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MegaTraveller CD-Rom



Well I ordered and recieved this just this past friday and as I was reading through it I discovered that pages 27, 28, 63,and 64 are missing from the Players Manuel.

I've also read though Referre's Manual and the Imperial Encylopedia and haven't found missing pages in them.

The rest of the books I haven't checked yet but I hope they are intact as well.

So is there anyway I can get those missing pages? I dislike having an incomplete book when it's one that's printed but to get an incomplete PDF of a book now that's a little more then irritating.

I hope the CT CD-Rom is free of such errors.
Well I ordered and recieved this just this past friday and as I was reading through it I discovered that pages 27, 28, 63,and 64 are missing from the Players Manuel.

I've also read though Referre's Manual and the Imperial Encylopedia and haven't found missing pages in them.

The rest of the books I haven't checked yet but I hope they are intact as well.

So is there anyway I can get those missing pages? I dislike having an incomplete book when it's one that's printed but to get an incomplete PDF of a book now that's a little more then irritating.

I hope the CT CD-Rom is free of such errors.
Well I ordered and recieved this just this past friday and as I was reading through it I discovered that pages 27, 28, 63,and 64 are missing from the Players Manuel.

I've also read though Referre's Manual and the Imperial Encylopedia and haven't found missing pages in them.

The rest of the books I haven't checked yet but I hope they are intact as well.

So is there anyway I can get those missing pages? I dislike having an incomplete book when it's one that's printed but to get an incomplete PDF of a book now that's a little more then irritating.

I hope the CT CD-Rom is free of such errors.
As soon as I can figure out where Adobe 8 Reader put the "cut image" tool, I'll send them to you.

Pg 27 Skills
Pg 28 Skill List
Pg 63 - Enhanced Merchant Characters
Pg 64 - Mercenary & Navy Character Generation Checklist

You will need the consolidated errata to use these. If you don't have a copy of it, it can be downloaded at:


Have a great day,

Harry Bryan
From what I understand this is the same problematic rendering of the CD ROM that has so much grief on these boards. Marc is working on replacing it, I sent in my comments along with everyone else. You might want to resurrect that thread and PM Dalton to ask Marc about additional ones.
From what I understand this is the same problematic rendering of the CD ROM that has so much grief on these boards. Marc is working on replacing it, I sent in my comments along with everyone else. You might want to resurrect that thread and PM Dalton to ask Marc about additional ones.
From what I understand this is the same problematic rendering of the CD ROM that has so much grief on these boards. Marc is working on replacing it, I sent in my comments along with everyone else. You might want to resurrect that thread and PM Dalton to ask Marc about additional ones.
Thank you. Between those missing pages and all the upside down ones in the other books and the Errata I feel that this game is going to see a ton of house rules just to make it run semi-smooth (and this is from a guy that runs HackMaster by the rules).

I picked up the errata while I was waiting for the CD to show up and was floored with the amount of errata for just the players book which is barely over 100 pages in length.
Thank you. Between those missing pages and all the upside down ones in the other books and the Errata I feel that this game is going to see a ton of house rules just to make it run semi-smooth (and this is from a guy that runs HackMaster by the rules).

I picked up the errata while I was waiting for the CD to show up and was floored with the amount of errata for just the players book which is barely over 100 pages in length.
Thank you. Between those missing pages and all the upside down ones in the other books and the Errata I feel that this game is going to see a ton of house rules just to make it run semi-smooth (and this is from a guy that runs HackMaster by the rules).

I picked up the errata while I was waiting for the CD to show up and was floored with the amount of errata for just the players book which is barely over 100 pages in length.
Hello All:

Does anyone know if you can transfer the PDFs from the CD to a Palm? Never have been able to port over any of the ones I have gotten from DTRPG/RPGNow...would love to be able too...
Hello All:

Does anyone know if you can transfer the PDFs from the CD to a Palm? Never have been able to port over any of the ones I have gotten from DTRPG/RPGNow...would love to be able too...
Hello All:

Does anyone know if you can transfer the PDFs from the CD to a Palm? Never have been able to port over any of the ones I have gotten from DTRPG/RPGNow...would love to be able too...


I haven't had a chance to check if the MT CD-ROM I got is has a bollixed player's manual, but I've been using a PDF version of MT Player's Manual I got either off of DTRPG or RPGNow a while back and it seemed to have all the pages (the ones I was looking for were chargen and skills). Not having those would be problematic.

Oddly, despite the vast bulk of errata, the game is quite playable since the skill system is the main aspect of it. Chargen errata is usually of moderate to no significance (and is done with once PCs are generated).

Vehicle and Ship building errata are significant if you worry about that - I just DL'd a few tools from around the net like Ships For Windows from Ace and the Dog that does my builds for me. I'm told it has errata and house rules, but it gives me a consistent standard, even if it has issues.

Having all this stuff in PDF is great, even if hte PDFs aren't perfect. Being able to move my Traveller library around on a hard disk drive rather than in 3 very large collapsible crates is a bit of a godsend. That's not quite true yet since I can't get the FASA/JG/other small press stuff all in PDF yet, but one day I'll have managed the feat of getting all that stuff electronic.