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Looks like Cutlass is back on the menu boys

Are US Marine Corps sabres "purely ceremonial" these days or can one actually train in it for combat use while in the service. As in not in your spare time?
Better not run into the Ral Ranta...

Swords, cutlasses, and other edged weapons are a way of life with them...

Sänin tagar qëbul eduldi! Hazerlamaq öläli! Vaxti!

Your insult (is) accepted! Prepare (to) die! (Let's or We'll--implied) duel!

Other than unarmed combat, that means you draw your edged weapon and go at it to at least first blood...
I've said it before and I will say it again......"Never" bring a fire arm to a knife fight!

Firearms, other than shotguns, need targeting and fire alleys. If you get to a corner before "they" do, you can wait for them. As soon as...say...a fire team of enemy troopers have made it down a corridor to where you wait...
1) You can pivot when the footstomps get close enough (or when your hidden camera/drone/etc show them close enough on your data-glasses), you can pivot around "right in front" of the lead man.
Then, you bury your blade/cutlass/etc into that trooper...

You knew they'd be boarding, so you voided the ship and now the lead trooper's suit is voiding! As they react in panic, you are driving the soon-to-be-corpsicle back, into the on-coming team they led.

The other troopers react with surprise, while the bodies being pushed back on them push their weapon-ready stance out of line with a target largely blocked by those of your team in front of you. And, as the second trooper in line is trying to clear the lead trooper out of the way, they are helping the attacker, who has already noticed your movement and is already prepared to slice your suit open and stab you.

I "Have" done this in real life, without the benefit of zero-g and voided compartments......You'd be surprised how many firearms can be captured with nothing more than a near-foot-long bowie style hunting knife
That goes with the Ral Ranta. If you do something to get into a duel to settle a dispute (common) in their culture, it's fists or blades. You pull a gun while the Ral Ranta pulls a large blade, any onlookers will jump in and more than willingly kill you for not following social norms and customs.

You pull a blade, and your opponent wants to use fists, that's fine, or you toss your blade aside and go one-on-one with fists.

Under 25 feet, you with a gun versus somebody with an edged weapon or willing to go hand-to-hand, and you are so screwed. They'll be all over you before you can do much, if anything, about it. If they're skilled, you're likely dead.

If you board a ship, the best scenario is you use grenades that are low explosive with lots of fragmentation (low velocity) and shotguns. You toss a grenade to two into the next compartment and charge in right after they go off. That way you don't penetrate much of anything but you shock and wound every person in the compartment. Any movement and you shotgun it.
That goes with the Ral Ranta. If you do something to get into a duel to settle a dispute (common) in their culture, it's fists or blades. You pull a gun while the Ral Ranta pulls a large blade, any onlookers will jump in and more than willingly kill you for not following social norms and customs.

You pull a blade, and your opponent wants to use fists, that's fine, or you toss your blade aside and go one-on-one with fists.

Under 25 feet, you with a gun versus somebody with an edged weapon or willing to go hand-to-hand, and you are so screwed. They'll be all over you before you can do much, if anything, about it. If they're skilled, you're likely dead.

If you board a ship, the best scenario is you use grenades that are low explosive with lots of fragmentation (low velocity) and shotguns. You toss a grenade to two into the next compartment and charge in right after they go off. That way you don't penetrate much of anything but you shock and wound every person in the compartment. Any movement and you shotgun it.
Grav field to 4Gs trumps blade or gun armed opponents. And the grenade is dropping right at the door.
I've said it before and I will say it again......"Never" bring a fire arm to a knife fight!
I can't help but ask the question again, never bring the gun, or bring the gun and the knife and pick the right tool for the environment you find yourself in?

I am not saying your points are wrong in any way, I just never understand the whole "one or the other" thinking. Why not both?
Grav field to 4Gs trumps blade or gun armed opponents. And the grenade is dropping right at the door.
Better hope you have the ability to control the grav like that. I doubt a merchant ship would, while anything military would likely have to be on the larger side for that.

I think that history shows if one side is willing to go toe to toe with the other, and the second side isn't, the second is going to lose. It takes a huge pile of courage to be willing to fight hand-to-hand at point blank range. And battle dress is a rarity outside of the military in MTU.
On that note, Traveller is light on morale rules. While the player might be willing to do some really crazy and dangerous $h!+, I doubt that is keeping with character for most ones you would generate.

In those terms, there are two sides to morale--immediate based on the situation, and long-term based on how things are going in general over time. I think more should be done on this within the game. And yes, I have done more than a bit of research on how these would work...
Better hope you have the ability to control the grav like that. I doubt a merchant ship would, while anything military would likely have to be on the larger side for that.

I think that history shows if one side is willing to go toe to toe with the other, and the second side isn't, the second is going to lose. It takes a huge pile of courage to be willing to fight hand-to-hand at point blank range. And battle dress is a rarity outside of the military in MTU.
I was under the impression all ships had at least a range of positive/negative 3G control, with selectable areas particularly staterooms.

Both the morale/gut it out CQB problems and the rarity of proper counter equipment like the BD or GB makes the grav control play a go to.
25 feet is the typical distance.
For reference, 18 feet is 5.5 meters ... and 6 meters (4 deck squares @ 1.5m per square) is 19ft 8 inches (so call it 20 feet for convenience).

Now look at a lot of the deck plans for Traveller.
Something you're going to notice pretty quickly is that there are going to be long straight corridors of 4+ deck squares that make for excellent gunplay choke points ... but then there are going to be other locations (such as staterooms and at corners) where the distance is going to be shorter than 4 deck squares where ambush by melee weapon makes a lot of sense.

I was under the impression all ships had at least a range of positive/negative 3G control, with selectable areas particularly staterooms.
Citation please!
That doesn't feel right to me. :unsure:

LBB S7, p24 has the following:
Acceleration: 2G. Normal operations and cruising at 1G.
Gravitics: Adjustable 0.1 to 2.0 floor fields. Inertial compensators.

LBB S7, p33 has the following:
Gravitics: Intertial compensators. 1G floor field.

LBB A1, p10 has the following:
Gravitics: Standard inertial compensators, plus 1G floor field.

LBB A4, p22 has the following:
Gravitics: Ganged Forelle Field generators, with 1G floor fields.

LBB A10, p22 has the following:
Gravity: The safari ship has grav plates built into its flooring. These plates produce standard gravity within the ship's interior. Acceleration compensators are also installed to negate the effects of high acceleration and lateral G forces while maneuvering. The passengers on the ship would be unable to tell whether they were moving through space or grounded on a planet without looking outside.

Note that not a single citation across 4 LBB sources has said +/- 3G as you assert.

My assumption has always been that the internal gravity can be set to between 0G and 1G, with the intertial compensators taking care of the rest of the acceleration forces produced by the drives.

Now, an argument can be made that if you "pile in" the inertial compensators into the mix (as "extra G force" that can be applied. you're looking at a "usable range" of internal gravity fields ranging from 0G to Maneuver+1G in total. So a 2G drive craft can apply a maximum 3G force if you blend the inertial compensators into the mix. A 6G maneuver drive would require up to 7G of countering force to maintain a constant 1G interior field for crew and passengers (and cargo).
I can't help but ask the question again, never bring the gun, or bring the gun and the knife and pick the right tool for the environment you find yourself in?

I am not saying your points are wrong in any way, I just never understand the whole "one or the other" thinking. Why not both?

Extremely valid point. Thank you for correcting me.
I've just been in situations where the strategic stated guns would be useless, so I advanced tactical solutions which allowed me to say:
"No officer. I was afraid for my life and I didn't have time to think it through. I just acted on the best odds of success"