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Mandatory Reenlistment


SOC-14 10K

What are you gonna do, tie me up?

Generating a character for T20 tonight I decided to muster out after a couple terms as a Mercenary. Problem was I rolled a 20. I've rolled mandatory reenlistment before but this time it hit me. What the fork did they think would keep me around! Did they have some dirt on me? (2 levels of Rogue) Had I signed some contractual agreement effectively making me their property? (knew I shoulda read the fine print) Were they still deducting pay for the shuttle I accidentally augured in while trying to land after the pilot blacked out? (skill but no proficiency, made my survival roll exactly)

In short (too late
) what rational do you use for your PC's when they face mandatory reenlistment? Have you ever considered granting some bonus for the term? "We really need you for this mission, how about a commission and promotion if you come back alive?" Or would you consider allowing the muster out to proceed but mark the PC as a wanted felon. "What do you mean the sergeant is awol? He took what!?"

Oh well now I feel a little creative so here's how I've decided to play it, in character, for your amusement. I wonder what the GM will think? (out of character notes in brackets)

The scene is any backwater, low law, startown bar...

I strolled up to the bar, dropped my duffle on the floor and kissed the stool with my butt. My legs were dead and I planned on sittin right there till the feeling came back or the rest of me was just as numb. The bartender walked over and looked at me. "Ice cold and no H2O." I said slapping a cred stick on the bar. "Run it up."

He came back shortly with a frosty mug of a dark ale, I drained it at a gulp and set it back down for a refill. I didn't taste that first one but it washed the field outta my mouth so I could taste the next one.

"Not hard to see you have a story, I'm all ears if you can spare a breath between drinks and want to get it off your chest." the bartender drawled while drawing the third mug.

It was early, there weren't many customers, so I guess he was bored. "Sure why not, they jumped a few hours ago and I'll be long gone before they can get back. I was in this two bit mercenary unit for two tours and my career was going nowhere. After a stint of technical training (university) on the cadre's dime (first level mercenary) learning high tech gunsmithing they put me through some basic (duty-training) and my natural talents emerged. I figured I was good, very good, and for sure I'd get some action and maybe a commission, but no. You got something to eat back there?"

After a little more ale to wash down the smoked groat I continued, "Where was I, oh yeah, dumbass that I was I signed up for another tour thinking they'd have to give me an assignment. What happens? They split up the unit and stick me teaching (duty-cadre) a bunch of raw recruits how to walk and chew gum at the same time. I toughed it out and was all ready to cash out and they pull my file and say 'No, you'll be required to serve another tour.' I lost it and started screaming at the clerk. He got the Lieutenant and that little snot explained it all to me. All I could say was 'yes sir', 'of course sir', 'I understand sir', while I stared at the reticle glowing on his forehead. I didn't see any other way out so to keep from going reaper on the officers and gettin myself spaced for murder I left. Just grabbed a chute, hacked a drop tube, and haloed when they dumped the trash as they lifted off this little world of yours. I landed about six klicks outta town and hiked back here."

I was starting to feel a little better so I finished the one in front of me and said "One more for the road and I think I'll go look for some transport offworld. Draw yourself a hunnert for a tip, and if you know anyone outbound looking for some security crew you can double it."

The bartender slid another mug in front of me and thought for a minute, then shook his head, "Nope, not off hand." He pulled the cred stick and returned it, the balance was over 40K, just one of several of the unit's payroll credsticks. They'd miss it next planetfall I guessed.

I started to get up off the stool but there was a loud buzzing sound in my ears and I landed on the floor. Somebody was yelling at me and as my eyes focused I could see the ceiling of my barracks cot on the mercenary cruiser, and the Lieutenant standing over me yelling that I was gonna be late for breakfast and how he was willing to forgive my drunkenness, this one time only, because my muster didn't go through. So, it was only a dream. Ah well it mighta worked, and it was a nice dream while it lasted, but the Lieutenant was going to have to do something about that birthmark on his forehead, it was starting to give me ideas...
Originally posted by far-trader:

What are you gonna do, tie me up?
Not our fault, Mr. Next time you sign a contract made up by Bwaps, try reading the "VERY VERY VERY FINE prints"

Guess you still have some work to do for us, so if you'd kindly get on that ship and shut up, you might actually get *PAID* too...

... Even if it's *NOT* in the fine prints.


There is also the "Got caught and they let me live If I'd do a contract for them..."
Yep, I shoulda taken that elective class in Intersteller Law

And the second option you mention is also so very in character.
I was thinking along those lines and shall reconsider it.
Well, in the US military it's called Stop Loss. It can be envoked if the President declares a state of national emergency. It's been done at least three times in the last 12 years that I am aware of. It's only supposed to last for the duration of the emergency, but lots of guys who were going to get out end up re-enlisting while under stop loss, and there is no limit to how long the emergency could last. Since M.M. was a US Army Vet himself, I think he added that element of the US military system to the original CG system, and it has stuck ever since.

Just my thoughts,

Thanks Ranger, I had thought that was the most likely origin and actually meant to ask if any service personnel could shed some light on the real life origins of it. Does anyone know of any real life civilian mandatory reenlistment like circumstances?
Does anyone know of any real life civilian mandatory reenlistment like circumstances? [/QB]
Hmmm. Okay, what if the character was under a contractual obligation to finish a project, and the project is running late? Imagine a computer programmer, hired to upgrade the database system in a corporation. She's hired for the project, which is estimated to run for four years. But at the end of that time, it's running late. There was the fire in the data processing center, an important vendor went bankrupt, etc. So, on her freedom date, the project isn't done, and her employer invokes that little clause that requires her to stay on until completion.

This being the case, and also with the military "stop loss" regulation, it implies that the last term could be less than the full four years, doesn't it? I wonder if that would be worth the effort of doing....
Originally posted by CarlP:
This being the case, and also with the military "stop loss" regulation, it implies that the last term could be less than the full four years, doesn't it? I wonder if that would be worth the effort of doing....
Personally, I have a bit of a problem with hardcoded "4 year terms". OK for University/Army terms (you signed up for it or you can`t cramm more course in, and you don`t really "fail" some courses) but for others, doing 4 year hard term means that after X terms everyone is ALWAYS the SAME age.

Personally, I think I'll add a bit of randomness, lets say +- 1 year to each term. Should be the same on average, and will get me a tad more realistic background than "I did 4 years as a trader, 4 years as a Scientist, 4 years in Mechanics school, 4 years as a mechanic"
Thanks all.

Yes, private sector "contractural obligations", why didn't I see that. Sure I saw it for my mercenary but blanked beyond that. "Well sir, you deserve to retire, and your career has been long and stellar. However your agent seems to have skipped with your accounts and neglected to pay any taxes for the last 10 years, you owe the Imperial Government about Mcr 2.88, maybe you'd better make one more tour."

I think I like Sandman's idea too. It is allowed for T20 university if you have a high enough ability. I can see it as a possible for prior history. Maybe tie it in with the voluntary Dm for survival? Play it safe and your term is a year longer, take a risk and your term is a year shorter.

And since TJ asked so nice I'll finish the story and maybe even post the character for free use as an npc. I'll have to do it a little later though, I'm still not 100% and getting a little drowsy already <yawn>
Originally posted by far-trader:
Maybe tie it in with the voluntary Dm for survival? Play it safe and your term is a year longer, take a risk and your term is a year shorter.
Since you can play it safe and get less reward already, that could be a nice way to put it.
Originally posted by far-trader:
Generating a character for T20 tonight I decided to muster out after a couple terms as a Mercenary. Problem was I rolled a 20. I've rolled mandatory reenlistment before but this time it hit me. What the fork did they think would keep me around!
It's not necessarily 'they' (although in the case of military careers, it's the easiest explanation). Life simply conspires to keep you in your present occupation despite your wishes. It's up to you to come up with the specific explanation. Maybe you needed to stick around to make sure your illegitimate child got a proper start in life. Maybe someone made you an offer you couldn't refuse. Maybe you had to support an aging parent. Maybe you had an SO you didn't want to leave. It's up to you.

Well put rancke, thanks for some additional inspiration
As you'll note from my post I do tend to spin tales from the die rolls. I've always found that the primary allure of Traveller's character history generation. In part my posting was to get some other gray cells cooking on this for variety. The thought that my own imagination might have been underworked hit me that night when for the first time I wondered "what if" a character didn't want to agree to 'mandatory reenlistment'. I figured if it (finally) occured to me it might occour to a player in my game (or someone else's) and so forewarned I sought to be forearmed. Thanks again to all, but by all means keep it coming if you wish.
I have to say, Far-trader, I hope all of my players can come up with as good a tale for their characters' histories. Some of my players are quite creative, but still: you spun a good one.

Another option is: new management. I'm not sure if your MERC group was owned by a planet, corporation, or independant, but the group could have been bought by another organization/government entity/what-have-you, and the contract for the sale stated that all active personnel (during the time of negotiation) will work a minimum of one term duration. In that case, the group screwed anyone about to muster out. And who knows, it might even be legal.
Hello and welcome Chrisdaddy. Thanks for the praise, and the alternative idea. I like it a lot, and its not a bad idea for a MercCorp either.

"Under New Management"

When the old regime just has to go, hire the MercCorp you can trust to put you in charge.


OK, I'm definately reading too much Schlock Mercenary

<<< ommmmminous hummmmmmmm >>>>

... eh? What's that?


Or just the right amount, yeah I mean just the right amount, can't get enough, everybody should read it!
Originally posted by far-trader:
OK, I'm definately reading too much Schlock Mercenary

<<< ommmmminous hummmmmmmm >>>>

... eh? What's that?
Sorry, but there just isn't "too much Schlock Mercenary".

I got hooked a while ago (by the strip where the Reverend says "Sucks to be you" - twice) and wasted a couple of evenings reading from the beginning. I still follow it.
Taking an idea from the Linkworlds Cluster, what if on yoyr character's last tour with his merc force, they end up on a world that gets declared an Amber Zone with all travel offplanet outlawed until the Imps decide the 'emergency' is over?

Alternatively, you could have been captured and held, rather than ransomed. When the merc force finally breaks you out, you discover that you were not going to get rescued because your contract had expired - so the boss went ahead and renewed it for you so they'd have an excuse to mount the rescue ...
Originally posted by daryen:
Sorry, but there just isn't "too much Schlock Mercenary".
Oh no, I totally agree :D

Nobody has to point a BH-209 at my head...

at least not twice ;)

How's that Sarge? :confused:
