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Lets start this again


Roger Calver

Ok with the host move now over and the forum back up but with the last two weeks posts missing lets start this up again.

OK going back to the lost posts Hunter have you had an more ideas how this project is going to happen ?

Agian lets get peoples views in here to see what the options are.

My view is that it should be run under T20 and in the 993 Gateway era. I would probably pin it down to a single quadrant rather than a whole sector or domain.
I agree that T20 would be logical choice here, im not that bothered what timaeline its based in and yes keep it small (1 subsector to start with) and so easier to manage.
With level advancements keep it normal maybe starting PC's at no older than say 30, and not to use the experience bumps idea.
As for bookkeeping thats a big ? for me.
Definately keep it in a smaller region. My initial feeling was that a cluster would allow for more political intrigue but it would work just as well in teh right subsector. I was also wondering about keeping it to a cluster on or near the Imperial border.

I wrote a longish post on character generation and thought that characters starting with 15,000 xp was in the ball park. This represents three terms and some promotions, medals, xp bonuses. It also ties in nicely with your suggestion of starting at 30 years old ;)
I'm not sure about experience bumps. They're a nice way of making module writing easier.

Bookkeeping could actually be quite easy using logsheets to track TUs, xp and Cr. There are a few of us involved in existing Living campaigns that can shed light on those aspects of a campaign.
Can I post here?

Since you guys are wondering where to set your campaign, I remind you how T20 has organised three clusters as 'mini-campaign settings':

-The Linkworlds Cluster

-The Sydymic Outworlds Cluster

-The Imperial Trade Cluster (aka The Far End)

All three have been detailed in T20 publications. Perhaps it is valuable then, to stick with one of these three?
Originally posted by stofsk:
Can I post here?
Of course you can. The more voices the better!

Since you guys are wondering where to set your campaign, I remind you how T20 has organised three clusters as 'mini-campaign settings':

-The Linkworlds Cluster

-The Sydymic Outworlds Cluster

-The Imperial Trade Cluster (aka The Far End)

All three have been detailed in T20 publications. Perhaps it is valuable then, to stick with one of these three?
I had completely forgotten about the Imperial Trade Cluster! In fact, both it and the Sydymic Outworld Cluster both lie in Ley Sector's Delta Quadrant, which makes Delta Quadrant very appealing. The domain capital being on Annapabar would allow for political intrigue.
From Hunter's original postings I think it's going to be like WotC's Living Campaigns (Greyhawk, Force etc.), assuming you know how they work.
You generate a character using the campaign rules and can play that character in any game, wherever it is. Most of my gaming for the last few years has been in Living campaigns. It's worked out very well for me as I emmigrated to Sweden but still visit my old mates in England a few times a year. I just bring along my existing characters and can play them.
Just we should tweak things out to make sure that no one version of the rules are the standard. But a sort of template that would allow people to port in different characters.

But, I disagree with it being small (despite my earlier comments), I would allow it to be set in Multiple Eras, probably Spinward Marches circa CT will win but I would not want to restrict it to that. Different Eras would occupy different areas of the map, slowly expanding outward each complementing the other.
There's also the Starfall Cluster from Avenger.

More worlds but still close together, and not Imperial.....
Originally posted by Newbee:
Is a living campaign restricted to face to face game playing or would PBEM settings also work?
Would GRiP games qualify?
These are all questions for the campaign staff. Typically some Living campaigns like Blackmoor allow players to play online using OpenRPG or AOL Instant Messenger.

Originally posted by stofsk:
Can I post here?

Since you guys are wondering where to set your campaign, I remind you how T20 has organised three clusters as 'mini-campaign settings':

-The Linkworlds Cluster

-The Sydymic Outworlds Cluster

-The Imperial Trade Cluster (aka The Far End)

All three have been detailed in T20 publications. Perhaps it is valuable then, to stick with one of these three?
I think the campaign should use an area not in publication. That way the campaign staff can develop it as time goes on. Thats one of the "purposes" of a Living campaign. The players actions affect the direction of the campaign.

These are all questions for the campaign staff. Typically some Living campaigns like Blackmoor allow players to play online using OpenRPG or AOL Instant Messenger.

Originally posted by Qstor2:
I think the campaign should use an area not in publication. That way the campaign staff can develop it as time goes on.
The areas that are already in publication could always be developed a lot more than they have been currently.

Thats one of the "purposes" of a Living campaign. The players actions affect the direction of the campaign.
I don't deny that.

You could always have a Living Gateway campaign. Set in the Galian Federation, Gateway system to be precise. It's not in the Imperium however.

Other possibilities: Dukh or Daramm.
If it's being run through QLI it makes sense to run it using their products.

The main thing I'd like to see with a Living Traveller campaign is not biting off too much. Covering multiple eras is a nice idea but would end up spreading the effort too much. I don't honestly think we'd have the player base to play and write modules for multiple eras and multiple systems.

As stofsk has pointed out there is still plenty of room to influence things. Living Force was pre-ordained but that never detracted from it's enjoyment for anyone that I played with.