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Modified Psionic Rules


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Most psionic powers should automatically succeed (i.e. no Task-check) once the psi points are invested; however, to succeed in penetrating a shield, a UGM Opposed Task is required; instead of the skill/characteristic modifier, use the difference between the attackers' PSI attribute and the defender's one (Attacker-Defender=DM). An artificial shield gives a DM of -4 instead.

Unlike LBB3, I suggest that all telepathic powers may be able to attempt to penetrate shields (not only Assault); however, they still have to beat the shield.

A contest between two 'teeks' (i.e. 2 Telekenesis users pulling the same object in different directions) is resolved in the same manner.

Also, I suggest that psi users may be able to boost their apparent PSI attribute for the purpose of shielding/shield penetration (and for that purpose only) by expanding additional PSI points (one apparent PSI per point spent; influences one opposed check). So shielding could still be a tiring effort - especially if you're trying to block a very strong teep from taking a peep into your head.


Concerning new abilities, I'll start with the Talent of Telepathy.

Pain: A refined and specialized version of the Telempathy power allows a telepath to project one of the most basic sensations - that of intense pain - to a subject. Such an attack, like all other telepathic powers, is subject to the shielding and penetration rules given above. On a successful attack, roll 1D6; on a result of 1 to 4, the subject suffers a -4 DM to all actions for the next 2D6 combat rounds; on a roll of 5, the subject is unable to act for 1D6 combat rounds; on a roll of 6, the subject becomes unconscious for 1D6 minutes. Pain is a level 3 ability, and requires 1 psionic strength point to perform (plus range costs as applicable). [Inspired by Babylon 5]

Induce Panic: A Telepath may use her mind-reading and thought-sanding capabilities to induce fear and doubts into a person's mind, attempting to cause a panic attack. Such an attack, like all other telepathic powers, is subject to the shielding and penetration rules given above. If a Panic is Induced to an unshielded mind (or if a shield is penetrated), the target (PC or NPC) is forced to roll a Morale check immidiately, with a DM equal to the difference between the attacker's and the defender's PSI attributes (Attacker-Defender=DM). Panic is a Level 6 Ability and requires 2 psionic strength points to perform, plus normal costs due to range. This ability takes less than 2 seconds to occur. [Inspired by the X-Com computer games]

Stun: A weaker and cruder version of the Assault ability, Stun allows a telepath to attemp to induce temporary unconsciousness in a subject. Such an attack, like all other telepathic powers, is subject to the shielding and penetration rules given above. A successfull Stun attack causes the subject to fall unconscious for 1D6 hours. Stun is a level 7 ability, and requires 6 strength points to perform, plus normal costs due to range. The Stun attack takes less than 2 seconds to occur. [Inspired by the X-Com: Apocalypse computer game]

Dominate: A powerful and skilled telepath may intrude a person's mind so deeply that he will be able to take control of that person's body, relegating the person to the status of a "back-row observer" of his own body's actions. Dominate, like all other telepathic powers, is subject to the shielding and penetration rules given above. Dominate gives the telepath full control over the subject's physical actions. Dominate is a level 8 ability, and requires 7 strength points to perform, plus normal costs due to range. The Domination lasts for 2D6 combat turns. [Inspired by the X-Com computer games and Babylon 5]

Memory Manipulation: Extremely powerful telepaths may literally mess with a person's head, "blocking" whole periods of memory or even implanting "cover" memories. Memory Manipulation, like all other telepathic powers, is subject to the shielding and penetration rules given above. Each use of this ability allows the telepath to either "block" up to one day's worth of memory, to "open" such a "block" (if a telepath attempts to "open" another telepath's "blocks", treat it as if she's trying to penetrate the other telepath's shields) or to implant a false "cover" memory - each of these actions requires one use of this power. Memory Manipulation is a level 11 ability, and requires 11 strength points to perform; it must be performed at physical contact range. Memory Manipulation takes 3D6 minutes to complete. [Inspired by Babylon 5]

Edit: I'm looking for ideas about implementing, rules-wise the two following abilities: Illusion (a Telepathy ability; inspired by Babylon 5) and Object Reading (a Clairvoyance ability; inspired by the Profiler TV series and, to a lesser degree, Babylon 5; the capability to have "flashbacks" from an object's past, i.e. its owner, traumatic events around it etc).
Most psionic powers should automatically succeed (i.e. no Task-check) once the psi points are invested; however, to succeed in penetrating a shield, a UGM Opposed Task is required; instead of the skill/characteristic modifier, use the difference between the attackers' PSI attribute and the defender's one (Attacker-Defender=DM). An artificial shield gives a DM of -4 instead.

Unlike LBB3, I suggest that all telepathic powers may be able to attempt to penetrate shields (not only Assault); however, they still have to beat the shield.

A contest between two 'teeks' (i.e. 2 Telekenesis users pulling the same object in different directions) is resolved in the same manner.

Also, I suggest that psi users may be able to boost their apparent PSI attribute for the purpose of shielding/shield penetration (and for that purpose only) by expanding additional PSI points (one apparent PSI per point spent; influences one opposed check). So shielding could still be a tiring effort - especially if you're trying to block a very strong teep from taking a peep into your head.


Concerning new abilities, I'll start with the Talent of Telepathy.

Pain: A refined and specialized version of the Telempathy power allows a telepath to project one of the most basic sensations - that of intense pain - to a subject. Such an attack, like all other telepathic powers, is subject to the shielding and penetration rules given above. On a successful attack, roll 1D6; on a result of 1 to 4, the subject suffers a -4 DM to all actions for the next 2D6 combat rounds; on a roll of 5, the subject is unable to act for 1D6 combat rounds; on a roll of 6, the subject becomes unconscious for 1D6 minutes. Pain is a level 3 ability, and requires 1 psionic strength point to perform (plus range costs as applicable). [Inspired by Babylon 5]

Induce Panic: A Telepath may use her mind-reading and thought-sanding capabilities to induce fear and doubts into a person's mind, attempting to cause a panic attack. Such an attack, like all other telepathic powers, is subject to the shielding and penetration rules given above. If a Panic is Induced to an unshielded mind (or if a shield is penetrated), the target (PC or NPC) is forced to roll a Morale check immidiately, with a DM equal to the difference between the attacker's and the defender's PSI attributes (Attacker-Defender=DM). Panic is a Level 6 Ability and requires 2 psionic strength points to perform, plus normal costs due to range. This ability takes less than 2 seconds to occur. [Inspired by the X-Com computer games]

Stun: A weaker and cruder version of the Assault ability, Stun allows a telepath to attemp to induce temporary unconsciousness in a subject. Such an attack, like all other telepathic powers, is subject to the shielding and penetration rules given above. A successfull Stun attack causes the subject to fall unconscious for 1D6 hours. Stun is a level 7 ability, and requires 6 strength points to perform, plus normal costs due to range. The Stun attack takes less than 2 seconds to occur. [Inspired by the X-Com: Apocalypse computer game]

Dominate: A powerful and skilled telepath may intrude a person's mind so deeply that he will be able to take control of that person's body, relegating the person to the status of a "back-row observer" of his own body's actions. Dominate, like all other telepathic powers, is subject to the shielding and penetration rules given above. Dominate gives the telepath full control over the subject's physical actions. Dominate is a level 8 ability, and requires 7 strength points to perform, plus normal costs due to range. The Domination lasts for 2D6 combat turns. [Inspired by the X-Com computer games and Babylon 5]

Memory Manipulation: Extremely powerful telepaths may literally mess with a person's head, "blocking" whole periods of memory or even implanting "cover" memories. Memory Manipulation, like all other telepathic powers, is subject to the shielding and penetration rules given above. Each use of this ability allows the telepath to either "block" up to one day's worth of memory, to "open" such a "block" (if a telepath attempts to "open" another telepath's "blocks", treat it as if she's trying to penetrate the other telepath's shields) or to implant a false "cover" memory - each of these actions requires one use of this power. Memory Manipulation is a level 11 ability, and requires 11 strength points to perform; it must be performed at physical contact range. Memory Manipulation takes 3D6 minutes to complete. [Inspired by Babylon 5]

Edit: I'm looking for ideas about implementing, rules-wise the two following abilities: Illusion (a Telepathy ability; inspired by Babylon 5) and Object Reading (a Clairvoyance ability; inspired by the Profiler TV series and, to a lesser degree, Babylon 5; the capability to have "flashbacks" from an object's past, i.e. its owner, traumatic events around it etc).
My Cr0.02...

IMHO: The class name of "Clairvoyance" should be changed to "E.S.P." for "Extra-Sensory Perception," so as not to confuse the entire class with the single talent of "Clairvoyance."

Otherwise, I have no complaint at all with the original rules in LBB3.

Illusion: I use this as a "Special" skill, with the user being able to influence only one sense at a time at level 1, 2 at level 2, and so forth. Duration is the same as telepathy of the same level (interpolate/extrpolate as needed), the target's shielding must be overcome, and the believability of the illusion is an 8+ on 2D with a DM of (User's INT) minus (Target's INT).

Object Reading: Allows the user to determine the feelings and thoughts of the target person through the object being read concerning an event that was significant to the object's most recent owner. Success is 8+ on 2D, with the following DM's:

Minus 1 per person handling the object between the target event and the reading.

Minus 1 per traumatic event between the target event and the current reading.

Plus 1 if the object has been in the possession of the same person (living or dead) who experienced the target event since the event occurred.

This talent is used as if contacting an unshielded mind with telepathy. The level of the reader will determine how much detail. For instance, at level 1, the reader will only be able to verify that a traumatic event occurred. At higher levels, the reader would be able to read the emotions involved, or even the thoughts of the object's owner at the time of the event. Note that the reading would be relevant to only what the owner of the object experienced, felt, or thought at the time of the event.

Thus, an amulet found on the mummified corpse of a Droyne could easily yield information regarding that Droyne's death, but the same amulet found at a pawn shop a year later would likely yield little more than the satisfied feelings of the pawn shop owner as he took possession of the amulet after haggling the price down to practically nothing.
My Cr0.02...

IMHO: The class name of "Clairvoyance" should be changed to "E.S.P." for "Extra-Sensory Perception," so as not to confuse the entire class with the single talent of "Clairvoyance."

Otherwise, I have no complaint at all with the original rules in LBB3.

Illusion: I use this as a "Special" skill, with the user being able to influence only one sense at a time at level 1, 2 at level 2, and so forth. Duration is the same as telepathy of the same level (interpolate/extrpolate as needed), the target's shielding must be overcome, and the believability of the illusion is an 8+ on 2D with a DM of (User's INT) minus (Target's INT).

Object Reading: Allows the user to determine the feelings and thoughts of the target person through the object being read concerning an event that was significant to the object's most recent owner. Success is 8+ on 2D, with the following DM's:

Minus 1 per person handling the object between the target event and the reading.

Minus 1 per traumatic event between the target event and the current reading.

Plus 1 if the object has been in the possession of the same person (living or dead) who experienced the target event since the event occurred.

This talent is used as if contacting an unshielded mind with telepathy. The level of the reader will determine how much detail. For instance, at level 1, the reader will only be able to verify that a traumatic event occurred. At higher levels, the reader would be able to read the emotions involved, or even the thoughts of the object's owner at the time of the event. Note that the reading would be relevant to only what the owner of the object experienced, felt, or thought at the time of the event.

Thus, an amulet found on the mummified corpse of a Droyne could easily yield information regarding that Droyne's death, but the same amulet found at a pawn shop a year later would likely yield little more than the satisfied feelings of the pawn shop owner as he took possession of the amulet after haggling the price down to practically nothing.