Simon Jester
Back, by popular demand (okay, by me, but I'm a popular guy), the Minor Races thread returns!
What minor races do you actually use in your Traveller universe. I'm talking actually allow as PCs, have as active npc races, etc. There are many canon minor races, but most of them are like the Inuit, Masai and Ainu, today. They're known to the world-at-large, but no one I've ever known has ever met one.
The Jgd-il-Jagd are a canon minor race, but how many of you have actually had one interact with the PC group?
Do you take races from fiction and use them in-game? Which ones, from which books, and what are their stat modifiers?
The most prevalent minor races IMTU are the the Fein, from "The War for Eternity" (I forget the author's name), H. Beam Piper's Ullerans, and several of the races covered in GURPS Aliens. I started to work up some of the alien races from Farscape, but AEG has a d20 RPG due out in the next month or so, so I'm going to let them do all the hard work. I'll get the write-ups for the others posted as soon as I find it again. I've lost track of it in my latest reorganization.
Simon Jester

What minor races do you actually use in your Traveller universe. I'm talking actually allow as PCs, have as active npc races, etc. There are many canon minor races, but most of them are like the Inuit, Masai and Ainu, today. They're known to the world-at-large, but no one I've ever known has ever met one.
The Jgd-il-Jagd are a canon minor race, but how many of you have actually had one interact with the PC group?
Do you take races from fiction and use them in-game? Which ones, from which books, and what are their stat modifiers?
The most prevalent minor races IMTU are the the Fein, from "The War for Eternity" (I forget the author's name), H. Beam Piper's Ullerans, and several of the races covered in GURPS Aliens. I started to work up some of the alien races from Farscape, but AEG has a d20 RPG due out in the next month or so, so I'm going to let them do all the hard work. I'll get the write-ups for the others posted as soon as I find it again. I've lost track of it in my latest reorganization.
Simon Jester