Awesome! Great work Peter. You are the man for deckplans. I have been using your Far Trader design for my current gaming group. Thank you!
(Added after initial post)
The work is clean and easy to read when printed out in grayscale. Some of the color differences in the key and on the deckplans are hard to differentiate in grayscale, but I can usually make a guess at the game table.
I like the silhouettes as they help give a sense of scale.
Your squares to D-Ton seem to be right on and it is nice to know that the combat map I am going to draw for the boarding party action will be close to scale.
An additional request would be to have a PDF version of the large files. I have taken to downloading the images, converting them to BMP and then importing them to Adobe, which scales them to 8 ½ by 11. Perfect for printing out and taking to the game table.
As I told you by email the ship I would like to see is the Far Merchant version of the Fat Trader. This would be J-2, M-2 and mount a Model 1bis or Model 2 computer.
Perhaps a launch capable of M-2 to accompany the Far Merchant?
Otherwise this is all just awesome!