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Mechs in Traveller?

I think the titans, neat as they are would be a logistics nightmare. imagine transporting that thing to orbit and from star to star.
Aye, no doubt. IIRC, the big 'uns have an infantry company in the legs to prevent Battletech Clan elemental tactics.
Why? Is it made of Nukepruf® super-duper armor so nobody can hurt it when it curls into the fetal position? ;)
Originally posted by far-trader:
One thing I'd disagree with is the stamp of fragile and impracticle to use on a combat vehicle assessment. They'd be no poorer than modern combat helicopters and in many ways superior imo. One might just as easily say that Mechs are impractical for combat due to being prone to falling because of their inherent design weakness of being bipedal. One might, but I think that can be overcome too, at least to a degree. Each system has its own weaknesses and strengths and ideal theatre of operations.
Larger, slower targets than choppers. You can't hit a chopper with an AT gun, and it is no easy piece to hit them with AA guns. You can hit a mech with a tank main gun, or howitzer, field arty, etc.
Yes the Imperator class Titan carries a company of Adeptus Mechanicus infantry in its legs to beat up anyone trying to get close.
Originally posted by Straybow:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by far-trader:
One thing I'd disagree with is the stamp of fragile and impracticle to use on a combat vehicle assessment. They'd be no poorer than modern combat helicopters and in many ways superior imo. One might just as easily say that Mechs are impractical for combat due to being prone to falling because of their inherent design weakness of being bipedal. One might, but I think that can be overcome too, at least to a degree. Each system has its own weaknesses and strengths and ideal theatre of operations.
Larger, slower targets than choppers. You can't hit a chopper with an AT gun, and it is no easy piece to hit them with AA guns. You can hit a mech with a tank main gun, or howitzer, field arty, etc. </font>[/QUOTE]:confused:

Did you misunderstand my point or am I missing yours? I was speaking to Jamus' comment that he thought grav tech was fragile and unsuitable for combat vehicles. I countered (quote above) that it would be as good or better than helicopters, a technology that does see combat use.

I think you are saying that Mechs would be larger, slower targets than helo's and in that I think we agree, at least for the bigger Mechs.

Just want to make my point clear as you seem to have missed it and taken it out of context entirely
That's what I thought. I never played Epic 40K, and I ran out of opponents shortly after WH40K3 came out. I'm still bitter about the Squats being done away with, but then, I wouldn't be a proper Squats player if I weren't.
One might just as easily say that Mechs are impractical for combat due to being prone to falling because of their inherent design weakness of being bipedal. One might, but I think that can be overcome too, at least to a degree. Each system has its own weaknesses and strengths and ideal theatre of operations.
Prehistoric man could defeat a mammoth using a large covered pit. Unless you used some kind of sensors testing the ground this should work quite well against Mechs. Imagine the headlines.. 200MCr Mech brought down by spear wielding savages. :eek:
Originally posted by Marvo:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> One might just as easily say that Mechs are impractical for combat due to being prone to falling because of their inherent design weakness of being bipedal. One might, but I think that can be overcome too, at least to a degree. Each system has its own weaknesses and strengths and ideal theatre of operations.
Prehistoric man could defeat a mammoth using a large covered pit. Unless you used some kind of sensors testing the ground this should work quite well against Mechs. Imagine the headlines.. 200MCr Mech brought down by spear wielding savages. :eek: </font>[/QUOTE]Yes, a possibility, but I'd expect even basic infrared sensors to detect such a prehistoric trap. Now a high tech intrenched foe, that's another story ;)

Heck ever some low tech stuff might be a pain...

"Alright men, realease the bearings!"

"Wait for it, ok, NOW! Hah, let's see them walk on greased duracrete!"

When I posted that statement quoted above I naturally had the silly SW Hoth scene in mind...

"Right, so the plan is we fly right up to these Imperial Walkers without getting pasted and then just when the legs are together in mid stride I fire an anchor cable, you do a couple quick wraps and detach it and the Walker will trip and fall down and go BOOM, uh huh, good luck with that Luke. HEY HAN! GOT ROOM FOR A GUNNER?"
How come they didn't use Lasers at Hoth i mean they said that blasters won't pierce the armor but lasers and Photon Torps can. So how come they didn't deploy the X-wings?

also mechs are subosed to get up again if they fall and are bipodal.
Well iirc there were not too many X-Wings left (or they were off elsewhere) and they were all tasked with escorting the transports out (at 2 per transport I think) while some troops held off the Walkers that were attacking the power station for the defense shields, or something like that

Yeah your basic bipedal mech, with arms, should be able to get up if it falls (and doesn't break something). The big AT-AT's quadraped would be a pain to right if they went down on their side but I'm sure they could sit down on all fours and get back up pretty quickly and easily. I don't think it would be too easy to trip them (the quads) but all mechs have a major weakness, the terrain, which can be made more hostile with a little work and/or time.
Yes.. but the air fighters didn't seem to be all that better than the AT-ATs. More than likely
the AT-ATs provided more assault options on a fortification while spending the majority of its power on weapons. The mech can use its physical strength to enter the facility, if necessary.

The reason I brought up star wars many, many pages ago was the fact that they went from gravitics during the republic to mechs during the Empire.
Perhaps there was also a fear factor vs troops.

Lets also remember that it was Luke "the force is strong in me" skywalker that tripped the AT-AT.

well if they used the Xwings agaisnt the walkers they wouldn't have had to leave right then because they wouldn't have a direct threat at the momunt.

also i agree. "handed" mechs (and most others) that are small enough can force themselves into an installation.
Actually Slyen2,
Vader was upset because the fleet no element of suprise to the Rebellion. Basically, they didn't
have a solid blockade in place around the planet.

If they'd used X-fighters to eliminate the ground
assault they'd never have been able to escape
the planet with the majority of their forces.
It they'd attempted to launch the transports without the x-fighters defending...tie fighters would've decimated the escape.

Good questions about the defense include but
these move away from the mech discussion;
1. where was the rebel fleet...don't they
protect their bases with more than a shield generator
2. Couldn't the empire track the transports.
The bounty hunter could followed/tracked Hans.

More than likely a combination of the two forces
(Gravitics and Mechs) would me the best approach.

So, what would be critical in a good "realistic" mech design?

1 - Size - What would be a reasonable size limit?

Yes 30+ story tall mechs are imposing but the ground pressure would be massive. So how big is too big? Maybe it'd be a factor of the actual number of motive limbs (i.e. legs).

2 - Limbs - How many and what type?

Legs, well two at least, maybe. A pogo mech would be bizarre but possible if impractical. I did see a demonstration of a pogo-bot a while back but can't remember the point of it except to see if it could be done and to learn more about the whole computer controlled balance thing. Four, six or eight are all well expressed in nature too. Pairing seems the norm but needn't be a requirement, Starfish come to mind.

Arms, well two for humaniform, syditiaform mechs would likely have four. Some multiple limbed forms might make use of dual purpose models, able to serve as either legs or arms. Variations might include tentacle like versions.

Tails, any reason to see a purpose for them? Maybe a dinosaur inspired defense or attack dedicated limb? Sweep or smash troops or vehicles that get too close. Could also serve as a valuable extra stability and balance mechanism as in nature.

3 - Controls and Crew - What type and how many? Teleoperated style for humaniform mechs? Or a "driver" for the legs and a "manipulator" for (each of?) the arms (with cross trained crew for multifunciton limbs)?

4 - Weaponry - Turrets, fixed mounts, and/or "swapable" arsenals for use by the arms? In the case of arm carried swapable weapons would you have a single type and carry ammo/power for it aboard or would it be disposable, or both?

5 - Armor - How heavily armored? Maxed out for the tech level or dependant on variants (heavies, scouts, etc.)?

6 - Features - Would mechs be strictly combat vehicles or would you have troop carriers, supply mechs, evac/med mechs, and others?

Add to the list and expand on the points, I'm sure I'm missing a few things
1 - Size - What would be a reasonable size limit?
3 to 5 meters i would say, more than that and you would be better off with a tank. one of the strengths of the MI/Mech concept is it would be able to go in and winkle dug in enemy out of thier holes. also mobility is an issue.

2 - Limbs - How many and what type?
Humanoid shape imo two arms, two legs, no tail.

3 - Controls and Crew -
One crew, nueral interface at high tech levels or same as a set of battle dress.

4 - Weaponry - Turrets, fixed mounts, and/or "swapable" arsenals for use by the arms? In the case of arm carried swapable weapons would you have a single type and carry ammo/power for it aboard or would it be disposable, or both?
over the shoulder mount missle launcher
set up to suit mission statement. one man in squad detailed as AA and given upgraded FC progs in onboard comp. launcher holds 10 missles.

left arm plasma gun man portable built in and powered by the mechs fusion core. back up weapon.

Mech carries a heavy weapon to taste and mission requirment much as a soldier in standard battle dress would. weapon is powered from the mechs core.

5 - Armor - How heavily armored? Maxed out for the tech level or dependant on variants (heavies, scouts, etc.)?
Maximum armor possible while maintaining mobility.
no scouts...uplink to ships in orbit or light armored SOG forces will supply intel. also mechs armor is covered with comoflage receptors that project what is behind the mech onto the front of the mech. <this tech is already here>

6 - Features - Would mechs be strictly combat vehicles or would you have troop carriers, supply mechs, evac/med mechs, and others?
Strickly combat, everything else would be more cheaply done by conventional vehicles.

Add to the list and expand on the points, I'm sure I'm missing a few things
7- deployment - how will these mechs be deployed?

launched from a mech transport ship from upper atmospher/near orbit. mechs are sealed inside ablative torpedoes and launched at the target. 2 in 3 torpedoes are blanks filled with chaff and ecm devices and are set to explode on the way down to cover the mechs approach.

Mech torpedo falls away at 500 feet. parachutes deploy to slow mech rate of decent down. at 100 feet parachutes release. at 25 feet mechs conta grav bounce pack kicks in to bring it gently to the ground.

8- how will the mech communicate?

Each mech team will have a fleet liason on station in orbit aboard the corvette feeding the mechs satelite data current intel and keeping them informed on know enemy movements. each mech will have the ability to call for orbital bombardment via uplink. in the case where mechs do not control orbit liason will operate from bunker and will be able to direct conventional arty or missle barrages to the mechs targets.

mechs will operate in a platoon of ten including on dedicated AA mech. each platoon can be broken down into five fire teams of two mechs each.
three platoons will equal a mech company
three companies plus HQ elements will equal a battalion.
Jamus said pretty much what i would have said but there are some diffrances...

as with weapons i wouldn't put missle luncher but i would put a grenade luncher or so. also it would be bad to have a VRF gauss gun for that anti personal role.

also there could be specialized landers for the mechs instead of a torpedo. also they could be deployed directly from a starship if it has a cargo hold big enough.

As for communications there should be intermech contact also.

specalized suits that i can think of would be 2: a Recon suit with light armor and weapons but better stealth, and a Space varient to fill a fighter's role but with possibly lighter weapons or armor.

as for organization i would say 4 mechs to a Platoon. 4 platoons to a company. 4 companies to a Battalion. 4 Battalions to regiment and so for and so on.