Music for Travellers
Anybody got any music that they use in their Traveller games or that reminds them of Traveller?
I found this one I'd forgotten about over the years. Rolling Stones in the 80's. The beginning lyrics more than the rest. If not Traveller, it definitely has a combat feel to it.
Let's hear what you've got!
I love to play Traveller with music so much, that I have to give a longer answer.
If you want a short answer use the first and the last link.
I am a game master who uses music very often and most of my players like it very much. Using a software called "Soundplant" I have several ambient loops and nice music right under my fingertips. I am a fan of synphonic minimal (Glass and Reich) and I am old enough to share the opinion, that Prog Rock and Traveller mixes very well. Here are my experiences:
At every meeting we start with Philip Glass:Kundun OST:Northern Tibet because I
used it in my invitation trailer for my trader campaign many years ago.
This music tells every player to stop the prelude-chatting and to focus on the start of the game session ("Listen: They are playing our song, lets start gaming").
Depending on the game situation or mood I use recognisable background music.
Desert - heat - blinding bright side - Steve Reich - The Desert Music
Airless moon - cold mood: Steve Reich - Proverb
Trade marked - stock exchange: Steve Reich - Drumming
Preparing for jump - busy computing: Steve Reich - Phase Patterns
Rotating Starport - Labship: Philip Glass - Glassworks 3: Island:
Stormy Gasgiant - Philip Glass - Koyaanisqatsi OST - CloudScape:
I think you get the idea with these examples.
In addition I can adjust the speed and the mood of the music i.e.:
Steve Reich - Pulses - 100%
Steve Reich - Pulses - (12.5%)
The last one is good for bottled jumpspace adventures.
I also use also transposed sounds from the field of radio astronomy/planetology.
NASA Official Saturn Audio Recording 2003 :
Saturn's rings - sounds from space :
NASA Voyager Space Sounds - Jupiter :
These are good for jumpspace mysteries or J-Space Madness .
To brighten things up I also use lighter music.
Jump and Run - Ace rimmer theme -
Spacebattle - The Jack Sparrow Song (He's a Pirate) :
My Prog Rock advises are two folded:
Our gaming group enyoys early Prog Rock together with Traveller.
Yes - Starship Trooper:
ELO - Mr Blue Sky:
Jethro Tull, Van Der Graaf Generator, Pink Floyd...
But there are also modern Prog Rockers that fit very well:
This ones tells a "Twighlight Peak" Story
and is used as a riddle for a adventerous quest actually:
Porcupine tree - The Sky moves sideways:
Here one of my favourites. My players always smile when I play this.
Its feels like exploration and travel and everyone awaits a nice shootout:
My last link shows that even choral music works very well for scifi topics:
If you want to use music in your game then you have to look for good loud speakers.
A notebook computer in a room full of gamers will not work well. The first moments are important, because the player have to learn to enjoy it. My experience showed me that number-crunchers or table-top-roleplayer are more annoyed by music (perhaps they feel distracted from their favourite work). Players that like to speak and act in their role really like to play with a sound track.
Sometimes my players bring music that fits to the adventure. Doing so they give their special contribution to the game.
Music makes our gameplay more colorfull. You should try it too.
Hold on tight, Travellers