Based on this rule...
We have the following cases all of which are examples of a single mount:
Case 1: Triple laser turret on a ship 1000 tons or less
Case 2: Triple missile turret on a ship 1000 tons or less
Case 3: Double fusion turret on a ship 1000 tons or less
Case 4: The classic mixed turret: 1 missile, 1 laser, 1 sand in one turret on a ship 1000 tons or less
Case 5: Two lasers and a missile in one turret on a ship 1000 tons or less
In the interests of limiting die rolls and (in the tradition of the great High Guard spirit) limiting fighters for the sake of the more "fun" mega-cruisers... I see the intent of the rules as being that Cases 1, 2, and 3 are required to group their weapons into a single battery. This is arbitrary and may or may not make sense from an rpg stand point-- that's okay because this interpretation is optimizing for Trillion Credit Sqaudron Tournaments.
I agree. However, in each case, the turrets
could be grouped into batteries with other identical turrets. And in particular, none of them could form individual weapon batteries.
Case 4 will have three separate batteries-- one of each type.
Case 5 will have two separate batteries-- one for a missile and one for the lasers combined together into the same batteries.
I believe that the plain language of HG would
require 3 batteries:
On ships 1000 tons and under, mixed turrets (weapons of different types in the same turret) are allowed; in such cases, each weapon is a battery.
So the turret would have 2 laser batteries and 1 missile battery.
Of course, it's your game and you can deviate from this if you wish
Next is the question of gunners.
The rule on page 33 of HG2 states "turret weapons should have a crew of at least one per battery. This is for ships of 1000 tons or more, though. The small craft section states on p 35 of HG2 that "one or more gunners may be optional crew members." This is not clear. So we will, as HG p 33 states, go with "the rules stated in Book 2." for ships 1000 tons or less. The rules on Book 2 p 16 state that "one gunner (gunnery skill-1 or better required) may be hired per turret on a ship" and that "armed small craft require a gunner in addition to the pilot." (Later this is contradicted, though, when Book 2 states that "if the craft is armed, but carries no gunner, the pilot may fire the weapon
at -1 skill level." This may be a rule for role playing situations and not the standard military situation presented in a Trillion Credit Sqaudron Tournament.)
SO for crewing purposes... small craft MUST have a gunner... who happens to be able to handle all of the above cases 1-5 by himself. A "non small-craft" ship or boat up to 1000 tons will have one gunner per turret.
Here's how I read the HG rules on crewing:
1. General rule -- 1 gunner per battery; extra crew per page 33.
2. Ships 1000 tons or less -- use Book 2, which requires 1 gunner per
3. Small Craft -- If one weapon
type is mounted, Pilot can also be gunner. If additional weapon
types are mounted (not including sandcasters), a separate gunner is required for each additional
weapon (not each weapon type). So, a fighter with a laser and two missiles would require TWO gunners, plus the pilot. A fighter with three lasers requires only a pilot. (p34).
Comment -- the author of HG got a little sloppy with his airy "just use Book 2 crews for 1000 ton ships" ruling. Strictly following this rule would require 10 gunners for a single battery of ten triple turrets, while a ship sized 1001 tons would only need 1 gunner for such a battery. Therefore, I'd modify the Book 2 rule to read "one gunner per
All designs currently in play will remain unchanged regardless of this issue.
I have not looked at the arguments insanely closely-- this is just me reading the rules and putting them together. Are there any cases or situations I've overlooked?
Have you resolved the issue as to whether individual weapons can be formed into batteries? For reference, my opinion is that the HG rules clearly define batteries thusly:
All weapons must be formed into batteries, since the combat system speaks exclusively in terms of batteries.
A "Battery" is one of the following:
1. A spinal weapon;
2. A single weapon bay;
3. 1-10 turrets; or
4. 1 individual weapon in a mixed turret.
I also said that I'd allow a fighter with two fusion guns (or two plasma guns) to be considered as having a "mixed" turret, so that it could form 2 single weapon batteries. However, I'd also enforce the small craft crew rules and require the fighter to have a gunner as well as a pilot.
This is a deviation from the rules, but IMHO it's a reasonable one. Take it for whatever it's worth.
Hope this helps.