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Looking for a simple Hard Times program


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
I'd like to request a modest programming project. What I need is a simple program that converts CT (or basic MT) UWPs into Hard Times one, following the procedures given in Hard Times PP.19-24. The interface should be a simple dialouge box with one text-box into which the original UWP is entered, as well as two sets of "radio buttons" - one for war type (Quiet, War Zone, Intense War Zone, Black War Zone) and the other set for area type (Safe, Frontier, Outlands, Wilds). Once the "convert" button will be pressed, the new UWP will be generated into another text box.

Anyone capable of programming this? It will make my job of converting the Solomani Rim sector to Hard Times standards FAR more easy (and quicker).
I'd be happy to do it (as, say, a web page with a bunch of JavaScript) but I just looked at the copy of Hard Times on the MegaTraveller CD-ROM, and noticed that significant portions of the charts are illegible.

I'll try to read over what's there and see if I can nail down stuff that I need. At this point, it looks like pretty much everything from pp 19 - 24. ;)

There might be some existing software out there; have you checked?
It is suuposed to do the job (as far as it readme goes) but it doesn't work properly (under XP?). When I try to select a file in it, it says "file not found", even though I've double- and triple-checked to make sure it was in the same directory with the program. I tried to run it under a Win95 compatablity mode, but to no avail.

Also, does anyone have a SEC version of the CT-era Solomani rim Sector?
I had similar problems with quite a few pieces of "old" software. That why I use a VMWare box with an old WinME version now.

Doesnt ship HE with wbs files based on the CT era ? Those files can be converted with HE, too.