If it mounts a technology they utterly lack... <fakesneeze>Blackglobe</fakesneeze>
I did think of that, but I don't think it works.
It's either a subtle insult or there's some angle that makes it a compliment. I did have an idea that would make it compliment: Some important Vegan scion -- a direct descendant of the Third Soogaj, or something -- was serving aboard the
Shurrupak and performed some sort of heroics or had his life saved. So the Vegans asked for the ship so that they could put it on display in a memorial sort of thing. However, I can't get the weapons refit to fit (so to speak).
It works much better as an elaborate insult. The Empress goes to great lengths to procure the ship -- it takes about two years to summon if from the Marches. Then it gets an utterly insignificant refit and has its name formally changed. This isn't just a personal gift, it's a personalized one. And then Iolanthe presents it to the Vegans with as much pomp and circumstance as if it had been a squadron of
Tigresses. and the Vegans has to grin and utter fulsome thanks.
Yes, I can see that happening. If for some reason the Empress wanted to stick a metaphorical thumb in the Vegans' collective eye, this is one way of doing it. But what reason? Could the new name be some sort of clue? Frankly, I'm stumped.
Of course, one could simply leave the reason unexplained. After all, whatever the reason, the
official story would be the one about the Empress donating a ship to the Vegans, nothing more. But I'd feel happier if I could come up with a good story.
Ah, well...