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Need help with Broadsword deck plans


I'm fooling around with making a CGI mesh of the Broadsword mercenary cruiser from Adventure book 7.
I'm no Andrew Bolton, but I get by.

Yes, I know it is actually 1200 dtons, unlike the real 800 dton cruiser shown here

Anyway, it would be nice if there was an airlock that would allow one to leave the Broadsword and enter either of the modular cutters. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find any such item on the blueprints.

Now, examining the blueprint of the cutter, it would appear that the airlock of the cutter would dock to an airlock on deck C. So one could add an airlock there.

Unfortunately, deck C is the control deck. It contains the ship's nerve center, and the office housing the safe containing the ship's war chest. This is not the place that you want to allow easy access to hostile invaders crawling up the cutter wells.

What do you all think?
A07 said:

Cutters, when they are in the cutter wells, are positioned so that their forward air locks mate with C Deck (the bridge). Crews for the cutters board their craft from the circular walk around the control pit. In addition, personnel arriving on board the cruiser disembark directly onto the bridge. Since the cutters are organic to the ship, the security problem of direct access is low; in any case, ship's troops can be designated to handle such problems if necessary.

An airlock would help.
I stand in awe, humbled in the presence of greatness, you guys make me feel like a noob but not saying that's such a bad thing !
Holy Guacamole! That's amazing. Everyone, be sure to go to page 2 of the flickr page for the views of the bridge. Reminds me a bit of the C-57-D from "Forbidden Planet", and a certain boldly going vessel.

Great work!
Ooh, nice iris!
Thanks! But I might have to replace it. As is, the existing design is not quite air-tight.

However, all irises do need quite a bit of space around the edge to hold the leaves when dilated. Unfortunately, many deck plans do not take this into account.
Very nice, I’m in awe. The mercenary cruiser was always a favorite of mine. The art work was great, yet I thought it was problematic once planes and stats where created.
Very nice, I’m in awe. The mercenary cruiser was always a favorite of mine. The art work was great, yet I thought it was problematic once planes and stats where created.
Well, I am also eventually going to do the Longsword mercenary cruiser, which is far more rational.
I guess you can call it a hobby of mine, but I love to collect art or miniatures and convert them for use in Traveller. Sometimes, my pet projects are a little large, say the Baron Destroyer, or the Union dropship from BattleTech, but most Slient Death minis covert very well, I try to stay away from Star Wars, Star Trek and B5 because generally there too iconic.

Isn't there a tiny hole still in the center.

Byt the way: you are insane. I mean 'Thanks' so we all don't have to be insane. It takes insane people to do anything great. But...you are insane.
Isn't there a tiny hole still in the center.
Yes. I'll have to fix that.
However, the sad fact of the matter is that is true of real-world iris diaphragms. Which makes them futuristic looking but a poor choice for an airlock door.

By the way: you are insane. I mean 'Thanks' so we all don't have to be insane. It takes insane people to do anything great. But...you are insane.
Well, not so much insane as I am obsessive-compulsive. I've always loved this ship, and am willing to lavish a lot of work on it.

But there is a method to my madness. I am honing my skills in CGI. And along the way I make re-usable items I can use in futures meshes. Like iris valves. I should find a way to offer the iris valve CGI model free to other artists. It was a real pain to create, but you find them in almost all Traveller starships. I'm sure a lot of artist avoid showing them for that reason.

This process also exposes some poor design choices on the blueprints.

I have not even started on greebling and texturing the outer hull. Then it will really start to shine.

Now, where can I find a random name generator, so I can assign names to all forty-odd crew members and mercenaries?
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