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Mechs in Traveller?

Originally posted by Jamus:
I agree Slyen2, almost seems like Gravitic tech is a crutch to allow for the hand waveing of all sorts of stuff.

IMTU grav tech and grav modules are so fragile that they are impracticle to use on a cambat vehicle.

Use the same rule in YTU and let MI and mechs rule as they should
Indeed, to each their own but I'd like to see more Mechs too. My own TU sees them in very common use under some circumstances, like cargo handling versions like the one Ripley used in Aliens(?) to fight the queen "hand-to-hand". These would be used in places where Gravitics were less efficient for whatever reason. And of course there are some military models.

One thing I'd disagree with is the stamp of fragile and impracticle to use on a combat vehicle assessment. They'd be no poorer than modern combat helicopters and in many ways superior imo. One might just as easily say that Mechs are impractical for combat due to being prone to falling because of their inherent design weakness of being bipedal. One might, but I think that can be overcome too, at least to a degree. Each system has its own weaknesses and strengths and ideal theatre of operations.

As for Gravitics being a handwave, well I believe there is some serious science making advances, but yes it is mostly a game device. So players don't have to worry about the effects of prolonged weightlessness, crushing Gee forces in combat, calculating specific mass for every gravity well you work in, and recalculating it every couple minutes as you burn fuel, refuel, expend munitions, load cargo, off-load cargo, etc., etc., etc...

Not that I'm against a more realistic game, its just that Traveller is close enough.
also one note on a grav vehicle...

if a foot comes down on it from a mech than it wont fall it will just be crushed in the sky then fall. where with a mech it cant be crushed.
Star Wars had mechs of a sort, the AT-AT (all-terrain assault transport) and AT-ST (AT- scout transport) walkers. These were designed not only as weapon and troop carriers, but to inspire terror in opponents. A good version of mechs, imo. Though I, like far-trader, would prefer smaller mechs, sort of like in that old cartoon "Exo Squad."

One thing about mechs in most anime is that they cause as much destruction as they're supposed to prevent...
well the battletech mech where 15m tall. The gasaraki ones are 4.4m tall. In traveller id make them more like the gasaraki mechs.
I also prefer the smaller mechs, along the lines of the combat walkers of 2300ad or the exo suits of 'Exo-Squad'. These would be shock troops, support weapons, or light armor for the support of jump troops or light infantry/airmobile units. I envision them spanning the TL9 to TL12 era, or maybe lasting as a viable alternative into TL13.
Ive thought about the topic some more. I think that MT and GT would probably be the easiest systems to use for mech building. Especially GT; GURPS does have a book out, GURPS MECHA, which should'nt be to difficult to integrate into GT.
One of my favorite power suits/armor suits was from Living Steel (RPG). I liked the way Maximum Metal talked about how the big suits were great in limited environment and that the Dragoon cyber person could go places were no big (mech) suit could go.

If you are really into powersuits and mechs I would recommend looking at these 2 system books

Though I like BT and played it back when it was around my idea of a mech for traveller is the mobile infantry suits from "starship troopers" about 4 or 5 meters tall, very mobile, well armed, and best of all deployable from space.
6. these arent ment to be all powerfull but to be more mounverable than coventional tanks and faster than them too. so then they might turn out to be the tie fighter of ground combat in traveller, but a Grav tank wont always win aganst one.
There seems to be some assumption that a grav tank has to be close to the ground. If I understand it correctly a grav tank is like an air raft. It can fly really high and is capable of reaching orbit eventually.

Against something flying that high, anything on the ground is basically a sitting duck. :(
not if you have stingers....hehehehe
I think stingers are fairly short range. In terms of range I was thinking more like 10 or 20 miles straight up. That requires a really large missile with most of it taken up with fuel and engines. A guided bomb, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. Most of the volume is payload, gravity does the rest.
see thats why they have grav packs moduals for rapid redpolyment as well as sky battles effectivly making it a Grav vehicle in itself but lowering of manuverability.
I read this good technical analysis of ATATs once which showed they can be practical and effective gunnery platforms. I think the psycological shock especially on poorly trained troops or ones from primative cultures would be greater with walkers though grav vehicles would also be terrifying.

Perhaps on a world with strange gravity or weather conditions grav vehicles would be impractical and walkers could be useful.

Also lets not forget that giant robots kicking seven shades of steel out of each other is always damn cool. IMTUs entertainment for my players always has to take a back seat to hard science when it comes to the last hurdle.

I have suits of heavy battle dress about 10-15 feet tall which mount heavier weapons and are used to support regular battledress infantry. I was thinking about Starship Troopers while designing them.

There are many types of "mechs" however in science fiction and some of them could fit into Traveller others might not.

Ranging from the heavier battledress of Starship Troopers to Battletech style walking tanks. Then of course there are the tower block sized land battleships of Warhammer 40,000 and the camel like AT-ATs of Star Wars. All of these are cool and would look good smashing stuff up.

Oh by the way why has no one mentioned Transformers?
Jamus said,
I can name one reason to use mechs in a Trav game.

Cool Factor!!!

everyone loves mechs.
How about a mech that is made up of 5 smaller mechs in the shape of mechanical lions. One lion is the chest and head, two mechs are the arms, and two mechs are the legs. One of the mech operators has a severe speech impediment and has trouble getting out what he wants to say. Also these 5 mech operators have a unique form of personal attack when they form a human pyramid and spin around to create a whirlwind. Do you envision something like that?
I am sorry if you took my meds remark seriously...that was a joke, I hope you will forgive me

1. mechs are here. japan has a few they use for constrution. only a matter of time/tech before we see mobile battle suits.
which units in Warhammer 40k where you talking about spiderfishy?

also transformers would be standerd robots because they where cybernetic lifeforms but they may have something like that in the 2 new series that where in Japanese anime style.(Blah Fakers)
Titan War Machines

They are really Epic units which so far has kept such power away from 12 year old munckins.


Thats a Warlord Titan the sort of mid level heavy battle titan. Hundred plus feet tall and a few thousand tons. Good background behind them too.

Sorry its so big but i just picked the best picture i could find off google.