We could certainly share some of the effort, and I'd be happy to streamline your PostScript a bit; the output could be a lot smaller and easier to tweak with a bit of work.Originally posted by robject:
I don't suppose you'd like to collaborate with the map gen stuff? I've wanted to do borders but just don't know the PS to do it. The algorithm seems fairly straightforward, at least to a first approximation -- if a neighbor is of a different allegiance, draw or emphasize the border, right? And map allegience codes to border colors...
On my side, I'm in the middle of creating a comprehensive configuration system for customizing the layout of the map, and most of that code would be directly applicable to your version (the PS and PDF drawing models are substantially identical, except for the availability of programming constructs in PS).
Oh, and thanks for the amber and red zones, although red is being drawn as a complete circle, overlapping the system name. It's always something, isn't it?

To draw regional borders (as opposed to generating them based on the data, or generating complete allegiances based on the distribution of UWPs on a map, which both have the potential to be fun), what I'm doing is adding a new keyword to my metadata file that lists all of the hexes along the outside edge of a connected region, in a specific order (starting in the lowest-numbered column, select the lowest-numbered hex, then go clockwise around the region, recording each hex once, until you're back to the start). To allow regions to appear to cross sector boundaries, the range is extended to 0000-3341, which count as inside but don't print (in fact you can just set a clipping region around the map edge to keep the code simple).
So, "region 0305 0404 0504 0503 0603 0604 0605 0606 0507 0406 0405 red" describes a region containing thirteen hexes, with a red border.