Kyle Aaron
Leonora Jones
Str 5 (-1)
Dex 6 (+0)
End 5 (-1)
Int 5 (-1)
Edu 7 (+0)
Soc 7 (+0)
Homeworld:- Agricultural
Skills:- Art-Acting 0, Animals 0, Trade (Animals) 0
Leonora grew up in a very rural area, looking after animals, and had the hobby of acting.
Leonora attempts to become a regular Citizen, qualifies on Edu 5+, rolls 4, fails. She is drafted into the Navy. She considers a flight assignment, but realises that to survive she need good dexterity, though promotion is easy. Engineering is for smart people, which she ain't. So she becomes a Line/Crewperson, and is 18 years old.
1st term Navy Line/Crew,
Lieutenant (ret) Leonora Jones
Navy, 5 terms
Admin 1, Art-Acting 0, Animals 0, Gun Combat (slug rifle) 0, Gunner (turrets) 1, Leadership 1, Mechanic 2, Melee (blade) 3, Pilot (small craft) 1, Sensors 0, Tactics (naval) 1, Trade-Animals 0, Vacc Suit 1, Zero-G 0
Gear: Blade, TAS Membership, 4 Ship Shares, Cr60,000
annual pension Cr10,000
TAS Dividends 1x High Passage every 2 months
MGT in many ways seems to resemble CT, but it gives your character many more skills - this one ended up with an average of one zero-level, and two non-zero level skills per term. Even had I used the "Iron Man" rules and had a failed "survival" roll mean death, she would have survived.
Let's roll up some more!
Str 5 (-1)
Dex 6 (+0)
End 5 (-1)
Int 5 (-1)
Edu 7 (+0)
Soc 7 (+0)
Homeworld:- Agricultural
Skills:- Art-Acting 0, Animals 0, Trade (Animals) 0
Leonora grew up in a very rural area, looking after animals, and had the hobby of acting.
Leonora attempts to become a regular Citizen, qualifies on Edu 5+, rolls 4, fails. She is drafted into the Navy. She considers a flight assignment, but realises that to survive she need good dexterity, though promotion is easy. Engineering is for smart people, which she ain't. So she becomes a Line/Crewperson, and is 18 years old.
1st term Navy Line/Crew,
Service Skills:- Pilot (small craft) 0, Vacc Suit 0, Zero-G 0, Gunner (turrets) 0, Mechanic 0, Gun Combat (slug rifle) 0
Chooses personal development, roll 1d6, roll 2: Crewman Jones hopes for some "personal development", and improves her Dex, losing her adolescent clumsiness.
Survival, Int 5+, roll 8: she survives with some margin of safety.
Events, roll 7 then 5: nothing much happens in her career, but she has a life event, improving a relationship.
Leonora meets a good-looking young Marine, Lance Corporal Dwayne Hicks, who's on a base she frequents. They fall in love.
Advancement, edu 7+, roll 9: She worked hard, and happened to come to the notice of a Petty Officer. She is promoted Able Spacehand, is sent on a promotion course gaining the skill Mechanic 1, and given her choice of duties, choosing more Specialist: Crew duties, and with a roll of 4 gaining Sensors 0.
She decides for a second term, hoping to gain further promotion during it. She is 22 years old.
2nd term Navy Line/CrewChooses personal development, roll 1d6, roll 2: Crewman Jones hopes for some "personal development", and improves her Dex, losing her adolescent clumsiness.
Survival, Int 5+, roll 8: she survives with some margin of safety.
Events, roll 7 then 5: nothing much happens in her career, but she has a life event, improving a relationship.
Leonora meets a good-looking young Marine, Lance Corporal Dwayne Hicks, who's on a base she frequents. They fall in love.
Advancement, edu 7+, roll 9: She worked hard, and happened to come to the notice of a Petty Officer. She is promoted Able Spacehand, is sent on a promotion course gaining the skill Mechanic 1, and given her choice of duties, choosing more Specialist: Crew duties, and with a roll of 4 gaining Sensors 0.
She decides for a second term, hoping to gain further promotion during it. She is 22 years old.
Chooses personal development, roll 1d6, roll 2: Able Spacehand Jones hopes for some "personal development", and again improves her Dex, with the Navy turning her into a relatively graceful woman.
Survival, Int 5+, roll 7: she survives easily.
Events, roll 8, "your vessel participates in a diplomatic mission", Leonora gains one of four things, and chooses a Contact.
Advancement, Edu 7+, roll 7. Jones is promoted Petty Officer, 3rd Class, and as part of this promotion is trained in Vacc Suit. Again she chooses Specialist: Crew skills, and is sent on more Mechanic duties.
Doing well, she decides on a third term. She is 26 years old.
3rd term Navy Engineering/GunnerySurvival, Int 5+, roll 7: she survives easily.
Events, roll 8, "your vessel participates in a diplomatic mission", Leonora gains one of four things, and chooses a Contact.
Advancement, Edu 7+, roll 7. Jones is promoted Petty Officer, 3rd Class, and as part of this promotion is trained in Vacc Suit. Again she chooses Specialist: Crew skills, and is sent on more Mechanic duties.
Doing well, she decides on a third term. She is 26 years old.
She says, "I still ain't smart, but I'm experienced now." So she chooses to transfer to Engineering/Gunnery - harder to survive, but easier to be promoted - and with a roll of 5 finds she spends a lot of time as a Gunner (turrets).
Survival, roll Int 6+, roll 9.
Events, "you foil an attempted crime on board [...] Gain an Enemy, but also gain +2DM to your next advancement roll".
The Captain had cracked down hard on illegal booze, and some of the crew didn't like it and planned a mutiny. She played along until she found out the ringleaders, then brought in the Marines to arrest them.
Advancement, Edu 6+, trying for a commission, roll 5 with DM+2 becomes 7 - it's now Ensign Jones! She's sent to officer academy and gains Melee (blade) 1. She chooses to seek another commissioned officer's set of skills, and gains Tactics (naval).
Thinking that if she retires as an Ensign, people will assume she was an Ensign for 12 years, she decides to stay another term.
Ensign Jones is now 30 years old.
4th term Engineer/GunneryEvents, "you foil an attempted crime on board [...] Gain an Enemy, but also gain +2DM to your next advancement roll".
The Captain had cracked down hard on illegal booze, and some of the crew didn't like it and planned a mutiny. She played along until she found out the ringleaders, then brought in the Marines to arrest them.
Advancement, Edu 6+, trying for a commission, roll 5 with DM+2 becomes 7 - it's now Ensign Jones! She's sent to officer academy and gains Melee (blade) 1. She chooses to seek another commissioned officer's set of skills, and gains Tactics (naval).
Thinking that if she retires as an Ensign, people will assume she was an Ensign for 12 years, she decides to stay another term.
Ensign Jones is now 30 years old.
Remaining in Engineer/Gunnery, she seeks more Officer skills, and gains Leadership.
Survival, roll Int 6+, roll 7, she's alright.
Events, roll 5, "you are given advanced training", Edu 8+, roll 6, no use. She was sent on a course but didn't learn much. Maybe she spent all her time sneaking out to see her lover Hicks.
Advancement, Edu 6+, roll 8, promoted Sublieutenant, she spends a lot of time duelling, improving her Melee (blade).
She is now 34 years old. She may suffer the results of aging, roll is 5 - 4 terms = +1, no effect. Another term, why give up when you're ahead?
5th term Engineer/GunnerySurvival, roll Int 6+, roll 7, she's alright.
Events, roll 5, "you are given advanced training", Edu 8+, roll 6, no use. She was sent on a course but didn't learn much. Maybe she spent all her time sneaking out to see her lover Hicks.
Advancement, Edu 6+, roll 8, promoted Sublieutenant, she spends a lot of time duelling, improving her Melee (blade).
She is now 34 years old. She may suffer the results of aging, roll is 5 - 4 terms = +1, no effect. Another term, why give up when you're ahead?
Still in Engineer/Gunnery, still improving her officer skills, she is not exactly delighted to gain Admin.
Survival, Int 6+, roll 10.
Events, roll 11. "Your commanding officer takes an interest in your career [...] take +4 DM to your next Advancement roll".
Obviously her Admin work was as the Admiral's personal secretary, and she kept the appointments book in good order.
Advancement, Edu 6+, roll 6 +4 from events, 10. She is promoted Lieutenant, which strangely gains her nothing special, though she gets another skill/training roll - she continues her officer work, and gains Pilot.
She is now 38 years old, and may suffer the results of aging, roll is 10 - 5 terms = +5, no sweat. She decides that this will be her last term. She can retire and get Cr10,000 annually to keep her going.
BenefitsSurvival, Int 6+, roll 10.
Events, roll 11. "Your commanding officer takes an interest in your career [...] take +4 DM to your next Advancement roll".
Obviously her Admin work was as the Admiral's personal secretary, and she kept the appointments book in good order.
Advancement, Edu 6+, roll 6 +4 from events, 10. She is promoted Lieutenant, which strangely gains her nothing special, though she gets another skill/training roll - she continues her officer work, and gains Pilot.
She is now 38 years old, and may suffer the results of aging, roll is 10 - 5 terms = +5, no sweat. She decides that this will be her last term. She can retire and get Cr10,000 annually to keep her going.
Having achieved NCO rank 2, and CO rank 3, she has combined rank 5. She gets 1 benefit roll for each of the 5 terms, and another 3 for combined rank 5, for a total of 8 rolls. She also gets +1 on each roll.
Cash rolls (2), roll 3+1, roll 5+1, Cr10,000, Cr50,000 = Cr60,000
Other benefits (6), rolls 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5; becomes 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6
+1 Int
Weapon skill +1
TAS Membership
2 Ship Shares
2 Ship Shares
Cash rolls (2), roll 3+1, roll 5+1, Cr10,000, Cr50,000 = Cr60,000
Other benefits (6), rolls 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5; becomes 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6
+1 Int
Weapon skill +1
TAS Membership
2 Ship Shares
2 Ship Shares
********* character generation ends **********

Lieutenant (ret) Leonora Jones
Navy, 5 terms
Admin 1, Art-Acting 0, Animals 0, Gun Combat (slug rifle) 0, Gunner (turrets) 1, Leadership 1, Mechanic 2, Melee (blade) 3, Pilot (small craft) 1, Sensors 0, Tactics (naval) 1, Trade-Animals 0, Vacc Suit 1, Zero-G 0
Gear: Blade, TAS Membership, 4 Ship Shares, Cr60,000
annual pension Cr10,000
TAS Dividends 1x High Passage every 2 months
This is a good example of the great tradition of random character generation, of rolling up a character and maybe your rolls are crap, but as you go and roll more things up not only does the character look better, but they get a bit of a history.
MGT in many ways seems to resemble CT, but it gives your character many more skills - this one ended up with an average of one zero-level, and two non-zero level skills per term. Even had I used the "Iron Man" rules and had a failed "survival" roll mean death, she would have survived.
Let's roll up some more!