quoted from page 11 of the Forgotton War by QLIThe District 268 subsector "Fleet" comprises the following ships. This tiny fleet is charged with the protection of the entire subsector, including patrol, convoy escort and even Marine transport duties
1 1200-ton Kinunir Class Battle Cruiser (the Luuru)
2 Fer-de-lance class Destroyer Escorts
1 800-ton Broadsword Class Mercinar Cruiser
2 400-ton Patrol Cruisers
4 300-ton Gazelle Class close escorts
3 100-ton Scout/Couriers (Auxiliaries)
2 400-ton Subsidized Merchants (Auxiliaries)
1 200-ton far trader (Spinward Rebellion)*
not sure if you would consider it cannonical but the Forgotton War adventure by QLI, puts the Luuru in district 268 during the 5th frontier war.
Sixteen ships and the largest being a Kinunir-class "battlecrusier" and the next a pair of 1000dTon Fer de Lance DEs? Huh?
That's just... well... wrong is the kindest word I can use.
The force levels in Forgotten War don't even make sense in a LBB:2 setting. There should be larger ships and more of them involved.
I would have if they'd chosen another ship, because when it comes to usable canon, I'm of the opinion that every little bit added to what you've already got makes just as bit more, and a universe (or even just a small slice of one galaxy) is big enough that it can use all the description it can get.not sure if you would consider it cannonical but the Forgotton War adventure by QLI, puts the Luuru in district 268 during the 5th frontier war.
Welcome to CotI, my new friend.I recently started looking at the ecconomics of the spinward Marches to see if I could work out an aproximate budget for the Navy and gave up when I realised that any reasonably large sized world (pop 8 or 9) could afford to run more than a dozen tigress dreadnaughts. but that is a whole other thread.
How uncommonly kind of them.A3 11
AlginelRegina (0803.X7669774). This world is interdicted. A naval task force (perhaps a Kinunir class battlecruiser and several Gazelle class close escorts) will not allow landing on Algine and are uncommunicative as to the reason for the interdiction.
They will allow refuelling by skimming the local gas giant.
I would have if they'd chosen another ship, because when it comes to usable canon, I'm of the opinion that every little bit added to what you've already got makes just as bit more, and a universe (or even just a small slice of one galaxy) is big enough that it can use all the description it can get.
However, the Luuru is explicitly assigned to Regina subsector [TK:5], and I want to explain its non-battledress trained marines by having it be part of the Duchy of Regina Navy (and its marines hence part of the Duchy of Regina Marine Corps), so I'd like to keep it in the Duchy of Regina.
Sixteen ships and the largest being a Kinunir-class "battlecrusier" and the next a pair of 1000dTon Fer de Lance DEs? Huh?
That's just... well... wrong is the kindest word I can use.
Granted, the 214th in Glisten doesn't start to move coreward against the Sacnoth Fleet until mid-1108, but it and the 208th should be able to detach more assets than that to operate in what has been an Imperial protectorate since 610.
On the other side of the hill, the Narsil Fleet may have been oriented towards the Darrians and the Sacnoth Fleet tasked with patrolling the Confederation's rimward boarder, but boht should have been able to detach assets into the District to raid and scout.
The force levels in Forgotten War don't even make sense in a LBB:2 setting. There should be larger ships and more of them involved.
This is the "Subsector Fleet" not the Imperial Navy. In MT this would be the Naval Resurve Fleet. My question is; Why would district 268 have a Naval Resurve?
The Imperium would show the flag using element of the Glisten and Five Sisters Imperial Navy Fleet.
There is a Naval Base at Mille Falcs, which would have a Naval Resurve Squadron.
Another question might be would 16 ships with a Kinunir as lead work as an Imperial Naval Resurve Squadron?
If so it would fit with what we know of cannon. Thoughts?
I have an explanation for that.If you take that the black globes are at the cutting edge of Imperial Technology at TL15, and the Kinunirs have cutting edge AI at TL15 on board, why would the Imperial Navy let a ship with such advanced tech pass into the reserves/subsector Navy?
I, on the other hand, agree with me.(On the Subsector Navy vs Naval reserve canon debate I disagree with Hans' "Duchy Navy" answer YMMV)
I wouldn't exactly call it grade A canon, though. But I agree that if the Luuru belongs to the Imperial Navy, it's perfectly possible for it to be transferred from the 193rd Fleet to the 214th or the 208th between 1105 and 1107. But then the Luuru's marines would have been Imperial Marine Corps marines. And according to another bit of canon, they're evidently not.We have canon that assignes the Luuru to District 268 during the FFW (1100), five years after the cannon that assigns it to Regina (1105), which is entierly plausible.
AFAIK the number of the fleet stationed in Five Sisters before the war has never been established. But I know what you mean.Both the 214th and 208th fleets (using 5th Frontier War era deployments)...
All the Kinunirs have fittings for Black Globe generators. I don't think it's stated anywhere that they all were fitted with them. The computer... well, that is another story.There's another reason why the motley assemblage presented in Forgotten War can't be a reserve fleet and you yourself brought it up in an earlier post. Why would the Imperial Navy let a Kinunir-class vessel with it's TL15 AI and black globe pass into the reserves?![]()
We don't know that until we've triedI've never even tried to explain any of that. As far as I'm concerned it is entirely unexplainable from an in-game standpoint anyway.
I do know that, and I'm quite willing to dump those stories if they can't be explained. But I think it's more fun if we can come up with something.We all know the real reasons for the oddities you listed; A:1 was written very early in the setting's development so the ships and their stories got lost in the shuffle.
I think so. She's mentioned on p. 11 and a quick browse failed to turn up Strephon's name on the earliers pages, though I could have missed it. They're both mentioned in the library data on p. 41 though. Including UWPs showing their exalted social status of 15....By the way, did we learn Iolanthe's name before we learned Strephon's?
We don't know that until we've tried.
I do know that, and I'm quite willing to dump those stories if they can't be explained. But I think it's more fun if we can come up with something.
I think so. She's mentioned on p. 11 and a quick browse failed to turn up Strephon's name on the earliers pages, though I could have missed it.