MT PM (pgs 28, 35)
Gunnery cascade: Screens; Spinal; Turret.
So my questions are:
1. How is Gunnery actually used in combat? In MT I think it should be like substituting Sensor Ops for Computer.
2. The skill changed from weapon type to mount type, why no "bay" version of this skill?
In MT RM (p 95) says: 'Gunnery skill (turret/bay, sinal or screens) may be used in place of computr DM or weapon table DM on the to hit and defensive tasks'.
First, this seems to answer your question about bay gunnery skill.
Following this, some questions arise:
- So, if you have gunnery 4 and are on a ship with computer 1, you can use 4 as computer DM. If you're on a ship with computer 6, difference between a guner with gunnery 0 and one with gunnery 6 is null.
- If your character with gunnery skill 1 is firing a factor 3 misile battery against a repulsor 5 equiped ship, can you use your skill 1 in place of the repulsor table DM (-6)? It seems me quite a powerful use of the skill...
- If your character with skill 3 fires a factor 5 meson bay against a meson screen 4 equiped ship whose operator has skill 5, what's the DM? +3 (firer's skill)? -4 (table's DM)? -5 (deffender's skill)?, -2 (firer's skill - deffender's skill)? (after all, it's a confrontation task, but in this case, even having a deffender more skilled than the firers, it'seasier to penetrate it). Also, in this last case, having a factor T meson spinal or having a factor 5 meson bay makes no difference on its hability to penetrate screens...
Can someone answer me, please?