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Looking for players in or near Chelmsford, Essex, UK

Like it says in the title, really.

Brief resumé: I've not RPG'ed properly - like *with other people* - in something like 18 years, but until 1997 I kept reasonably up to date with the Traveller rules variations (Classic, Mega, TNE and T4). Still don't have GURPS or T20. *Yet*. For no particular reason I recently had my interest renewed, and am just looking for any groups playing in my local area. (I'd consider play by e-mail, but I think I prefer the personal touch). Anywhere near Chelmsford would be great. I could travel as far as London, but as I don't have my own transportation that would rather be limited to weekends (and ideally only Saturdays, as I tend to be busy Sundays). Prefer Classic, but can adjust to the other rules variants/eras.

Hmm. I'm in Essex. Grays, in fact. There is also a London Travellers mailing list around somewhere. I'll see if I can dig up the URL. Are you looking to play or GM?

Originally posted by GJD:
Hmm. I'm in Essex. Grays, in fact. There is also a London Travellers mailing list around somewhere. I'll see if I can dig up the URL. Are you looking to play or GM?

Oh, to play (and to be eased back in gently) - for the time being at least. My attempts at GM-ing in the past have never been that wonderful - although it doesn't help that it's normally involved me trying to encourage people who aren't really RPG-ers at heart to share in my strange little pastime :rolleyes: . It was at secondary school that I was introduced to RPG-ing, and it was only really there that I got together with fellow RPG-ers, hence my relative inactivity for the past 18 years or so.

Handy, as I'm looking to GM. Don't actually have any other players, though. Mine scattered to the four winds over the last year or so.

Imagine you guys are hard at Travelling by now. I'm a rare bird - an old git who likes SF and has done some role-playing over the years. But not lately. I have run a few Traveller/Megatraveller games and written some software for Referees in the past.

Have you set anything up yet? If so, let me know the details and whether you're interested in some geriatric company.

Hey guys!

I'm currently based just outside Romford, and looking to get a group together to play a GURPS Traveller variant.

Like many others, it's been a few years since I did anything like this, but would love to hear if you made it together to form a group, or whether you'd be interested in starting one.

Like I said - GURPS rules, set in the Mixed Client States (so lots of Solomani, Hiver, K'ree intrigue to come...)

Anyone who's interested (or who wants another Essex player), please let me know.

All the best,