Originally posted by Ron Vutpakdi:
One current day analogue that might serve as a model of one type of medical ship is the ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital. ORBIS is an organization that flys a converted DC-10 around the world performing eye surgeries to help developing countries by teaching their medical personnel and directly providing advanced surgeries. A tour is available at:
Tour ORBIS's DC-10
A Traveller equivalent could be constructed out of a converted Far Trader.
Come to think of it, such a ship could be the basis for a pretty good medically oriented traveller campaign. The pilot, astrogator, and engineer could be volunteers to add skills and other character types to the mix.
I haven't had enough time to think about it seriously, but here are some quick musings on a conversion based on the Empress Marava/Prince Therivian deckplans and the T20 version of the far trader:
Crew sleep in the 6 former passenger's quarters + the cabin near the bridge. Consists of 3 ship crew, lead doctor/captain, 2 technicians, 2 doctors, 5 nurses. Double cabins except for the lead doctor.
3 lower (crew) cabins: 2 converted to a sickbay. Captain's cabin now a conference room.
Cargo hold (was 66 tons): Add T-12 fuel purification plant (ship goes off the mains to less developed worlds) (-6 tons). Classroom (-12 tons). Operating Suite (-8 tons). Recovery Suite (-8 tons). Prep Suite (-2 tons). Technical Support/Repair Shop (-6 tons). Examination/Reception (-4 tons). 2 Freshers (-1 ton). Reserved for cargo: 19 tons.
Other: Ship has dual turrets, both filled with a sandcaster and a beam laser. The ship is painted white with a large stylized eye and a red cross on the ship. Ship retains other fittings such as drives and low berths.
General background/setting. ORBIS (or some similar organization) has a number of converted ships that travel around the sector going to less developed worlds and teaching medical techniques (of a particular specialty). The crew is either volunteer, seconded as a community service by a shipping line, or paid by the non profit group.
What do you think?