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Music To Play Traveller by

Do you/have you used music to add

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Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
Yeah, I needed an "All of the Above" choice, too, because my music mix is highly eclectic. I've even used some country and rap. Well, actually rock-rap.

One song I found that the players really enjoyed during space combat -- "Rock the Casbah" by the Clash.
G'Mornin PJ! Rock the Casbah...yeah, I can see that one...
Mind you, anyone can post a poll...and if thats all thats needed (two "all of the aboves), have at it. But I WILL bear it mind next time I do one.
Promise! ;)
A lot of stuff by The Alan Parsons Project ( especially the instrumentals; check out 'Mammagamma'.)
Or how about 'Old and Wise' for the deathbed scene of a much-loved character (unless he was nuked or something.)
Originally posted by Brass-Jester:
A lot of stuff by The Alan Parsons Project ( especially the instrumentals; check out 'Mammagamma'.)
Or how about 'Old and Wise' for the deathbed scene of a much-loved character (unless he was nuked or something.)
Agreed, Alan parsons project has some good ones.
will you guys PLEASE stop playing "How much is that Doggie in the Window", yes i know its an old
song...but it still upsets RabidVargr!!!!
Originally posted by trader jim:
will you guys PLEASE stop playing "How much is that Doggie in the Window", yes i know its an old
song...but it still upsets RabidVargr!!!!
Did you vote, or are you Vargr -baITING AGAIN, OLD STICK? Silly question about leopards changing their spots, sorry folks..
Originally posted by trader jim:
you didnt ask about "dirty Military Drinking songs" :eek: [/QUOTE ____________________________________
Under Military songs/ bands. Lyric content wasn't an issue till now. But I didn't go there. The Poll is as basic as I could make it. Fiddle-faddlin' round afterwards well, make yer own Poll if'n ye have a problem with this one Wouldnae hurt me at all (and yer six parsecs off from pulling me groat, try again, later!) ;)
Originally posted by trader jim:
does any one want to hear the words to "Love Em All"???? :eek: :eek: :D
Post yer own poll. I'll even vote on it (shan't promise to comment though...) :eek:
Originally posted by trader jim:
The "Bunnie Hop" is good music to use if you are using Vorpal Bunnies in your game!!!!!

does any one know the words????
More like the VBs would rebel and attack the GM.

Just because you create/handle the NPCs and critters doesn't mean you have full control. ;)
Just because I haven't seen them mentioned:

Gustav Holst: The Planets
Especiallu Mars: Bringer of War which is usually the "Theme Music" for the start of a session. Hey, it was what Lucas screened Star Wars to before the Williams music was ready...

Igor Stravinsky: Firebird Suite
In one movement, Infernal Dance, the music lulls you into a serene state, sweetly and quitely playing...

Then BAM! With a brass hit the music takes off. This is perfect for a suprise attack, as you interupt the player as soon as it hits and describe the Imperial Marines busting down the door/the natives pouring through a breech in the perimeter/the Zho dreadnought jumping in system...

Firebird should be used sparingly lest the players come to recognize it.

And no one mentioned the EXCELLENT Cowboy Bebop soundtracks by Yoko Kanno and Seatbelts. They are from an anime series featuring western style bounty hunting in a future solar system setting. The music is retro jazz/lounge music with a kick, and sets the mood for an "Independant Contractor" type game.
Some of the music I habitually use, usually by player request:

Adagio for Strings - depicts the loneliness of the deep dark between the stars.

Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash) - The first time I ran a multiple-craft combat (several fighting vessels on both sides), this music happened to to be playing, loudly, on a neighbor's sound system, and the players loved it. It's become something of a tradition. :D

various recordings of Taiko drums, played mainly when a ship is entering atmosphere for whatever reason (landing, GG refueling, etc.)

Any time the PCs are heading into a starport town for "a nice night among the locals," the music that starts everything off is almost always Presley's "Viva Las Vegas!" Especially since the movie "3000 Miles to Graceland" came out.

There is one rather large family of free traders based on Heinlein's Merchant Families of "Citizen of the Galaxy" that are aurally represented by bluegrass music. Since they own a fairly wide variety of starships, including a truly hard-used Type-T (only two turrets operational), they frequently find themselves competing with the PC group for cargo, passengers, etc. On the other hand, some Family members have pulled the PC's chestnuts out of the fire on a couple of occassions, but there's a whole lot of backstory to those that the PCs don't know yet, and I know they read this on occassion. Even so, the players truly hate to hear "Dueling Banjos," and not just because of the movie "Deliverance."

Simon Jester
Originally posted by Simon Jester:
Some of the music I habitually use, usually by player request:

Adagio for Strings - depicts the loneliness of the deep dark between the stars.

Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash) - The first time I ran a multiple-craft combat (several fighting vessels on both sides), this music happened to to be playing, loudly, on a neighbor's sound system, and the players loved it. It's become something of a tradition. :D

various recordings of Taiko drums, played mainly when a ship is entering atmosphere for whatever reason (landing, GG refueling, etc.)

Any time the PCs are heading into a starport town for "a nice night among the locals," the music that starts everything off is almost always Presley's "Viva Las Vegas!" Especially since the movie "3000 Miles to Graceland" came out.

There is one rather large family of free traders based on Heinlein's Merchant Families of "Citizen of the Galaxy" that are aurally represented by bluegrass music. Since they own a fairly wide variety of starships, including a truly hard-used Type-T (only two turrets operational), they frequently find themselves competing with the PC group for cargo, passengers, etc. On the other hand, some Family members have pulled the PC's chestnuts out of the fire on a couple of occassions, but there's a whole lot of backstory to those that the PCs don't know yet, and I know they read this on occassion. Even so, the players truly hate to hear "Dueling Banjos," and not just because of the movie "Deliverance."

Simon Jester
Kewl stories behind the music-use SJ. Thanks! (I like the Free Traders' one best, bein a Heinlein fan, n all.)
For a truly classic 'Imperial Theme' that I use, check out 'Entry of the Nobles' from Mlada opera-ballet by Rimsky-Korsakov. Its got _everything_, triumphant opening fanfare, stirring march, quiet introspective bits etc. One player actually commented 'don't stop the music,' (hmm, of course, this could be the downside, when the players ignore your game just to listen to the music.)

Pretty much any of the soundtrack CDs for Cowboy Bebop, a great deal of which is "action jazz". Mighty good stuff, and most Jazz drops into the background very easily.
Originally posted by Brass-Jester:
For a truly classic 'Imperial Theme' that I use, check out 'Entry of the Nobles' from Mlada opera-ballet by Rimsky-Korsakov. Its got _everything_, triumphant opening fanfare, stirring march, quiet introspective bits etc. One player actually commented 'don't stop the music,' (hmm, of course, this could be the downside, when the players ignore your game just to listen to the music.)

Korsakov is gonna get checked out by the post's author at this rate of speed. Thanks B-J!
Originally posted by Brass-Jester:
For a truly classic 'Imperial Theme' that I use, check out 'Entry of the Nobles' from Mlada opera-ballet by Rimsky-Korsakov. Its got _everything_, triumphant opening fanfare, stirring march, quiet introspective bits etc. One player actually commented 'don't stop the music,' (hmm, of course, this could be the downside, when the players ignore your game just to listen to the music.)
That's one I'll take a peak at. :cool:
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