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Mechs in Traveller?

We already know mechs or giant robots exist in Traveller from the pictures (not designs) and as I
recall mostly T4 pictures. So, whether larger mechs are used for combat is the question...

Now if we have gravitics we can build larger mechs and relieve ground pressure. Not a big issue.

Star Wars--- if the invasion commander analyzed (as we can in traveller) the site from orbit, they might have determined that the snow was only a few feet deep.

what i was meaning was using Xwings to level Veer's forces the pull the same plan but would be able to get the same amount of forces out if not more.

also about Bobba Fett tracking the Rebel Fleet he couldn't have done because by the time Vader would have gotten him there the fleet would have been at Sullust already.
Support staff for Mechs would be specialised eletrical and mechanical engineers with training in repairing systems specific to the mechs as well as systems utilized by other vehicles which are built into the mechs such as weaponry.

For example you may have engineers specialising in servo motors, weaponry or gravitivs (if the mech has some flight capability). These are only three of a massive list of roles which would need to be filled by generalists or specialists.
Probably usefull.

High velocity combine that with a big round and you can have a pretty powerful weapons system. You could probably fit a mech configurable weapons pods or something to give you mission specific weapons choices.
I would say no, unless you also inlcuded the equivalent of a remote control system (p.236) and visual sensors on the weapon, and then you're pretty much describing a type of turret

A pintle mount is nothing more than a solid pole to mount a weapon. The big gun on the Warthog in Halo is a good example.
I already knew the Warthog's gun was a pintale mount but what im wondering about is the Pelican's from Halo chain gun and a gun arm for a mech.
Ogres only work in the Ogre world becuase there is so much orbital debris that you can't get to orbit safely, and BPC is so tough that only direct nuke hits have much effect upon the stuff behind the BPC. In Ogre, all the counters throw NUKES as their main weapons (Battlesuit says even the infantry do; WOO is a revisionist approach to it...).

Now, a single meson hit in the right spot will KILL an ogre...
There was a very funny Irregular Webcomic a few weeks back that appeared in a Pyramid issue.
  • First frame: GM desribing characters walking through the woods and coming across a clearing with a single ogre sitting in it.</font>
  • Next 5 frames: various characters describing why the ogre is such a non-challenge for them.</font>
  • Next to last fame: GM saying "Okay, you asked for it."</font>
  • Last frame: GM holding up GURPS Ogre book and saying "Roll. For. Initiative."</font>