Originally posted by Supplement Four:
Another thing that should not be forgotten is that a "streamlined" hull doesn't necessarily mean the ship has wings.
That depends hugely on which design system you use (B2 or B5) and what is "right", right
Remember B2 only did streamlined or not, and B5 only added partially streamlined. My interpretation has always been:
Unstreamlined in B2 is Unstreamlined or Partially Streamlined.
Streamlined in B2 and B5 is Streamlined or Airframe.
My examples of the standard craft are coloured by the Kieth artwork in CT...
10ton Fighter is streamlined and airframe.
20ton Launch, 30ton Boats, and 50ton Cutter are all streamlined but NOT airframes.
40ton Pinnaces and 95ton Shuttle are streamlined and airframes.
100ton Scout/Courier is streamlined but NOT airframe.
200ton Free-Trader is streamlined but NOT airframe.
200ton Yacht is unstreamlined and NOT partially streamlined.
400ton Subsidized Merchant is streamlined and airframe.
400ton Patrol Cruiser is streamlined and airframe.
600ton Subsidized Liner is unstreamlined and partially streamlined.
800ton Mercenary Cruiser is unstreamlined and partially streamlined.
SO in my books, and it's varied over editions but basically in CT...
Unstreamlined atmosphere interaction will almost certainly result in damage. Basically roll 13+ for damage when entering atmosphere. -DM for Pilot skill and +1DM cumulative per Atmosphere number and with a +DM of 6 for the lack of any streamlining. Treat GG skimming as Atmosphere 3.
Partially Streamlined means you can get away with very thin atmosphere interaction with little risk of damage. Again a 13+ roll for damage when entering atmosphere. -DM for Pilot skill and +1DM per Atmosphere number and with a +DM of 3 for the partial streamlining. Treat GG skimming as Atmosphere 3.
Streamlined means you can interact with most atmospheres with little risk of damage. Same 13+ roll for damage. -DM for Pilot skill and +1DM per Atmosphere number but with a -DM of 3 for the streamlining. Treat GG skimming as Atmosphere 3.
Airframe means you can interact with any atmosphere with ease. Same 13+ roll for damage. -DM for Pilot skill and +1DM per Atmosphere number but with a -DM of 6 for the airframe. Treat GG skimming as Atmosphere 3.
Damage is a random roll on the Ship Combat damage table for each point by which the total exceeds 12.
DO NOT roll a 12 with a Pilot trainee (skill-0) flying an unstreamlined ship into an Insidious atmosphere...