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My first MGT characters...

Leonora Jones

Str 5 (-1)
Dex 6 (+0)
End 5 (-1)
Int 5 (-1)
Edu 7 (+0)
Soc 7 (+0)

Homeworld:- Agricultural
Skills:- Art-Acting 0, Animals 0, Trade (Animals) 0

Leonora grew up in a very rural area, looking after animals, and had the hobby of acting.

Leonora attempts to become a regular Citizen, qualifies on Edu 5+, rolls 4, fails. She is drafted into the Navy. She considers a flight assignment, but realises that to survive she need good dexterity, though promotion is easy. Engineering is for smart people, which she ain't. So she becomes a Line/Crewperson, and is 18 years old.

1st term Navy Line/Crew,
Service Skills:- Pilot (small craft) 0, Vacc Suit 0, Zero-G 0, Gunner (turrets) 0, Mechanic 0, Gun Combat (slug rifle) 0

Chooses personal development, roll 1d6, roll 2: Crewman Jones hopes for some "personal development", and improves her Dex, losing her adolescent clumsiness.

Survival, Int 5+, roll 8: she survives with some margin of safety.

Events, roll 7 then 5: nothing much happens in her career, but she has a life event, improving a relationship.

Leonora meets a good-looking young Marine, Lance Corporal Dwayne Hicks, who's on a base she frequents. They fall in love.

Advancement, edu 7+, roll 9: She worked hard, and happened to come to the notice of a Petty Officer. She is promoted Able Spacehand, is sent on a promotion course gaining the skill Mechanic 1, and given her choice of duties, choosing more Specialist: Crew duties, and with a roll of 4 gaining Sensors 0.

She decides for a second term, hoping to gain further promotion during it. She is 22 years old.
2nd term Navy Line/Crew
Chooses personal development, roll 1d6, roll 2: Able Spacehand Jones hopes for some "personal development", and again improves her Dex, with the Navy turning her into a relatively graceful woman.

Survival, Int 5+, roll 7: she survives easily.

Events, roll 8, "your vessel participates in a diplomatic mission", Leonora gains one of four things, and chooses a Contact.

Advancement, Edu 7+, roll 7. Jones is promoted Petty Officer, 3rd Class, and as part of this promotion is trained in Vacc Suit. Again she chooses Specialist: Crew skills, and is sent on more Mechanic duties.

Doing well, she decides on a third term. She is 26 years old.
3rd term Navy Engineering/Gunnery
She says, "I still ain't smart, but I'm experienced now." So she chooses to transfer to Engineering/Gunnery - harder to survive, but easier to be promoted - and with a roll of 5 finds she spends a lot of time as a Gunner (turrets).
Survival, roll Int 6+, roll 9.

Events, "you foil an attempted crime on board [...] Gain an Enemy, but also gain +2DM to your next advancement roll".

The Captain had cracked down hard on illegal booze, and some of the crew didn't like it and planned a mutiny. She played along until she found out the ringleaders, then brought in the Marines to arrest them.

Advancement, Edu 6+, trying for a commission, roll 5 with DM+2 becomes 7 - it's now Ensign Jones! She's sent to officer academy and gains Melee (blade) 1. She chooses to seek another commissioned officer's set of skills, and gains Tactics (naval).

Thinking that if she retires as an Ensign, people will assume she was an Ensign for 12 years, she decides to stay another term.

Ensign Jones is now 30 years old.
4th term Engineer/Gunnery
Remaining in Engineer/Gunnery, she seeks more Officer skills, and gains Leadership.

Survival, roll Int 6+, roll 7, she's alright.

Events, roll 5, "you are given advanced training", Edu 8+, roll 6, no use. She was sent on a course but didn't learn much. Maybe she spent all her time sneaking out to see her lover Hicks.

Advancement, Edu 6+, roll 8, promoted Sublieutenant, she spends a lot of time duelling, improving her Melee (blade).

She is now 34 years old. She may suffer the results of aging, roll is 5 - 4 terms = +1, no effect. Another term, why give up when you're ahead?
5th term Engineer/Gunnery
Still in Engineer/Gunnery, still improving her officer skills, she is not exactly delighted to gain Admin.

Survival, Int 6+, roll 10.

Events, roll 11. "Your commanding officer takes an interest in your career [...] take +4 DM to your next Advancement roll".

Obviously her Admin work was as the Admiral's personal secretary, and she kept the appointments book in good order.

Advancement, Edu 6+, roll 6 +4 from events, 10. She is promoted Lieutenant, which strangely gains her nothing special, though she gets another skill/training roll - she continues her officer work, and gains Pilot.

She is now 38 years old, and may suffer the results of aging, roll is 10 - 5 terms = +5, no sweat. She decides that this will be her last term. She can retire and get Cr10,000 annually to keep her going.
Having achieved NCO rank 2, and CO rank 3, she has combined rank 5. She gets 1 benefit roll for each of the 5 terms, and another 3 for combined rank 5, for a total of 8 rolls. She also gets +1 on each roll.

Cash rolls (2), roll 3+1, roll 5+1, Cr10,000, Cr50,000 = Cr60,000

Other benefits (6), rolls 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5; becomes 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6
+1 Int
Weapon skill +1
TAS Membership
2 Ship Shares
2 Ship Shares
********* character generation ends **********

Lieutenant (ret) Leonora Jones
Navy, 5 terms

Admin 1, Art-Acting 0, Animals 0, Gun Combat (slug rifle) 0, Gunner (turrets) 1, Leadership 1, Mechanic 2, Melee (blade) 3, Pilot (small craft) 1, Sensors 0, Tactics (naval) 1, Trade-Animals 0, Vacc Suit 1, Zero-G 0


Gear: Blade, TAS Membership, 4 Ship Shares, Cr60,000
annual pension Cr10,000
TAS Dividends 1x High Passage every 2 months


This is a good example of the great tradition of random character generation, of rolling up a character and maybe your rolls are crap, but as you go and roll more things up not only does the character look better, but they get a bit of a history.

MGT in many ways seems to resemble CT, but it gives your character many more skills - this one ended up with an average of one zero-level, and two non-zero level skills per term. Even had I used the "Iron Man" rules and had a failed "survival" roll mean death, she would have survived.

Let's roll up some more!
hehe, Dwayne Hicks :rofl:

Nice reference and post. Though, personally I would have picked Hudson for comedic value.
I might put up a char later. I enjoy the MGT system though I didn't know you could transfer between branches.
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Weren't no girls in the navy when I was in..
Who are you calling a girl?! That's Lieutenant to you - shipmate! Now, put your eyes back in your head and get back to work!

Oh, and would somebody tell Hicks to get in a regulation tactical uniform? Roll those sleeves down! Don't you know there's bugs out there with acid for blood?
I enjoy the MGT system though I didn't know you could transfer between branches.
I wondered about that. But looking at the character generation checklist on p.5, we see

#11 "...Otherwise, go to Step 5."

#5 "Choose a specialisation for this career." Which is where you choose which of the three branches you go for. In the modern military people can and do transfer between branches of the service, especially if they're commissioned officers. The MGT "assignments" are very broad, though, only three per service, whereas real services have twenty or more branches, so what we as players call a "transfer" may not really be one, and what we'd call "picking the same branch" may, judging by the different skills you can roll up, be more of a change.

But nobody should post without making a character ;)
I don't think you need to specialise in a skill until level 1. So your gun combat (slug rifle)-0 is really just gun combat-0 and applies to all categories.
Fair enough. - I'm writing from some short hand notes and I don't have the book on me right now. And apologizes for stealing the format. It's easy to read.

Reynolds Lancaster
Strength: 4
Dexterity: 5
Endurance: 6
Intelligence: 8
Education: 8
Social: 7

Homeworld: Gulin (NA, NI, HT, VA)
Skills: Vacc Suit, Computers, Carrouse

Reynolds was a young man that never really put his head in the game. Though talented, he spent most his time playing games and watching films.

Reynolds has an appreciation for xenobiology so he attempts at a scholar career and qualifies with accolades (some of his buddies already worked in the local university). He specializes in being a scientist (desk work) since running around on hostile worlds is for schmucks.

1st Term Scholar
Service Skills:- Space Sciences(Xenobiology), Medic, Investigate, Comms, Diplomat

Chooses specialized skills, picks up Sensors while analyzing old radio communications.
Survival, pass: No one really questions his work.

Events, roll 8: A colleague, George Orwell finds a distant communique in a new star system from what was thought to be a non-FTL civilization. Lancaster attempts to take credit for the discovery and is caught red handed (Roll 3, pass on 8+).
The friendship never recovers.

Advancement, roll 4: Perhaps because of the incident, Reynolds is fast tracked to paper pushing. But it's not stopping him from continuing.

He is 22 years old.

2nd Term Scholar
Chooses personal development, Picks up Computers due to his new found appreciation for data management.
Survival, pass: He slips under the radar and collects a pay check.

, roll 8: After trolling through the records, Lancaster discovers some artifacts that have been forgotten about in the lockers. He attempts to bring them to light as his own discovery... and is caught red handed (Rolled: 5). They were part of a larger collection project by the department head.

Advancement, roll 5: Content to collect a pay check, Reynolds doesn't do anything to anger the department head and lays low.

He is 26 years old.

3rd Term Scholar

Chooses personal development, gains a social point drinking with the janitorial staff.
Survival, pass: No one seems to care much. His work is plausible.

, roll 8: Finally on a good lead, his equipment and artifacts are caught in customs. He forges the clearance papers to fool the security into letting them through the starport. He succeeds (Rolled:10). He is finally showered with accolades, and the contempt from the starport security when they catch up with his new skill of deception.

, roll 4: It appears the department head remembers the previous incidents and declines to offer any sort of reward for fast tracking the research project.

He is 30 years old.

4th Term Scholar

Chooses special skills, picks up Space Science(Xenobiology)
Survival, pass: Having one useful talent has put him working in the Dangerous Specimens team to get the more troublesome items through customs.

Events, roll 8: Having a strange run of luck, Lancaster puts the teams operating funds into a "sure thing" online gambling bid and... (rolled 3+1(Deception)) failed, dramatically.
The team is sent home without operating expenses for a few months gathering the ire of everyone on board.

Advancement, roll 5: Lancaster isn't suprised he's not promoted. He spends the months drinking and frittering away what little savings he has.

He is 34 years old.
Age takes its toll Rolled 3 (-4 terms) and loses a point of Strength and Dexterity.

Not willing to continue pooling around in the lower rungs, he opts for a change of pace and takes the only benefit roll he is allowed (as the botched plagiarisms and consistent lying has denied any other benefit). He is wiser for it. (+1 edu)

5th Term Rogue

He qualifies (Dex 6+), barely (Rolled 8, -1 dex, -1 previous career).
His service skill is Streetwise.

Chooses personal development, picks up Carrouse.
Survival, pass: Though technically employed by the lab firm, they don't notice his change of venue... yet.

, roll 7,9: But they eventually catch on when lab equipment shows up in the local pawn shops, priceless artifacts go missing, and Reynolds is consistently presenting sub-par work. When pressed about the circumstances, Reynolds hops on the next starship out of Gulin without notice.

Advancement, roll 9: The seedier elements respect Reynold's tact and ability to tell a joke and keep him around during some sensitive artifact robberies. He gains Stealth as a result.

He is 38 years old.
A change in career is healthy for Reynolds as thievery has kept age at bay (Rolled:9).

Fleeing his past, he "musters" onto a departing starship with the cash benefits of artifact robbery to the tune of 60,000cr in a suitcase.

***Char Gen over***

Reynolds Lancaster, Robbery Suspect -(Detain On Sight)-
Scholar, 4 Terms
Rogue, 1 Term

Carrouse 1, Comms 0, Deception 1, Diplomat 0, Investigate 0, Medic 0, Space Sciences(Xenobiology) 1, Stealth 1, Streetwise 0, Vacc Suit0.

Gear: The clothes on his back and 60k in a suit case.
Known enemies: The Xenobiology Institute of Gulin, Gulin Customs, George Orwell, and the Dangerous Specimens Research team.

I had fun making the character. I hope you liked reading it.
I kinda like how his luck always rolled up 8's during the life event but no where else.

I love how traveller gives me characters to roleplay rather than to just play. I'd have made a rather drab monotonous science type had I the opportunity. Instead I have a way more interesting sleaze ball.
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He's awesome! It's so true - yes, random character generation can give us some duds, but it can also give us characters we like which we'd never have thought of by ourselves. It's why as GM I always say, "yes, you can reroll your character and make a new one - but you have to complete character generation of this one, first. Once you finish them off, you might decide they're not so bad after all."

More! :)
I have had so much fun generating characters, just like I did for CT, and it's still a great way to get a feel for the system, as well as ironing out quite how it works. I'll try to dig one or two out to add to the party.

Somehow I seem to end up with characters who take a term or two as Corporate Agents to round off the career...
OK, here we go.

1) While I was finding my way through generation I allowed characters to be both Commissioned and Advanced in the same term until I discovered this was wrong, which may mean skill levels and muster-out benefits are a little out on this character.
2) Skill Tables used were chosen after the die rolls, not before.

Starting UPP

DEX 5 (-1)
END 11 (+1)
INT 5 (-1)
SOC 10

Homeworld: Karst 1814 Deneb B 87679B-6 Ag (from Traveller Digest 19)

Background Skills
: Animals-0, Carouse-0, Comms-0

Low intelligence need not be a problem, especially when can enlist automatically in the Nobility with SOC 10, choosing the Dilettante route. Someone's bankrolling this one! :)

1st Term: Nobility/Dilettante

Service Skills: Admin-0, Advocate-0, Comms-0, Diplomat-0, Investigate-0, Persuade-0.

Term skill: from Specialist Development - Deception-1

Survives without trouble (forgot to record the roll) and spends some time Intrguing (event), gaining a Rival and Persuade-1 as a result.

Advancement, rolls a 10, resulting in a modified 9 and gaining Rank 1 and engaging a Personal Development to gain +1 DEX.

2nd Term: Nobility/Dilettante.

Term skill: A further level of Deception - obviously there's something shady been going on this term.

Survives with no troubles and the continuing the life of the idle rich (event) takes him into some shady places, resulting in Streetwise-1

However these actions are dragging the family into disrepute and funding is withdrawn (Advancement roll a natural 2), leaving our man aged 26 and needing a change of career.

Eligible for 3 mustering out rolls gives a 5, 3 and 3 and leaves with C100,000 and as a final pay-off from the family, Travellers' Aid Society membership.

Determined to prove he can do more than live off others he elects to join the Marines and needing 6+ succeeds, his END DM and previous career DM cancelling out. Relying on his endurance he goes for the sharp end of life and Ground Assault.

3rd Term: Marines/Ground Assault.

Basic Training: Heavy weapons-0.

Rank Skill: As a rank 0 Marine gains Gun Combat (Slug Rifle)-1.

Term skill: The training regime results in increased co-ordination, +1 DEX.

Surviving (roll 8 after DMs) he finds himself thrown into a full-scale planetary assault (event, 8) where his ability to inspire others is further demonstrated (skill: Leadership-1).

Emboldened by this applies for a Commission and needing 8+ rolls a 9, +1DM for SOC=10, and succeeds easily. (However, since he already has a level of Leadership skill he progresses no further).

Seeking advancement (roll 9) he rises to the rank of Captain and rolls 5, receiving the Battledress-1 skill. *(Think this might be against the rules!)

4th Term: Marines/Ground Assault.

Term skill: The training regime results in increased endurance, +1 END.

However despite his high endurance the Survival roll is a failure (a modified 5) and he is injured in the line of duty, resulting in -1 STR and forcing him to leave the service. Mercifully despite being open to aging effects he escapes further reductions.

Eligible for only 2 mustering out rolls results in a 4 and 6 and he leaves the Marines with Cr10,000 and the Subdermal Armour he gained during service.

Michael Relf-Sayers, Retired Marine Captain

Age 34, 67C57A Cr 110,000 TAS Subdermal Armour

Admin-0, Advocate-0, Animals-0, Battle Dress-1, Carouse-0, Comms-0, Deception-2, Diplomat-0, Gun Combat (Slug Rifle)-1, Heavy Weapons-0, Investigate-0, Leadership-1, Persuade-1, Streetwise-1.

Slightly shady, a strange mixture of good breeding and combat nous - and he's probably after an "investment" in his latest project!
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END 11 (+1)
INT 5 (-1)
SOC 10

1st Term: Nobility/Dilettante
Advancement, rolls a 10, resulting in a modified 9 and gaining Rank 1 and engaging a Personal Development to gain +1 DEX.

3rd Term: Marines/Ground Assault.
Term skill: The training regime results in increased co-ordination, +1 DEX.

Michael Relf-Sayers, Retired Marine Captain
Age 34, 67B57A Cr 110,000 TAS Subdermal Armour

First, an enjoyable read and an interesting character. I have a scout with a Dex 5, Edu 3, Soc 8, Pilot-3 - a clumsy, illiterate farmboy from a wealthy family who happens to be able to fly starships like a pro, :confused: so I know it can be strange deciding how to deal with a low attribute.

Is the Initial/final Dex score wrong or did I overlook a penalty at some point?
Is the Initial/final Dex score wrong or did I overlook a penalty at some point?

Nothing amiss with the DEX as far as I can tell, although I can see how confusion could arise. I've given the final UPP at the top rather than the initial one - having said that I've spotted a different error, this time with the END!

So, I've edited the post, but to clarify:

The initial UPP is 75B57A, the final one is 67C57A.
Marine: (Ex-)Force Commander Julthrae Grier

Well, I've had the Mongoose Traveller Core Rules as a PDF file for a couple of months and I really like them. Since I have a load of time, I started creating characters. Therefore, I'll post them as I get them done.

Julthrae Grier
Str: 6 (0)
Dex: 8 (0)
End: 10 (+1)
Int: 8 (0)
Edu: 7 (0)
Soc: 6 (0)

Homeworld: High Technology, High Population, Industrial
Skills: Computer 0, Drive 0, Streetwise 0

Julthrae is the youngest of four children, she grew up under the protection and roughhousing of three older brothers.

As her brothers started their own families and careers, Julthrae missed the camaraderie they had developed. She enlisted in the Imperial Marines after a recruiter had visited her educational facility and talked about the camaraderie the marines shared amongst themselves. Julthrae applied to be included into a ground assault unit and was quickly accepted.

Age: 18

Term 1, Marine Ground Assault
Service Skills: Athletics (Co-ordination) 0, Battle Dress 0, Tactics (Military Tactics) 0, Heavy Weapons (Launchers) 0, Gun Combat (Slug Rifle) 1, Stealth 0, Melee (Unarmed Combat) 1

Survival: End 7+, roll 12. She survived her first term with no problems whatsoever.
Events: roll 7 & 7. Life Event. Julthrae meets Corporal Lorenzo Thomaz at a sporting event she attended.
Advancement: Edu 5+, roll 6. Due to her abilities and talents, she is promoted to Lance Corporal. She enhanced her weapons training (Gun Combat 1) during her promotion course and continued to specialize in Ground Assault, she learned Melee (Blade) 0.

Becoming comfortable and fond of her service, she reenlists.
Age: 22

Term 2, Marine Ground Assault
Service Skill: Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 0

Survival: End 7, roll 9. Having three older brothers helps here survive.
Events: roll 8. During her second term, Julthrae ends up on the front lines of a planetary assault and occupation. She led her platoon briefly when the higher ranks were killed or wounded during a city assault. She gains Leadership 1.
Advancement: Edu 5+, roll 8. Grier's stepping in and leading her platoon is noticed by a lieutenant colonel, she is promoted to Corporal and learns Recon 0.

The taste of leadership convinces her to try to gain higher ranks, she signs up for another term.
Age: 26

Term: 3, Marine Ground Assault
Service Skill: Gun Combat (Gauss Rifle) 0

Survival: End 7+, roll 7. Her time in combat has made her slightly overcautious.
Events: roll 5 & 10. Grier is given advanced training and learns Medic 0.
Advancement: Edu 5+, roll 8. She is raised to the rank of Lance Sergeant and gains Leadership 1. However, her career in the Marines has brought her to the attention of Division Command and she is commissioned as an officer, Lieutenant and learns more Leadership 1. She also gains Melee (Blade) 0.

Becoming an officer was a surprise to her. Therefore she reenlisted and decides to chande her specialization to Star Marines.
Age: 30.

Term 4, Marines: Star Marine
Service Skill: Gun Combat (Gauss Rifle) 0

Survival: Edu 6+, roll 7. She learns that surviving in the Marines is getting harder with each term but she manages to do it.
Events: roll 12. Julthrae displays heroism in battle. She is automatically promoted to Captain.
Advancement: Edu 5+, roll 10. She continues to impress higher ranking officers, is promoted to Force Commander, and obtains Tactic (Military) 1. During her promotion course, she gains Recon 0.

Julthrae wants to serve another term but feels the need to explore other opportunities in life.
Age: 34

Having reached NCO rank 3 and CO rank 3, she has a combined rank of 6. She gains 1 roll per term (4), 3 for her combined rank for a total of 7 rolls. She also gets a +1 DM to all rolls.

Cash (3 rolls): 3, 5, 6 become 4, 6, 7. Cr10,000+Cr30,000+Cr40,000 = Cr80,000
Other Benefits (4 rolls): 1, 2, 3, 5 become 2, 3, 4, 6. +1 Int, +1 Edu, Weapon (ACR), Armour (Combat Armor)

(Ex-)Force Commander Julthrae Grier
Marines, 4 Terms

Skills: Athletics (Co-ordination) 0, Battle Dress 0, Computer 0, Drive 0, Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 0, Gun Combat (Slug Rifle) 2, Heavy Weapons (Launchers) 0, Leadership 1, Medic 0, Melee (Blade) 1, Melee (Unarmed Combat) 1, Recon 1, Stealth 0, Streetwise 0, Tactics (Military) 1

Contact: (Lance Corporal) Lorenzo Tomaz
Gear: ACR, Combat Armor

She's been corrected.
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Former scout cum free trader Julia Thorne

I think when you roll a skill on a skill table you get a full level rather than starting at level 0. "If no rank is listed, then you gain that skill at level 1 if you do not have it already, or increases its level by one if you are already trained in that field." (TMB, p8). It's when you receive a skill from the Events table that you start at level 0.

Also, I note no one has used Connections or a Skills Package. We could use the solo generation rules, where connections come from figures of note in the game/setting, and the package is one level in any skill (TMB, p40).

Note, when I roll stats I reroll 4s or less as I figure that an attribute that low must reflect an illness or disability, and that that would preclude enlistment in many careers.

Well here's mine, fresh from the forge...

Julia Thorne, human female.


She hails from an asteroid belt, so background skills are: Zero-G, Carouse, and Engineer.

Not knowing what to do with herself, she submits to the draft, which puts her in the Scouts.

Basic training skills are: Pilot (spacecraft), Survival, Mechanic, Astrogation, Comms, Gun Cbt.

She chooses courier duty to start with and rolls on the spec table: Sensors 1.
However, she rolls snake eyes for survival - she has no idea what happened; her ship was found drifting in deep space, with her in cold sleep... Spooky.

So she is now 22 with a massive gap in her memory and no benefit roll.

Next she attempts to enlist as a free trader: 10, which is successful. She takes Vac Suit 0 and rolls on the spec table: Mechanic 1.

Her Dex now gives her a +1 to survival - 7+1, success. Event: 6, she gains a contact. Advancement: 7, success, so she is now a Senior crewman and gets Persuade 1. For the skill, she rolls on Free Trader: Mechanic again, for Mechanic 2.

At 26, she has at last found a home on a free trading vessel, becoming the ship's mechanic and gaining confidence in her interpersonal skills.

Continuing as a free trader, she rolls once more on the spec table: Engineer (Power Plant) 1. She rolls 5+1 for survival, meaning that there is some hairy escapades this term, and as an Event: 9 - she rolls 11 so gets advanced training - she trains in Astrogation to get skill level 1.
For advancement, she rolls 9, meaning promotion to 4th officer and rolling once more on the spec: Zero-G 1.

So at 30, she is very much at home aboard the tramp freighter: a skilled engineer with EVA experience, and also a backup navigator.

She opts for one more term.

Skill (spec - Free Trader): Pilot (spacecraft) 1. Survival: 5+1, another term where she gets through by the skin of her teeth. Event: 10, with danger comes reward, and she nets a +1 dm on a benefit roll. Advancement: 3, no promotion, and she has to must out of the career anyway. Budget cuts...

Aging roll: 6-4, no effect.

Mustering out: she gets 4 rolls (3 terms plus rank 2).

1, +1 INT; 2, Gun; 3, 40Kcr; 4, +1 INT.


Julia Thorne, age 34, ex-Scout (1 term), ex-Free Trader (3 terms), 4th officer.


Mechanic 2, Engineer (Power Plant) 1, Sensors 1, Astrogation 1, Pilot (Spacecraft 1), Zero-G 1, Persuade 1.

0-level Skills: Carouse, Vac Suit, Survival, Comms, Gun Combat.

40Kcr, Gun, Contact (Commercial Informant).

Now, I'll use 760 Patrons to get her Connections....

1. Acquisition Specialist: a roguish woman of a similar age who dabbles in smuggling - Katrina, friend and occasional lover. From this connection she takes Streetwise 1.

2. Merchant Captain: her old skipper, Jonas Muller, who remains a friend. From this she increases her Piloting skill.

As for the package, due the many dangers she faced, she takes Melee (Unarmed) 1.

So, she leaves the free trader "Magnetic Rose" and sets out on her own as a good all round pilot/navigator/mechanic.

Julia Thorne, age 34, ex-Scout (1 term), ex-Free Trader (3 terms), 4th officer.


Mechanic 2, Pilot (Spacecraft ) 2, Engineer (Power Plant) 1, Sensors 1, Astrogation 1, Zero-G 1, Persuade 1, Streetwise 1, Melee (Unarmed) 1. (Total: 11)

0-level Skills: Carouse, Vac Suit, Survival, Comms, Gun Combat.

40Kcr, Snub Pistol, Contact (Commercial Informant: a Vargr trade factor).

Friends: Katrina, Jonas Muller.

Drafted into the Scouts, Julia suffered some unknown catastrophe that left her drifting in space for years, with no memory of what happened. Haunted by the experience, she joined the crew of the free trader "Magnetic Rose", rising to 4th officer in 12 years of exciting and somewhat risky adventure. When the skipper, Jonas, retired and sold his stake, Julia was not invited to continue in her job by the new captain, who brought in his own crew. Instead, she has offered herself to the job market once more. A tough, confident, healthy woman who has gained a lot of experience, she is nevertheless disturbed by her early experience in the Scout Service, and still wakes up screaming from the nightmares.

[EDIT: She is 34 in real terms, but that missing period, let's say 4 years adrift, means by her birthdate she is 37 or 38]
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Bill Trantor, fastest draw in the Spinward Marches

Ok, another one....

Bill Trantor, age 18

CC7C78 (no joke, i rolled those in order!!!)

With stats like that, Bill has to enlist in the Marines!

Firstly, though, his background skills... He hails from a low tech agricultural backwater, where despite his keen intelligence, there are few options.

Background skills: Animals, Survival, Medic.

Enlistment roll (Marines): 8, success.

Term 1

Basic training: Athletics, Battle Dress, Tactics, Hvy Weapons, Gun Combat, Stealth.

He also takes Melee (Blade) 1 as his Rank 0 skill.

He rolls on his speciality, Star Marine: Gun Combat (Slug Rifle) 1.
Survival: 11, success, Event: 53, Black Ops mission, with a +2 to Advancement. He goes for a commission, 7+2, success, so is now a Lieutentant. He takes Leadership 1 and rolls on the Officer table: Advocate 1.

Term 2

Skill, Officer table: Leadership 2. Survival: 5, failure: Bill is tormented by a Rival and hounded out of the career.

Mustering out: 2 rolls, TAS and 5000cr.

Bill Trantor
, age 26, ex-Marine (2 terms), Lieutenant.


Leadership 2, Advocate 1, Gun Combat (Slug Rifle), Melee (Blade) 1.

0-Level Skills: Animals, Survival, Medic, Athletics, Battle Dress, Tactics, Hvy Weapons, Stealth.

TAS, 5000cr.
Rival: opposing merc striker gets Bill fired on trumped up charges.

Bill is very p**sed off. He sees little opportunity in the draft, and decides a mercenary career is all he's good for., and may give him a chance to get even with his rival.

He opts for the Commandos, given his background in Black Ops. It says in Mercenary that a 2 termer in the military can automatically enlist as a Commando, but not sure if his second term counts, so I'll roll anyway: 9, success.

Term 3

He takes Recon as his 0-level skill, and gets Gun Combat (slug Pistol) 1 as his Rank 0 skill. He chooses the Spec Ops table: Stealth 1.
Survival: 10, success, Event: 16, he has a chance to eliminate his pesky Rival, Gun Cbt 8+ : 12!, so scratch one pesky rival! He now gets +2 to his advancement roll: 10+2, success. He becomes a team leader and rolls again on Spec Ops: Gun Combat (slug rifle) 2. He decides to risk one more term as a commando...

Term 4

Spec Ops: Stealth 2. Survival: 6, failure... the mission goes totally wrong, but he gains Streetwise 1 as he makes his way back.

Mustering out: 2 rolls, +2 Dex! Aging roll: 9-4=5, no effect.

So at 34, Bill Trantor looks like this.


Gun Combat (SR) 2, Leader 2, Stealth 2, Gun Combat (SP) 1, Melee (bld) 1, Advocate 1, Streetwise 1.

0-Level: Animals, Survival, Medic, Athletics, Battle Dress, Tactics, Hvy Weapons, Recon.

not ready to quite the mercenary lark, Bill nevertheless would like a career less dangerous than commando. He decides to become security. He can qualify automatically.

Term 5

He takes Sensors 0 as basic. He rolls on Bodyguard: Steward 1. I guess he spends a lot of time fixing drinks! Survival: 11, success, Event: 15, +1 dm on Cash Benefit. Advancement: 7, advance to rank 1 (Agent), and he takes Explosives 1. rolling on the Service table: Remote Ops 1.

Aging: 8-5=3, no effect.

Bill goes for one last term. There's still life in the old dog...

Term 6

Rolling on Personal Development, Bill hones his Dexterity to perfection (Dex +1). Survival: 8, success, Event: Ambush, Bill rolls Gun Combat, 12+2 for a blindingly good defence, defeating the bad guys and gaining Tactics (Mil) 1. Advancement: 11-2, success. he reaches R2 Bodyguard, and gets Investigate 1 from the service table. aging: 9-6=3, no effect.

Bill musters out from Security, 3 rolls, 1 cash. +1 End, 50Kcr, Blade.

Bill Trantor, age 42, ex-Marine (2 terms), Lieutenant, ex-Commando (2 terms), Team Leader, ex-Security (2 terms), Bodyguard.


Gun Combat (SR) 2, Leader 2, Stealth 2, Gun Combat (SP) 1, Melee (bld) 1, Advocate 1, Steward 1, Investigate 1, Explosives 1, Remote Ops 1, Tactics (Mil) 1, Streetwise 1.

0-Level: Animals, Survival, Medic, Athletics, Battle Dress, Tactics, Hvy Weapons, Recon, Sensors.

TAS, 55Kcr, MonoBlade.

Now for connections. He'll roll one as Commando and one as Security.

1. Grav-lander pilot. Cally Martinez, a hotshot evacuation pilot. He takes Flyer (Grav) 1 from this.

2. A Surveillance contact. Bill takes Investigate 2 from this.

As his package, he takes Gun Combat (SP) 2.


Bill Trantor, age 42, ex-Marine (2 terms), Lieutenant, ex-Commando (2 terms), Team Leader, ex-Security (2 terms), Bodyguard.


Gun Combat (SR) 2, Leader 2, Stealth 2, Gun Combat (SP) 2, Investigate 2, Melee (bld) 1, Advocate 1, Steward 1, Explosives 1, Remote Ops 1, Tactics (Mil) 1, Flyer (Grav) 1, Streetwise 1. (Total: 18)

0-Level: Animals, Survival, Medic, Athletics, Battle Dress, Tactics, Hvy Weapons, Recon, Sensors.

TAS, 55Kcr, MonoBlade.

Bill was a typical farmboy. He enlisted in the marines, and his native intelligence got him promoted to Lieutenant. However, a corrupt mercenary striker fakes evidence which gets him dishonourably discharged, and Bill is mightily vexed. He is one to hold grudges, because when, in his stint as a merc commando, he comes across his rival in the field, he recovers his honour with a well placed gauss needle. After a mission goes wrong, Bill is forced to make his own way back to civilisation. He decides he is good for security work, and so spends 8 good years in that role, finding the time to hone his Dexterity to perfection. There are few men faster on the draw than Bill Trantor! He can mix a mean cocktail, too. Now he fancies himself as a private investigator. He sees if he can persuade his old sergeant major to lend him that red grav speeder he looks after for that rich fellah...
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(Ex-)Force Commander Julthrae Grier
Marines, 4 Terms

Skills: Athletics (Co-ordination) 0, Battle Dress 0, Computer 0, Drive 0, Gun Combat (Gauss Rifle) 1, Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 0, Gun Combat (Slug Rifle) 1, Heavy Weapons (Launchers) 0, Leadership 2, Medic 0, Melee (Blade) 1, Melee (Unarmed Combat) 1, Recon 1, Stealth 0, Streetwise 0, Tactics (Military) 1

Contact: (Lance Corporal) Lorenzo Tomaz
Gear: ACR, Combat Armor

Deadlock, Gauss Rifle and Slug Rifle are the same thing; she should have Gun Combat (Slug Rifle) 2. This also gives an effective Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 0 by itself, or even Gun Combat (Energy Rifle) 0, and so on. When you roll a skill from the career tables, you get it at level 1 whether you already have it at 0 or not. You do not pick a specialism with level 0 skills. Also, if you get 2 Skill 1's, like you did with Leadership, it only counts as 1, as the second acquisition has no effect (you already had skill 1); anyway, you either roll for promotion or commission, not both, so she shouldn't have got both of those anyway. So you're under selling poor Julthrae a bit. :)

She should look like...

(Ex-)Force Commander Julthrae Grier

Marines, 4 Terms

Athletics 0, Battle Dress 0, Computer 0, Drive 0, Gun Combat (Slug Rifle) 2, Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 2, Heavy Weapons 0, Leadership 1, Medic 0, Melee (Blade) 2, Melee (Unarmed Combat) 1, Recon 2, Stealth 0, Streetwise 0, Tactics (Military) 1

Contact: (Lance Corporal) Lorenzo Tomaz
Gear: ACR, Combat Armor

You add the Ranks together in order to get the number of benefit rolls, but you only get the +1 to all rolls if you achieve rank 5 or higher. Julthrae got 2 rank 3s, so does not qualify for that +1.

Then there's connections and the skill package, which will give you a further 3 skill levels (no skill can be raised beyond 3 with this). As this is not 'in play', I reckon the solo generation rules can be used.

hope this was helpful. :)
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Retired Law Enforcement Sergeant Tanis Grier

Tanis Grier
Str: 9 (+1)
Dex: C (+2)
End: 9 (+1)
Int: A (+1)
Edu: A (+1)
Soc: 6 (+0)

Homeworld: High Technology, High Population, Industrial
Skills: Advocate 0, Computer 0, Streetwise 0

Tanis is the youngest elder brother of Julthrae Grier. After graduating from high school, he chose Law Enforcement as his career of choice instead of joining the Imperial military like his older siblings. He also used this opportunity to protect Julthrae as she continued to grow.

Age: 18

Term: 1, Agent: Law Enforcement
Service Skills: Streetwise 0, Drive (Wheeled) 0, Investigate 0, Computers 0, Recon 0, Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 0, Streetwise 0

Survival: End 6+, roll 6. Basic Traing and Law Enforcement proved to be harder than he thought, but he survives.
Events: roll 7 & 6. Life Event: Tanis meets and begins a romantic relationship with Onya Bellis.
Advancement: Int 6+, roll 8. The Rookie officer earned a promotion to the rank of Corporal. During his promotion course, he spent a lot of time on the streets in hopes of increasing his Streetwise, but to no avail. He enroll in a martial arts school and learned to fight better, Melee (Unarmed Combat) 1.

Happy with the career he had chosen, the youngest son continued.
Age: 22

Term: 2, Agent: Law Enforcement
Service Skill: Gun Combat (Slug Pistol)+1

Survival: End 6+, roll 8. Being familiar on the streets helps him.
Events: roll 5. Tanis establishes a network of three contacts: Sergeant Ryu Tanaka (Agent: Law Enforcement), Ken Montgomery (Entertainer: Journalist), and Tim Gray (Rogue: Thief).
Advancement: Int 6+, roll 4. He failed his exam for Sergeant. Gains Recon+1.

Failing the exam makes him determined to obtain the rank.
Age: 26

Term: 3, Agent: Law Enforcement
Service Skill: Computers+1 Grier took a computer course at the Law Enforcement Academy.

Survival: End 6+, roll 6. It was a hard term but he made it through.
Events: roll 4. Tanis completes an undercover operation for his superiors and will earn a suitable reward when he leaves the police force. Gains a +1 DM to any Benefit roll from this career.
Advancement: Int 6+, roll 6. He is promoted to Sergeant and learns (Advocate+1) how to argue in a court of law for the trials he must attend.

Tanis continues in hopes of one day leading his own Law Enforcement unit.
Age: 30

Term: 4, Agent: Law Enforcement
Service Skill: Comms+1. {i]Grier takes another course at the Law Enforcement Academy and is taught how to use the communications equipment more effectively.[/i]

Survival: End 6+, roll 9.
Events: roll 5. Life Event: Law Enforcement Sergeant Tanis Grier proposes marriage to his love, Onya Bellis after maintaining a romantic relationship with her for eight years. She graciously accepts and they wed shortly afterwards.
Advancement: Int 6+, roll 4. Gain Stealth+1 from Specialization.

Tanis works another term so he can draw a pension after he stops his employment.
Age: 34

Term: 5, Agent: Law Enforcement
Service Skill: +1 Int. Grier spends a considerable amount of time reading and studying.

Survival: End 6+, roll 6. After being involved in a few violent break-ups of criminal activities, retirement starts looking real good to Tanis and Onya Grier.
Events: roll 3. Life Event. Tanis will become a father. Onya is pregnant!
Advancement: Int 6+, roll 4. He tried to become a Lieutenant but did not pass the exam due to his heart or mind not being totally into it. Gains Advocate+1. This causes him to consider becoming a lawyer or teaching a course or two at the Law Enforcement Academy.

Tanis gives a great deal of thought to taking some time off from working then start instructing new Rookies at the Law Enforcement Academy.
Age: 38. He starts to feel the effects of his age in his Str, Dex, & End but he maintains an exercise routine.

The baby is a girl they named Sahara Grier.

Credits (2 rolls): rolls 2 & 3 become 3 & 4. Cr5,000+Cr7,500 = Cr12,500
Other Benefits (3 rolls) rolls 3, 5, 6 become 4, 6, 7. Weapon, +1 Social, TAS Membership

Retired Law Enforcement Sergeant Tanis Grier
Agent, 5 Terms
7B8BA7 Dex & Edu: +1, Int +2

Skills: Advocate 2, Comms 1, Computer 2, Drive (Wheeled) 0, Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 1, Investigate 0, Melee (Unarmed Combat) 0, Recon 1, Stealth 1, Streetwise 2

Contacts: Sergeant Ryu Tanaka (Agent: Law Enforcement), Ken Montgomery (Entertainer: Journalist), and Tim Gray (Rogue: Thief).

Gear: Slug Pistol, TAS Membership
Pension: Cr10,000 per year