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LBB2 Naval Doctrines

Relevant Solar Triumvirate Small Craft
Notes: using Sigg Oddra's Armor Rules, as well as his Heavy Turret rules.

Talon-Class Dropship (TL12)
The Talon-Class Dropship has admirably served the Triumvirate since its introduction in 2369, and remains the most common interplanetary marine assault transport craft in Triumvirate use. It carries a full Marine platoon in their G-Carriers as well as a limited amount of additional equipment.

HG design adapted to Book 2. Using a 50-ton streamlined hull, the Dropship is capable of 4-G, carries 2 tons of fuel and requires a crew of two. A triple turret is installed, mounting 2 Beam Lasers (Penetration +1) and one Sandcaster, and the hull is armored to Factor-4 specs. A Model/1 computer is also installed. 3 G-Carriers are carried. Cargo capacity is 3.5 tons. The Dropship costs MCr44.1 individually or MCr34.9 when mass-produced.

Raptor-Class Armored Fighter (TL12)
The advances in armor technology in the immidiate post-Insurrection era have allowed the Triumvirate to replace its aging Volture-Class Fighters with an armored model. The Raptor, comissioned in 2371, serves as the Triumvirate's main fighter ever since though a new model (dubbed Raptor-FZ) is under development and is scheduled for mass production in 2404 (the current year IMTU is 2400).

HG design adapted to Book 2. Using a 25-ton streamlined hull, the Armored Fighter is capable of 6-G, carries 1.5 tons of fuel and requires a crew of two. A Heavy Turret equivalent is installed, mounting a fixed Plasma Gun (Penetration +3) and a Sandcaster, and the hull is armored to Factor-8 specs. A Magazine of 2.25 tons carries 45 Sand Canisters in addition to those stored in the turret. Adjuscent to the bridge is a Model/2 computer. The Armored Fighter costs MCr37 individually or MCr29.3 when mass-produced.

Hailstorm-Class Bomber (TL12)
Slow but armored and packing a powerful sting, the Hailstorm-Class Heavy Bomber has faithfully served the Triumvirate since its introduction in 2372. It is designed to work togather with, and under the protection of, Raptor-Class Fighters, and, is armed with nuclear weapons, is capable of anti-capital ship attacks.

HG design adapted to Book 2. Using a 50-ton streamlined hull, the Bomber is capable of 3-G, carries 1.5 tons of fuel and requires a crew of three. A triple missile turret is installed, and the hull is armored to Factor-8 specs. A Magazine of 26.5 tons carries 530 Missiles in addition to those stored in the turret. Adjuscent to the bridge is a Model/3 computer. The Bomber costs MCr53.4 individually or MCr42.3 when mass-produced.
Originally posted by Fritz88:
Why are they spacebourne? Are the systems they inhabit not conducive to regular colonies?
Philosphy, beliefs, traditions and origin (it's kinda like asking "why traditional Beduwin are nomads"); the Matriarchate originate from space construction crews from the Sol astroid belt of the 2090's. Most of them were second or even third generation spacers when they left the system in half-complete colony ships in 2096, and life aboard a space habitat seems far more natural to them than life inside a gravity well. Add to that a dislike of planetary terraformation (they prefer to "do less damage to Mother Nature" and mine several astroids, instead of changing the climate and the terrain of whole worlds) and a "posthumanist", post-planetary belief system similar to the one expressed by The PERMANENT web-page/organization (which was also a source of inspiration for me when creating the Matriarchate), and you'll get a semi-nomadic culture. Birth rates are controlled at a (low) level consistent with the construction of new habitats.

The most common "use" of planets by the Matriarchate is Atmosphere Mining in the higher levels of their atmospheres to get nitrogen (which is far rarer than hydrogen/oxygen/carbon in astroid/comet material) as well as other gasses. They also construct huge zeppelin-like rigs to mine the upper reaches of gas-giant atmpospheres.

And ofcourse they recycle. ALOT. And eat a mostly vegetarian diet (not nescerily for ideological reasons - meat is far less efficient in producing nutrients than plants especially ones gengineered to produce the vitamins usually found only in meat).

EDIT: Oh, one more thing - the Matriarchate would rather mess with ("improve") the Human body than mess with planets; they are, IMTU the polity most supportive of cybernetics and Human gengineering (but not AIs - they prefer to improve the Human machine, not to create one in its own likeness).
First some Nomencature for the 207th Fleet based in Trin's Veil Subsector.
This fleet is split between 2 Navel bases.

CB=Battle Carrier
CL=Carrier Light
BR=Battle Rider
DE=Destroyer Escort
FE=Fleet Escort
CE=Close Escort

Ships of the Fleet

30xDD=Midu Agashaam

I can't remeber where I found this but I printed it out from somewhere.
Napoleon-Class Carrier (Type-CV, Tl11)
The Napoleon-Class Carriers, named after historical military leaders, serve as the centerpieces of the Solar Triumvirate's fleets since their introduction in 2376. While unarmored and very lightly armed, the Carriers can launch large numbers of fighters and bombers; also, they are always protected by smaller ships. The standard naval procedure is to launch 3 of the 7 Fighter Squadrons (10 Fighters in a Squadron) for defensive duty (screening the Carrier and the other large ships and providing a massive sand screen), and 4 Fighter Squadrons on Offensive Duty, that is, accompanying the 2 Bomber Squadrons in their attack on the enemy's main ships.

Book 2 design. Using a custom 5,000-ton hull, the Carrier houses large numbers of fighters and bombers. It has Jump Drive-Z, Manouver Drive-W and Power Plant-Z, giving the ship performance of Jump-2 and 1-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 1,020 tons supports the power plants and allows one Jump-2. Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/3 computer. There are 136 staterooms and no low berths. 20 triple turrets are installed with fire control equipment, 15 of them mounting Beam Lasers and 5 mounting Sandcasters. One Standard (Book 2) Pinnace, 70 Raptor-Class Fighters and 20 Hailstrom-Class Bombers (see my previous post) are carried. There is a 284 ton cargo bay and the ship is unstreamlined.

A crew of 267 is required: Captain, Executive Officer, Political Advisor, 2 Administrative Staff, Pilot, Navigator, 2 Medics, 7 Engineers, 20 Gunners, 91 Small Craft Pilots, 111 Small Craft Gunners and 28 Ship's troops. Double Occupancy is required for everyone but the CO, XO, Pilot, Navigator and the PolA.

The Carrier costs MCr4,155.9 (or MCr3,291.8 if mass produced) and takes 36 months to build.
As a comparison to modern naval standards, you would (at least) triple bunk all your engineers and gunners. A US aircraft carrier has about 5000 people (when the air wing is embarked) - and almost all the enlisted (except E7 and up) gets at least 20 to a room (wall lockers and 3-high bunks). Junior officers get 2-3 to a room.

And, I know you followed the book, but what about cooks, maintainers (engineers) for the fighters/bombers, etc.?
Originally posted by Fritz88:
And, I know you followed the book, but what about cooks, maintainers (engineers) for the fighters/bombers, etc.?
It'll give all those gunners something to do in all their time off ;)
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
It'll give all those gunners something to do in all their time off

Negative on that for the gunners. The gunners will be busy taking care of their weapons, doing preventative and scheduled maintenance along with gun drills. When things get hot, they are sitting at their station, not getting birds turned.
The amount of labor to get one aircraft off the ground would suprise most people who haven't worked it before. One person per fighter to keep it operational is extremely optimistic, especially if they are doing combat hot turns. As a minimum, each bird will have to be rearmed, refueled, restocked, and checked for battle damage. Missile loading will take at least two techs to operate efficiently. The guy refueling should be dedicataed to prevent over/underfilling and prevent static charges from building up causing fuel detonation. Restocking is vital, especially if the bird is going out for more than a few hours. Wouldn't want the flight crew to run out of air or the toilet to overflow.
Roger that, Bhoins - especially the toilet. Nothing like a 5-hr mission with a malfunctioning sitter. Of course, the poor guys in the fighters we were dragging had to use piddle packs, so....

Of course, this concept assumes the battle lasts long enough to have more than one pass. Based on some of the other threads, I think most folks believe one good pass is all you will get before it is over.
It would also depend on how many fighters you flushed at a time. (The manning, not the piddle packs....) If you launched all of them at once, you would have to prep them all at once. If you cycled them out in flights of 4, it would take you longer to launch all your birds, but you could work with, say, 8 sets of loaders/maintainers/etc.
I always go with a good rule of thumb I saw on freelance. One fighter requires at minimum, 1 pilot (officer), 2 mantinence. I always include a Navigator/Weapons Expert for each plane, which amounts to 12 extra tons (stateroom) per fighter. I have a fun little jump capable fighter (all very hush hush, of course) that functions like a stealh bomber... requires 5 people for maintenance, piloting, and arming.
2374 - Diamond-Class Destroyer (Type-DF, TL12)
Book 2 design. Using a custom 600-ton hull, the Destroyer is a fast, well-armored ship used mostly for screening other ships, such as carriers. It has Jump Drive-F, Manouver Drive-T and Power Plant-T, giving the ship performance of Jump-2 and 6-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 180 tons supports the power plants and allows one Jump-2. Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/6 computer. There are 13 staterooms and no low berths. There are 4 Heavy Turrets installed, carrying two Fusion Cannons each, and two triple turrets mounting sandcasters, and the hull is armored to Factor-6 specs. There is a 122 ton cargo bay and the ship isstreamlined.

A crew of 13 is required: Pilot, Navigator, Medic, 4 Engineers, and 6 Gunners. The Destroyer costs MCr513.9 (or MCr407 if mass produced) and takes 24 months to build.

2344 - Cistern-Class Tanker (Type-TH, TL11)
Book 2 design. Using a custom 5,000-ton hull, the Tanker supplies fuel to other ships in its fleet; it is also capable of fuel-skimming. It has Jump Drive-Z, Manouver Drive-Z and Power Plant-Z, giving the ship performance of Jump-2 and 2-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 4,500 tons supports the power plants and allows up to four Jump-2s. Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/4 computer. There are 33 staterooms and no low berths. 10 double turrets are installed with fire control equipment, five mount Beam Lasers and five mounting Sandcasters. There is a 9 ton cargo bay and the ship is streamlined.

A crew of 33 is required: Captain, Executive Officer, Political Advisor, 2 Administrative Staff, Pilot, Navigator, Medics, 7 Engineers, 10 Gunners and 8 Ship's troops. The Tanker costs MCr1,179.7 (or MCr934.4 if mass produced) and takes 36 months to build.

2343 - Atlas-Class Military Frieghter (Type-QT, TL11)
Book 2 design. Using a custom 5,000-ton hull, the Frieghter carries supplies and equipment for military forces. It has Jump Drive-Z, Manouver Drive-Z and Power Plant-Z, giving the ship performance of Jump-2 and 2-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 1,060 tons supports the power plants and allows one Jump-2. Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/4 computer. There are 33 staterooms and no low berths. 10 double turrets are installed with fire control equipment, five mount Beam Lasers and five mounting Sandcasters. There is a 3,548 ton cargo bay and the ship is unstreamlined.

A crew of 33 is required: Captain, Executive Officer, Political Advisor, 2 Administrative Staff, Pilot, Navigator, Medics, 7 Engineers, 10 Gunners and 8 Ship's troops. 10 standard (Book 8) Cargo Robots are also included in the Frieghter's cost. The Frieghter costs MCr1,070.3 (or MCr847.8 if mass produced) and takes 36 months to build.
Aaargh! Is the Diamond unstreamlined or streamlined? You finished your sentence early.

Is the freighter a resupply ship? If so, it should really be able to do multiple jumps on one tank of gas. (IMHO)
What i would really like to see is a truly great fighter. One that you would use from little bases in the middle of space to just swam enemy capital ships. Think Japan in WWII. You'd have upwards of a thousand at any given base, and you'd run a gauntlet of these bases to get anywhere important. It also needs to be built fast.
In a CT based universe like this one the nuclear missile can be considered to be the torpedo - a weapon that allows your small ships/fighters to pose a threat to the big ships.
Hence the need for screening ships and interceptor type fighters.
Originally posted by Fritz88:
Aaargh! Is the Diamond unstreamlined or streamlined? You finished your sentence early.
It's streamlined. Line fixed. Thanks for pointing that out

And the freighter is a supply carrier for a fleet... it travels along with the fleet's tankers, so no need for an exceptionally large fuel tank.