• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.


Adam Dray

Two dukes of a pair of adjacent, but fairly isolated 3I sectors have agreed to host a "Moot" of their own, to collect proxies and represent the issues of counts and barons at the real Moot coming up in six or eight months. The nobles meet for wining and dining and diplomacy, horse trading among themselves to determine where their proxies go.

What sectors are interesting for this?

What issues might be forefront in the minds of the smaller nobles? They don't have to be canon issues, but they need to be plausibly canon issues.

Extra points if you include systems that host patents of nobility that will be physically represented at TravellerCon... (see what I'm doing here?)
the distribution of naval forces to better align with local threats (ie everyone wants a Batron stationed in their system)

the local nobles reaction to the recent passing (or the imminently expected passing) of a Core sector noble which has been representing their intrest in the Moot proper.

Rumors are flying that the Domain Archduke is planning to announce a major investment into starports and associated infrastructure along A major trade route in the sector. several worlds are looking to see if they can "prime the pump" , so to speak, and ensure their worlds are at the top of the list.

at a party held a few weeks ago, one major duke made a passing disparaging remark about another. the second duke has heard of this comment and is not going to let this insult stand. the rest of the sector nolbility are trying to stop the situation escalating into a full blown noble war.
Cool stuff!

I'm looking for goals to hand out to characters for a two-hour live-action role-playing event at TravellerCon. Basically, lots of interpersonal role-play and very little dice rolling (maybe some, but there won't even be character sheets).

People who have Patents of Nobility are free to represent those titles at this mini moot. Marc Miller is free to play, but he'd be the Emperor showing up for a little sector party... that would make things interesting. (Or I will hand him a pre-gen minor noble in the system.)
Marc Miller is free to play, but he'd be the Emperor showing up for a little sector party... that would make things interesting. (Or I will hand him a pre-gen minor noble in the system.)

Actually, he could simply have himself announced as the Marquis of Usdiki (The Emperor's personal fief-world/retreat and subsidiary title - Usdiki/Gushemege 1015) . . .
A great issue would be how to cope with a Baron or Marquis who inherited but does not want to serve, but has no recognized heirs to abdicate for. Subissues:
Whom to suggest be promoted into it?
What to do about the noble?
Has he named an heir? If so, who? And do they support him?
A great issue would be how to cope with a Baron or Marquis who inherited but does not want to serve, but has no recognized heirs to abdicate for. Subissues:
Whom to suggest be promoted into it?
What to do about the noble?
Has he named an heir? If so, who? And do they support him?

or, as a alternative, the old baron has died and their is no legal heirs. the barony is currently vacant, held in trust by the local archduke until this moot declares their choice for who is going to receive the title, and various factions are trying to get one of "their" members or supporters named for the post.
Any suggestions for a good sector or two to drop this?

in support of the recently posted encyclopedia of dagudashaag you could host it on upag (http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Upag_(world)), one reason being it's right at the corner of four sectors.

another location would be mora(http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Gallery/index.php?n=731)
(http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?p=514734&highlight=mora#post514734), between the hub of activity in the spinward marches sector and the ancient sector of deneb.
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or, as a alternative, the old baron has died and their is no legal heirs. the barony is currently vacant, held in trust by the local archduke until this moot declares their choice for who is going to receive the title, and various factions are trying to get one of "their" members or supporters named for the post.

I was going to suggest that as the demise of a noble without a declared heir could cause disruption throughout a region, this sort of thing would be tracked by an Archduke's administration and preventative measures put in place.

That those measures, ie: nominating a suitable heir, would be undertaken doesn't mean that they would go unopposed. Particularly if connections and influence was used to have a particularly pliable heir named, but a far more suitable heir, with an approximately equal claim, then challenged the ruling at the time of the old baron's death.
Are baronies inheritable? Does the 3I regulate the rules of inheritance of titles or is inheritance left to the title holder?

If there's no suitable heir according to whatever laws happen to apply, can a Duke just appoint a Baron to a particular title? I thought that power was reserved solely to the Emperor?
Are baronies inheritable? Does the 3I regulate the rules of inheritance of titles or is inheritance left to the title holder?

All Noble titles (with the exception of most Knighthoods) are normally inheritable unless otherwise specified (though in some cases, the particular duties and responsibilities associated with a particular individual's See (if any), along with the associated perks, may not be).

Manner of inheritance and succession are normally specified in the grant of Noble patent, but often follow traditional associated cultural norms.

If there's no suitable heir according to whatever laws happen to apply, can a Duke just appoint a Baron to a particular title? I thought that power was reserved solely to the Emperor?

A Duke does not have the authority to appoint anyone to a noble title, other than personal retainers to locally-recognized knighthoods at the subsector level (though these are often referred to Archdukes or the Emperor for consideration for appointment into established Imperial and/or Domain orders of Knighthood).

Archdukes may appoint people to Orders of Knighthood associated with their Domain, or appoint Baronets and occasionally Barons within their Domain; but such Baronets and Barons rank behind Imperially appointed Baronets and Barons (and they may or may not be considered Peers in the sense of being Landed and having voting rights in the Moot - that is still unclear).

Source: Imperiallines #7
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Are baronies inheritable? Does the 3I regulate the rules of inheritance of titles or is inheritance left to the title holder?

If there's no suitable heir according to whatever laws happen to apply, can a Duke just appoint a Baron to a particular title? I thought that power was reserved solely to the Emperor?

it might be reserved for the emperor, but that doesnt stop a fait accompli situation where the locals elevate and install a candidate for him to confirm, or as a "caretaker" until the emperor makes his decision. considering the number of barons and above, while the power might be reserved for the Emperor himself, I bet its routinely dealt with by agents of his household.

Or them discussing and then recommending a candidate to the emperor for elevation, as someone who is acceptable to the local peerage (which might be a important factor in any selection process).

I was going to suggest that as the demise of a noble without a declared heir could cause disruption throughout a region, this sort of thing would be tracked by an Archduke's administration and preventative measures put in place.

That those measures, ie: nominating a suitable heir, would be undertaken doesn't mean that they would go unopposed. Particularly if connections and influence was used to have a particularly pliable heir named, but a far more suitable heir, with an approximately equal claim, then challenged the ruling at the time of the old baron's death.

so the set up for the War of the Austrian Succession, then?