In the past, I've polled people about the .sec file formats, getting people's input and suggestions. In this thread I'd like to ask y'all's gut feelings about a variant .sec file format I've been thinking of.
This is not a brand-new format, but rather modifications of the current one. I have two different mods I'd like to put up for discussion, especially to folks who have written software to manipulate SEC data.
1. Sector tags. This variant is only used when data from multiple sectors is used; for instance, a 'four corners' map, or an 'edge' map (Raschev and Alenzar, for instance). This variant has several alternatives. The least damaging would include the two-character sector code in front of the hex number. For example, the world Shush in the Corridor sector:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Shush 0221 C662262-7 Lo Ni 623 Na M V </pre>[/QUOTE]Variant 1:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Shush eE-0221 C662262-7 Lo Ni 623 Na M V </pre>[/QUOTE]An alternate for the above would be to use the ring/ray notation instead of the sector-hexnum notation:
Variant 2:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Shush 9949/62771 C662262-7 Lo Ni 623 Na M V </pre>[/QUOTE]The above notation is less intuitive, but general for a much larger chunk of the galaxy.
2. XBoat tags. Currently, I store Xboat link data at the end of the UWP line; this way, the data is all together in one place. For example, Calida is a hub with comm/trade links to two neighboring worlds, one of which is a 'red line' and one of which is a 'blue line':
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Calida 0603 A667722-B C Ag 420 Im F V M V :0602r, 0604b</pre>[/QUOTE]However, Flynn's border code is decoupled from the map data. Is that a better way to store XBoat data as well?