Relevant Solar Triumvirate Small Craft
Notes: using Sigg Oddra's Armor Rules, as well as his Heavy Turret rules.
Talon-Class Dropship (TL12)
The Talon-Class Dropship has admirably served the Triumvirate since its introduction in 2369, and remains the most common interplanetary marine assault transport craft in Triumvirate use. It carries a full Marine platoon in their G-Carriers as well as a limited amount of additional equipment.
HG design adapted to Book 2. Using a 50-ton streamlined hull, the Dropship is capable of 4-G, carries 2 tons of fuel and requires a crew of two. A triple turret is installed, mounting 2 Beam Lasers (Penetration +1) and one Sandcaster, and the hull is armored to Factor-4 specs. A Model/1 computer is also installed. 3 G-Carriers are carried. Cargo capacity is 3.5 tons. The Dropship costs MCr44.1 individually or MCr34.9 when mass-produced.
Raptor-Class Armored Fighter (TL12)
The advances in armor technology in the immidiate post-Insurrection era have allowed the Triumvirate to replace its aging Volture-Class Fighters with an armored model. The Raptor, comissioned in 2371, serves as the Triumvirate's main fighter ever since though a new model (dubbed Raptor-FZ) is under development and is scheduled for mass production in 2404 (the current year IMTU is 2400).
HG design adapted to Book 2. Using a 25-ton streamlined hull, the Armored Fighter is capable of 6-G, carries 1.5 tons of fuel and requires a crew of two. A Heavy Turret equivalent is installed, mounting a fixed Plasma Gun (Penetration +3) and a Sandcaster, and the hull is armored to Factor-8 specs. A Magazine of 2.25 tons carries 45 Sand Canisters in addition to those stored in the turret. Adjuscent to the bridge is a Model/2 computer. The Armored Fighter costs MCr37 individually or MCr29.3 when mass-produced.
Hailstorm-Class Bomber (TL12)
Slow but armored and packing a powerful sting, the Hailstorm-Class Heavy Bomber has faithfully served the Triumvirate since its introduction in 2372. It is designed to work togather with, and under the protection of, Raptor-Class Fighters, and, is armed with nuclear weapons, is capable of anti-capital ship attacks.
HG design adapted to Book 2. Using a 50-ton streamlined hull, the Bomber is capable of 3-G, carries 1.5 tons of fuel and requires a crew of three. A triple missile turret is installed, and the hull is armored to Factor-8 specs. A Magazine of 26.5 tons carries 530 Missiles in addition to those stored in the turret. Adjuscent to the bridge is a Model/3 computer. The Bomber costs MCr53.4 individually or MCr42.3 when mass-produced.
Notes: using Sigg Oddra's Armor Rules, as well as his Heavy Turret rules.
Talon-Class Dropship (TL12)
The Talon-Class Dropship has admirably served the Triumvirate since its introduction in 2369, and remains the most common interplanetary marine assault transport craft in Triumvirate use. It carries a full Marine platoon in their G-Carriers as well as a limited amount of additional equipment.
HG design adapted to Book 2. Using a 50-ton streamlined hull, the Dropship is capable of 4-G, carries 2 tons of fuel and requires a crew of two. A triple turret is installed, mounting 2 Beam Lasers (Penetration +1) and one Sandcaster, and the hull is armored to Factor-4 specs. A Model/1 computer is also installed. 3 G-Carriers are carried. Cargo capacity is 3.5 tons. The Dropship costs MCr44.1 individually or MCr34.9 when mass-produced.
Raptor-Class Armored Fighter (TL12)
The advances in armor technology in the immidiate post-Insurrection era have allowed the Triumvirate to replace its aging Volture-Class Fighters with an armored model. The Raptor, comissioned in 2371, serves as the Triumvirate's main fighter ever since though a new model (dubbed Raptor-FZ) is under development and is scheduled for mass production in 2404 (the current year IMTU is 2400).
HG design adapted to Book 2. Using a 25-ton streamlined hull, the Armored Fighter is capable of 6-G, carries 1.5 tons of fuel and requires a crew of two. A Heavy Turret equivalent is installed, mounting a fixed Plasma Gun (Penetration +3) and a Sandcaster, and the hull is armored to Factor-8 specs. A Magazine of 2.25 tons carries 45 Sand Canisters in addition to those stored in the turret. Adjuscent to the bridge is a Model/2 computer. The Armored Fighter costs MCr37 individually or MCr29.3 when mass-produced.
Hailstorm-Class Bomber (TL12)
Slow but armored and packing a powerful sting, the Hailstorm-Class Heavy Bomber has faithfully served the Triumvirate since its introduction in 2372. It is designed to work togather with, and under the protection of, Raptor-Class Fighters, and, is armed with nuclear weapons, is capable of anti-capital ship attacks.
HG design adapted to Book 2. Using a 50-ton streamlined hull, the Bomber is capable of 3-G, carries 1.5 tons of fuel and requires a crew of three. A triple missile turret is installed, and the hull is armored to Factor-8 specs. A Magazine of 26.5 tons carries 530 Missiles in addition to those stored in the turret. Adjuscent to the bridge is a Model/3 computer. The Bomber costs MCr53.4 individually or MCr42.3 when mass-produced.