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Looking for volunteer Traveller historians...


Admin Award
Hi All,

A number of Traveller fans, writers and volunteers have been making a concerted effort to upgrade the Wiki and make it into an even better asset for the greater community.

One of the area of improvement is the timelines and historical data...

I'd like to recruit some volunteers to start collecting timeline data or collating it from Don McKinney's (...sure do miss him) list for the Wiki. Of course, the historical dates and events can be found in any of the published materials.

Almost every sector, subsector, polity and major race page at the Wiki has one of these entries now:

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116
These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this sector:
  • No information yet available.

An entry has the following data:
  • (Date) Event
  • (Date to Date) Event

I'd love to get some help filling them out, please.

External Link: [http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Main_Page ]

Please contact Thomas Jones-Low or myself to volunteer or for more information.

Hi Ovka and Ackehece,

I might be of some use :). Can commit time to this.

I have a little time I might be able to devote to this.
Baron Ovka

Please head over to the Wiki here and create a user account if you do not have one already:

External Link: [http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Main_Page ]

Then choose an area and start creating and populating articles.

If you do not have an idea of what you'd like to do, please let myself or Thomas know and we'll find articles for you to work on.

Thanks for volunteering and welcome to service of the Argushiigi Admegulasha Bilanidin, the "Vilani Repository of All Knowledge" and the most respected scientific and research body in all of charted space.

External Link: [http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Library ]
External Link: [http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Argushiigi_Admegulasha_Bilanidin ]

Best regards!

Maksim-Smelchak, Lord (Marquis) and Master of Sophontology Maksim-Smelchak of the Ministry of Science.
Then choose an area and start creating and populating articles.

So no formal training, exhortations to follow established protocols, or dire warnings that privileges will be revoked after 3 infractions. :rofl:

Seriously, though ... I started to do that a while back. I read through the wiki style guides and felt like I was going to screw something up if I posted anything. :rolleyes:


Baron Ovka
So no formal training, exhortations to follow established protocols, or dire warnings that privileges will be revoked after 3 infractions. :rofl:

Seriously, though ... I started to do that a while back. I read through the wiki style guides and felt like I was going to screw something up if I posted anything. :rolleyes:

Baron Ovka

Hi Baron Ovka,

Volunteers are too hard to find. Why scare them up front? I just train them OJT style when they arrive. Thomas is actually better at it. He trained me.

The style guides need work. It's something better learned by doing rather than reading. Or that's my take on it.

Positive vibes to you!

Shabbat Shalom,
Ok... seems my subscription for this thread didn't update. Going to sub now to get account active. :rofl:
OK. Went to create account.... once I tried to do it....
"Internal error
[d3536304] /index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&action=submitlogin&type=signup&returnto=Main+Page MWException from line 268 of /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/mail/UserMailer.php: PEAR mail package is not installed
#0 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/User.php(4190): UserMailer::send(MailAddress, MailAddress, string, string, NULL)
#1 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/User.php(4166): User->sendMail(string, string)
#2 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/specials/SpecialUserlogin.php(409): User->sendConfirmationMail()
#3 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/specials/SpecialUserlogin.php(314): LoginForm->addNewAccount()
#4 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/specialpage/SpecialPage.php(384): LoginForm->execute(NULL)
#5 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(582): SpecialPage->run(NULL)
#6 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/MediaWiki.php(267): SpecialPageFactory::executePath(Title, RequestContext)
#7 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/MediaWiki.php(566): MediaWiki->performRequest()
#8 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/MediaWiki.php(414): MediaWiki->main()
#9 /home/wikitrav/public_html/index.php(41): MediaWiki->run()
#10 {main}
OK. Went to create account.... once I tried to do it....
"Internal error
[d3536304] /index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&action=submitlogin&type=signup&returnto=Main+Page MWException from line 268 of /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/mail/UserMailer.php: PEAR mail package is not installed
#0 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/User.php(4190): UserMailer::send(MailAddress, MailAddress, string, string, NULL)
#1 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/User.php(4166): User->sendMail(string, string)
#2 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/specials/SpecialUserlogin.php(409): User->sendConfirmationMail()
#3 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/specials/SpecialUserlogin.php(314): LoginForm->addNewAccount()
#4 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/specialpage/SpecialPage.php(384): LoginForm->execute(NULL)
#5 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(582): SpecialPage->run(NULL)
#6 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/MediaWiki.php(267): SpecialPageFactory::executePath(Title, RequestContext)
#7 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/MediaWiki.php(566): MediaWiki->performRequest()
#8 /home/wikitrav/public_html/includes/MediaWiki.php(414): MediaWiki->main()
#9 /home/wikitrav/public_html/index.php(41): MediaWiki->run()
#10 {main}

Hi A.,

Please message Thomas Jones-Low... He can probably make this work again if it's broken.

I will check from my end and try to find an answer.

Thank you!

Hi A.,

Please message Thomas Jones-Low... He can probably make this work again if it's broken.

I will check from my end and try to find an answer.

Thank you!


Or maybe Aramis? I think he's the main person in charge of this site's code, and the wiki is a part of this site.
Now all the wiki pages are suddenly throwing HTTP 500 "Internal Server Errors". :eek:

No, that was me testing a patch, discovering it didn't work, and quickly commenting out the offending code.

Current proposed workaround: create accounts without email address.
We can add them later, in the profile.

I can't continue testing because I hit the limit on tries to create an account.:(

Thom - my edits are clearly marked with surrounding comments - the unsuccessful test is commented out. The current test is not. As of now, both my tests failed.
No, that was me testing a patch, discovering it didn't work, and quickly commenting out the offending code.

Current proposed workaround: create accounts without email address.
We can add them later, in the profile.

I can't continue testing because I hit the limit on tries to create an account.:(

Thom - my edits are clearly marked with surrounding comments - the unsuccessful test is commented out. The current test is not.

Okay. I deleted the post you were quoting/responding to, when I noticed the errors had stopped soon after I posted.

EDIT: And, I just checked for you, the account creation is still not working. :p
No, that was me testing a patch, discovering it didn't work, and quickly commenting out the offending code.

Current proposed workaround: create accounts without email address.
We can add them later, in the profile.

I can't continue testing because I hit the limit on tries to create an account.:(

Thom - my edits are clearly marked with surrounding comments - the unsuccessful test is commented out. The current test is not. As of now, both my tests failed.

Your note to me has given me the hint I needed to correctly fix the problem. I can now create accounts with email addresses. Ackehece, please try to create an new account.