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Minor Human races

We play with Space Wolves, Space Lions, and Space Cows/Centaurs. A few elves and dwarves fit right in.

I don't. I play with uplifted proto-wolves, vaguely felinoid aliens, and intelligent hexapodal herbivores (all tried and true SF tropes). Elves and dwarves have no place in that company.

Elves and dwarves have no place in that company.

And yet the question keeps coming up. Those two cultural and behavioral "packages" resonate with enough people, even if only as handy RP shortcuts, that I doubt we will ever be free of the question.

At least we don't have High Darrians and Wood Darrians, or a lost Geonee outpost named Moria...
And yet the question keeps coming up. Those two cultural and behavioral "packages" resonate with enough people, even if only as handy RP shortcuts, that I doubt we will ever be free of the question.
I don't see them as handy packages for Traveller (that is, for SF settings), nor do I see them coming up all the time. The claim that pointy ears mean elves and dwarfish build means dwarfs and Aslans being cats, etc., etc., do come up occasionally, but I don't see those claims as being... um... well supported.

Admittedly, the claim that this and that Traveller race doesn't really act like this and that fantasy race does have the problem that it's hard to define just how this and that fantasy race acts, each of them having been rendered in quite a few different ways.

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I don't. I play with uplifted proto-wolves, vaguely felinoid aliens, and intelligent hexapodal herbivores (all tried and true SF tropes). Elves and dwarves have no place in that company.


Okey doke.

But must say, those T2300 aliens are far more alien and NOT inclined to cultural tropes, even ones as canon as the pack behavior of the Vargr.

Archetypes and stereotypes are easier to understand.

Even traditional racial views are subject to evolution.

I now view Vargr a lot more differently than just a pack of wolves going a-viking.
There's also the case of the Gashiini from JTAS Online, which would classified as an uplifted minor (geneered by the Ancients, survived and are active in 1105) if they gain canon status.

As the author of that article, I must point out that the Gashiini were indeed Ancient-geneered, but the original stock was Gigantopithecus, a species of giant ape. I wanted to do a twist on the Ancients-uplift-baseline-human trope. Cheers!

And yet the question keeps coming up. Those two cultural and behavioral "packages" resonate with enough people, even if only as handy RP shortcuts, that I doubt we will ever be free of the question.

At least we don't have High Darrians and Wood Darrians, or a lost Geonee outpost named Moria...

Learn now the lore of Living Creatures!
First name the five, the free peoples:
1. Eldest of all, the elf-children;
2. Dwarf the delver, dark are his houses;
3. Ent the earthborn, old as mountains;
4. Man the mortal, master of horses;
5. And half-grown hobbits, the hole-dwellers.
— Treebeard's song on the lore of creatures, The Lord of the Rings

One of my side hobbies for years has been a compilation of the tropes of fictional aliens.

One of the earliest common tropes I noticed was just how many sci-fi races fit the classic Tolkien "Five Races" roles. Eventually I discarded the idea as not keeping enough in the sci-fi genre.

The Tropes wiki records it as thus: [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveRaces ]

Traveller: Traveller has numerous sapient species, but one can make an effort

◦ Mundane (Human)= Solomani and Vilani
◦ High Men (Taller Elf/Human)= Zhodani
◦ Stout (Dwarf)= Aslan, Vargr
◦ Fairy (Elf/Fairy/Angel)= Ancients and Hivers. The Ancients are closer to Eldritch Abominations.
◦ Cute (Hobbit or Gnome)= Maybe Droyne, despite being descended from the Ancients​

It certainly has its issues... I think the earlier-mentioned Geonee much better fit the Dwarf typology. And the Darrians got skipped in the above list. There are plenty of other sophonts that near-perfectly fit the Tolkien fantasy tropes. Most of them, are non-canon according to what I've read.

Hopefully Don's alien review list will eventually flesh out some of this material.

Yes on both counts.

The Darrians started as Elves and grew into Vulcans. They have a bit of the "living amongst our past glories and mistakes" Elf vibe, too. There is no real need to play that angle up very strongly in play (not many Elf players do in fantasy, IME) since the setting material makes it so clear.

By the way, Jim AKA Gypsy Comet, the Darrian background also says they Darrian's first dwellings were in giant trees... LOL ;-)

I'm just curious if there's a humanoid star-faring race 'based' upon orcs in Traveller ?

Star Trek went with the Klingons and the Cardassians, uncertain what happened in Star Wars.
Hadn't thought much about it before but a 'mixed' crew drawn from the variety of human 'genotypes' could prove interesting.

Would a 'dwarish' engineer be too much a cliche though ?