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More types of Ogre infantry for gaming among the stars



More Infantry Types for OGRE Miniatures
For Different Styles of Sci Fi Gaming

The following infantry additions are for games of OGRE set among the stars. It is something of a science fiction truism that a tank is a tank is a tank, but infantry allows for a certain amount of individualization among various alien races and cultures. Example from various science fiction sources, including GURPS Aliens, are given.

Elite Infantry (Point Value 3): The best trained and experienced troops. Elite infantry gains a bonus of +1 to attack on the CRT, and any attacks against them are made at a penalty of -1.

The Emperor's elite guard, a rugged veteran regiment of ten or more battles, Fremen.

Horde Infantry (Point Value 1): Infantry without any real ranged combat capabilities, but still tough as powered infantry.

Horde infantry are often bug-like aliens, and similar. They have no ranged attack (Range 0), but are immune to morale difficulties, and thus take no damage from a D result, whether it is received in ranged combat or overrun.

Examples: Verms, Alien Xenomorphs, masses of mind controlled humans armed with hunting rifles, axes, and similar weapons.

Horde Militia (Point Value 1/2): Poor quality but frenzied infantry relying on overwhelming numbers.

While a single unit of OGRE infantry is a squad of five men, Horde infantry may include hundreds. They count as militia for all purposes, but are immune to morale difficulties, and thus take no damage from a D result, whether it is received in ranged combat or overrun.

Examples: Masses of humans armed with hunting rifles, axes, and similar weapons, and under the mind-domination of some ruthless telepathic alien slaver.

Stealth Infantry (Point Value 3): Highly trained infiltration infantry equipped with top notch stealth equipment. Their movement is increased by 50% (3 in OGRE, 6" in OGRE Miniatures). Any ranged attack at such troops is made at a penalty of -1 on the CRT.

Examples: Futuristic special forces A-teams.

Militia Cavalry (Point Value 1): Contrary to popular belief, horse cavalry is still with us (they are used in the war in Afghanistan), and probably will be into the forseeable future. Horses are rugged, can be fueled (for awhile) on grass and other local plants, and can go places that tracked vehicles cannot. On alien worlds, and especially on the frontier, horses also have the advantage that they do not require factories and machine shops to be built and maintained.

Not technically infantry, as they ride horses or the local equivalent, but since they are more similar to militia than anything else, we'll include them here. Militia cavalry counts as militia for all purposes, except that their mounts allow them to move as fast as battlesuit infantry.

Examples: Tschai Leaphorse cavalry, Banth mounted Sand People.

Robotic Infantry (Point Value 3): Soulless automaton warriors are, of course, a staple of science fiction.

Like their larger cousins, the OGREs, Robotic infantry are immune to morale problems, and suffer no damage from D results in combat. Note that this assumes a somewhat higher level of technology than the Earth-bound OGRE universe, and so it becomes possible to (among other things) give robotic brains to infantry, though it is still expensive to do so.

Examples: Berserkers, Cybermen, and other cybernetic creatures like the Borg that have little or no self-will are all included in this category.

Shock Infantry (Point Value 2): Highly trained infantry with excellent morale, sacrificing ranged weapons for heavy concussive power at short range.

They have no ranged attack (Range 0), but are immune to morale difficulties, and thus take no damage from a D result, whether it is received in ranged combat or overrun. Further, Shock infantry gains a bonus of +1 on the CRT when attacking

Examples: Kronin infantry from GURPS Aliens with sword and force shield, Armored Klingons with batleths.

Terror Infantry (Point Value 3): Usually in the service of evil overlords, terror infantry are troops trained inspire and exploit fear in their enemies.

Any attack that includes Terror Infantry can, at the commanding player's option, roll two dice on the CRT. If either result is a D, that result is applied to the enemy. Note that this is of no benefit where enemies what cannot be effected by a D result are concerned.

Examples: Sardaukar.

P.S., yeah, I know that OGRE isn't technically a Traveller wargame, but the two do have a long history together, and several cross-over articles have been written, so I think it counts. Should the Admins believe I'm wrong, please feel free to correct, delete, or move this post.

I was using both Ogre and Rivets units with Traveller in the 70's (Martian Metals minis included) does that count? After doing a mashup of Ogre and Rivets, it seemed like the next logical step, especially since I had a heavy dose of Harry Harrison in my campaign (Bolos and more than a little Bill the Galactic Hero).
I was using both Ogre and Rivets units with Traveller in the 70's (Martian Metals minis included) does that count? After doing a mashup of Ogre and Rivets, it seemed like the next logical step, especially since I had a heavy dose of Harry Harrison in my campaign (Bolos and more than a little Bill the Galactic Hero).

Ogres are one thing, but you had to use the bargain-basement boppers as well? Okay, just remember that you buy those things "as is, no warranty."