Payload: 141 tons cargo
payload/MCr: ~5.71
medium lighter
800 ton, Streamlined
28 months, TL 9
MCr 141.9 (full price)
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 engineer, 1 medic
Drives: mdrive-D, pplant-D. 1g manuever.
Bridge: 4 hardpoints, 4 tons reserved for fire control
Fuel: 10 tons (28 days endurance)
Life Support: 3 staterooms
Payload: 734 tons cargo
payload/MCr: ~5.17
medium lighter costs more than the jump ship, and payload ratio is worse than the small lighter.