As you said, not a single ship was sunk in the battle (though some did not arrive to port after it), and most mission killed ships (you're right, not precisely with a single hit) were there to take for the winner. I've said many times this is what would happen at space battles with the HG/MT system: vrey few destroyed ships and many prizes to take (unless scuttled, of course). As always, most of that on the thread 'Use of caputred ships'.
well, i do note most capital designs have a significant number of ships troops attached to thier crew, so they clearly expect to be conducting boarding actions (or proforming company scale interventions on member worlds, i´m not sure).
but, as trafalgar shows us, not every ship captured is suitable for refitted and putting into service. a lot of the hulks were just that: hulks, too damaged to be worth repairing. the events after the fight meant that quite a few prizes were cast off for one reason and another.
think of it this way: do traveller starships have the means to repair somthing like a "fuel tanks shattered" hit, or a destroyed jump drive? can you jury rig a bridge for a ship where the orignal one is a glowing hole of meson irraditaed slag? and do this in "the field" with only what repiar equipment you carried? (i'll accept that specialst fleet tenders may be able to affect better repairs, but would you bring those along on an attack?)