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Movement of capitals in T5SS and subsector names


SOC-14 1K
There are many subsectors in the Imperium named after their capital world. But if you look around the T5SS data for the Imperium, you can come across many subsectors where the name of the subsector is the same as a world in the subsector but a different world is the subsector capital. For example, Lishun subsector C, which is named Sotri and there is a world Sotri (2309), but the subsector capital is Fokulgvu (2207).

I suspect the out-of-universe cause/reason of this is that the original sector data had the worlds sharing the name of the subsector as the subsector capitals, but then the T5SS reassigned the capital status to the worlds in each subsector algorithmically deemed the most suitable to be capitals. But I've thought of an interesting way to explain this in-universe.

Namely that, let's say a few decades before the assumed T5SS time of 1105 (to make it a relatively "fresh" issue that would still be in the minds of NPCs that players come across) some high-up bureaucrats in the Imperium, perhaps archdukes, decided to do a review of the worlds that were subsector capitals and in-universe decided to reassign some capitals when they thought the original capital world was no longer suitable for its task. The only consolation the inhabitants of the former capitals would be given is that the subsector would continue to bear their world's name, even if the world no longer had administrative power.

This would leave the former capitals' inhabitants with hard feelings, and there could be a variety of in-universe reasons why individual subsectors' capitals got moved, which could then form inspiration for player adventures.

Does this sound like an interesting concept? Does anyone have comments or suggestions?
History Lesson

Be careful with that. There are Subsectors which had their Capitals moved by order of the Emperor or Duke. There may be story history behind this disparity. Gvurrdon Sector is named after Gvurrdon world, but Gvurrdon is not the Sector Capital. Gvegh Wars, polity collapses, and proximity to the Zhodani Consulate are just a few reasons why a Subsector or Sector names don't adhere to their namesakes as Capitals.
Not that Gvurrdon is going to have a sector capital in the first place.

In Imperial space, every case might be different. Systems that were first colonized might give their name to a subsector only to be surpassed by an upstart, or the Sector Duke might decide that he's going to relocate his subsector and sector capital to suit himself.
There are many subsectors in the Imperium named after their capital world.

How many is many?

Capitals could have been moved in accordance with your theory (we could just ask why it occurred), but if you look back through history it's possible to see many capitals were shifted over time as circumstances around their use changed.

Examples that spring to mind include Rome, Byzantium, Persepolis, Pella, Ctesiphon, Assur, Avanga, Karakorum and Seleucia. That's just a few. The changing tides of geopolitics and economics saw all of those cities lose their old station. I can't see any reason why that wouldn't be the case across the length and breadth of the 3I.
Where I live has had many country capitals and many names. We were Trinovantes (Capital at Colchester), then Roman (Capital at Colchester) who's capital was burned to the ground so it was moved to Londinium. This fell. We were part of the East Saxon Kingdom (not sure) then part of Mercia (Lichfield) then Wessex/Mercia then the Danelaw then Wessex (Winchester) then England (Winchester, which moved to London).
Imperial subsectors probably have similar histories over similar timescales. Vargr territories probably have similar histories but faster.