i see that the solar cells will recharge the batteries in 4.41 hours (4h 25m), is it possible to increase the total m^2 of solar panels to drop it to 4h even? or even to 2h, as this would allow you to run with extended life support. This would allow you to run emergency life support off the solar panels during the day (or in space), and batteries at night (or in orbit on the dark side), and by shutting off non-vital areas it could allow you to trickle charge the batteries during the day while still running life support off of the solar cells. an integrated system, with minimal volume considerations but a possible increase to cost, would switch between the two relatively seamlessly.
just a thought.
Edit: after perusing the spreadsheet i see that in order to do that you would have to have a deployed solar panel array. which would eat up space, unless someone has come up with rules for having fold-up arrays mounted externally in the space reserved for standard arrays.
nice work on the excel sheet, btw. a few more notations would help those of us going "huh?" at your side notes, but other than that- a fine job.
Edit part Deux: I noticed you're pulling more power than the PP is generating by a significant margin.
what i see here in the spreadsheet is that you pull a total of 2037.2114Mw. your power plant generates 2016Mw, with an additional 6.642 from solar panels and 29.4 stored in batteries. even by running without the fuel processor, any com systems except radio, ems passive only, and no power to the probe launcher, you are still pulling 2022.6978Mw
this could be a problem.

Edit the Third: you had left your discretionary fuel in the calculations for life support, as well as the fuel processor and possibly the g-carrier and its fittings. so i removed all those from the calculations and you can reduce your PP to around 108.6kl - giving you 342.3381 kl left over......
one side effect, your batteries now last 5.79+ hours and your solar panels should be able to run things during daylight and shunt a small amount to the batteries.
if i'm reading this right- i haven't messed with megatraveller in a lonnnnnng time.........