I have many things I could say regarding comments in your previous post but since you say
could you please clarify what it is that you want from this discussion?
Okay: What skills on the tables should be dropped/moved to make room for skills that are more useful to that career?
I have 2 points to make first.
Everybody starts their career at exactly 18yo in the whole TU. Every career from athlete to merchant in the whole TU signs up for terms of exactly 4 years. Every single Drifter wandering around in traveller is part of a well defined organization that has a rank structure and when one achieves rank 3 they are granted training in deception. There isn't a single drifter scavenger that has ever found a decent salvage and been able to accumulate over $24,000. Citizens across the entire TU can improve their EDU and INT but not a single one can work out and improve their DEX, STR, or END. Not a single person in the entire Army, Navy, Marines, Scouts and many other careers can be a Broker or Steward (based on tables alone). How do they procure items? No mess halls?
Silliness on my part. Yes. The point:
1) Chargen with a few D6 tables can not define the way everything works across the whole TU. It is a game mechanic and not a simulation of the TU.
I'm talking about characters that are still in their careers and have not mustered out. By the core rules, no Navy ship will have a Naval medic. No merchant ship (unless crewed by characters who have mustered out) will have a medic. A career as a free trader merchant merchant won't teach anyone to operate ship's weapons. I am only considering the skill tables.
2) There is a method in Mongoose for people to gain any skill people think makes sense without making any changes. Characters are still in their careers when they make connections and can gain those skills.
Not that there is anything wrong with making changes.
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What skills on the tables should be dropped/moved to make room for skills that are more useful to that career?
I've mentioned some of the ones I've made and am thinking of and commented on medic and gunner skill for merchant.
I'd replace Remote Operation with Medic on the Advanced Education table and replace the Pilot (small craft) with Remote Operation on the Flight table.
I guess your talking about Navy here. I was thinking medic might fall under Officer Skills as IRL any doctor I saw in the military was an officer. I do like Remote ops under Flight.
From my comment above, where do you think broker (supply and logistics support) and steward (can't have a Steven Seagal character without it) should go? Also Advocate and Investigate (JAG Lt. Col. Sarah 'Mac' MacKenzie can play in my games any day).
Any other specific careers and tables that need help?