Who says what now? I asked why the Heyans would think they needed all the facilities of a class B starport.
I would base it on the fact that they would have to import the technology in order to have a class B starport.
Okay but I was basing my answer on why I thought the Heyans had a reason to need a Class B port not on whether they had the native capacity to maintain it. If I meet a Heyan I'll ask them why they think they need a Class B port.
I thinks Hans is entirely correct here. If they don't currently have the TL they CAN'T build a ship or boat yard of the required level. If they imported the higher TL EVERYTHING needed, they don't have the TL required to support it. They'd have to import all of the tech people in addition to the infrastructure.
If we believe anything else then we have to allow a TL1 world to build and maintain a TL 15 starport/shipyard/boatyard.
I do like T5s position that you CAN operate at a slightly higher TL, still, there are limits!
This is true. If you don't have a native TL that can support ship building then anything being produced at the Starport is being imported and just assembled. I do think if there is a resource worth exploiting then it might be worth importing all the technology and personnel to run it, like for example building an oil well in the desert. The good thing about Traveller is that you can use other parts of the UPP to represent this kind of imported tech and know how.
There's definitely no reason a TL1 planet could build and support a TL15 Starport/shipyard/boatyard not even with the help of a Monolith.
However (and I'm basing this on T5 WorldGen) the Starport is the interface between a World and wider Stellar Society. There's no reason why the locals have to be responsible for building and maintaining the Starport (actual ship
building should draw on the local tech base). If its in the Imperium's interest to keep contact with a world or exploit its position, they can bear the expense of the Starport.
Suppose in an ATU our TL1 society is on a planet half way between two important TL15 planets. The governments of those planets move in and build a Class A Starport with all the facilities and pay for everything because its at the max jump range between them, a natural stop over. Its extraterritorial because it belongs to the two governments not the world. In T5 terms there is no Prime Directive so technology leaks across the XT line and the Worlds TL is modified to TL7. Does this mean the Starport can produce Starships from local resources? No. Does it mean it can import and assemble all the bits to make a Starship. I'd say yes. Are the locals still wearing animal skins and using bronze tools with the odd solar powered TV in remote areas? I'd argue its possible.
And those will, by I3 income standards, be the very rich.
Several weeks/months living expense as well as Starship passage adds up quick. Then the cost of guides and outfitting equipment...
I do agree, some people will do it. Millions would visit Disney World so Orlando Florida will have a great economy. A few 10s to 100s will climb Mount Everest or K2, so, the Himalaya areas will still have a poor economy.
Rich people will do what rich people do, but, the easier the access, the more of them will go there.
Heya looks more like the Himalayas than Orlando.
I agree. "By the end of the 2010 climbing season, there had been 5,104 ascents to the summit by about 3,142 individuals" -Wikipedia stats. It seems to average about 160 ascents a year and almost none of the income generated reaches the local population.
There's a big difference between a resort world and a tourist destination. A resort world should have a huge volume of traffic in and out. A tourist destination might only be visited rarely. Thomas Cook the founded a travel agency in the 1800's that specialized in getting to what were then distant and hard to reach places. "While expensive enough that the trip would likely be the only one in their lifetime, the company would arrange for a variety of activities new to the middle class including museum visits, the opera, and mountain climbing." There's definitly potential for such a travel agency in Traveller.
No. Manned space rockets are TL 6.
Vostok 1 was launched 1961 thats TL6/7
The V2 was first launched in 1942 thats TL5
The final operational use of a V2 was in 1945. Thats a 3 year operational life. what I was saying that if you developed a technology and it matures over the course of a TL you might find expanded uses for it.
For example the A12 was a unrealized design based on the V2 which would have been able to put 10 tonnes in LEO.
Manned space rockets are a paradigm shift characteristic of TL6 because you can do it reliably or as a matter of course.
Now if we look at T5 specifically rockets to orbit are TL7 pegged at 1975AD. According to the rules I can actually build an
Experimental manned rocket that will get me to orbit at TL4 which is 1900AD. Its pulp, but its doable with a huge amount of resources and cutting edge technological research. Interestingly its also where rocketships to the stars come into public consciousness through Scientific Romances and early cinema in the realworld.