Logically, then, why should crew bother learning skills if the computer and robots are running the ship?
Happy to discuss but I believe this is a discussion for a whole new thread if you wish to start it.
However, by RAW, the doctor has a -1 to join the merchants (previous career)
Not sure why you point this out?
For during chargen: The very lowest possible negative DM hardly makes it impossible or even unlikely to me.
For outside of chargen: The -1DM does not apply and to me it seams realistic for merchants, especial small ones, to hire qualified people rather than train them. Isn't this pretty much the premiss of the game from day one? A Navy, Scout, Merchant, and Army character joining up and pooling their abilities to operate a ship and go off trading and adventuring.
I'm not asking for Greg House, just someone with Medic-1.
If that's the case, then I would think you would not want the skill on a table where it is just as likely to gain medical skill as broker or steward or pilot or some other more merchanty skill? Perhaps drop Social Science(Any) on the Advanced Education table and put medic there?
Also, IIRC, in CT Book 1 a merchant could learn Gunner and Medical.
Gunner is in the tables for merchants. As I've explained before, in Mongoose chargen merchants and other careers have other ways of gaining skills besides the tables. Ways that were not possible in CT but that are still a part of chargen. Ways that guarantee getting those skills that a career really should provide vs a 1 in 6 random chance.
Another choice is to just use the CT tables if you like them better. Change Bribery to Persuade. Change Navigation to Astrogation. I believe that's all it take to make it compatible with Mongoose chargen. Oh, you'd need a house rule note for Vehicle: choose one specialization from either Drive or Flyer or Seafarer.
It's getting confusing bouncing around between what is actually in the rules and what we personally think is realistic.
I point out a rule, like manning requirements, and you say it isn't the way it should be.
I point out a concept in reality, like hiring someone with skill instead of training from within, and you point out game mechanics like a -1DM.
Sorry, but could you please clarify what it is that you want from this discussion? I'm only trying to be helpful so if the purpose is just to have a debate, then I'd like out.