For reference, 18 feet is 5.5 meters ... and 6 meters (4 deck squares @ 1.5m per square) is 19ft 8 inches (so call it 20 feet for convenience).
Now look at a lot of the deck plans for Traveller.
Something you're going to notice pretty quickly is that there are going to be long straight corridors of 4+ deck squares that make for excellent gunplay choke points ... but then there are going to be other locations (such as staterooms and at corners) where the distance is going to be shorter than 4 deck squares where ambush by melee weapon makes a lot of sense.
Citation please!
That doesn't feel right to me.
LBB S7, p24 has the following:
LBB S7, p33 has the following:
LBB A1, p10 has the following:
LBB A4, p22 has the following:
LBB A10, p22 has the following:
Note that not a single citation across 4 LBB sources has said +/- 3G as you assert.
My assumption has always been that the internal gravity can be set to between 0G and 1G, with the intertial compensators taking care of the rest of the acceleration forces produced by the drives.
Now, an argument can be made that if you "pile in" the inertial compensators into the mix (as "extra G force" that can be applied. you're looking at a "usable range" of internal gravity fields ranging from 0G to Maneuver+1G in total. So a 2G drive craft can apply a maximum 3G force if you blend the inertial compensators into the mix. A 6G maneuver drive would require up to 7G of countering force to maintain a constant 1G interior field for crew and passengers (and cargo).