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New carrier design idea - Can this work?

I'd personally go for the second version.
Originally posted by Andy Fralix:

FR-1001 FR-E106SJ2-380000-900J0-0 MCr 4326.348 5000 Tons
Batteries Bearing 1 3 1 Crew = 74
Batteries 1 3 1 TL = 15
Passengers = 0 Low = 15 Cargo = 0 Fuel = 1305 EP = 1305 Agility = 6 Troops = 0
Is there any way to squeeze in a nuclear damper?

I'd be tempted to get rid of the armour altogether in favour of a nuclear damper and some weapon bays - a mix of repulsors and missiles. I'd also try to fill out the weapon USP rather than just have lasers.
The full weapon USP is a trick to mitigate damage to your main gun.
Oh! The more weapon types I have. the less likly to hit the main one, and by having just one of a given type means it takes damage in steps instead of by batteries.

Looking at the charts, Factor 4 dampner @8 tons & 40 EP. Factor 4 meson screen @ 16 tons & 40 EP.

Maybe 2 PAC turrets, Hummmm...
Here is Sigg's sugested changes - after a fashion.
No armor; factor 4 nuc dampner and meson screens; no bays; but turret versions of missiles, beam lasers, fusion guns, PACs, and sandcasters. The fuel purifer is only 4 tons, but the fuel tankers are the main source of fuel anyway ( I could even drop it to 3 tons and add 2 more low berths.)

FR-1001 FR-E106TJ2-074400-862J5-0 MCr 4432.76 5000 Tons
Batteries Bearing X1XXX 26214 Crew = 86
Batteries X1XXX 26214 TL = 15
Passengers = 0 Low = 16 Cargo = 0 Fuel = 1370 EP = 1370 Agility = 6 Troops = 0
Also I could only make it work by allowing power plants to come in tenth sizes. This one is 27.4.
I'd consider dumping the meson screen in favour of a higher factor nuclear damper ;)
You may also get a legal power plant size this way ;)

An enemy is going to have to roll a 10+ to hit you with a meson spinal, but only 8+ to hit you with a nuclear missile.

Isn't ship designing fun
With a factor 8 dampner and no meson screen, I can bump the low berths, but still need a fractional sized power plant. This means anything other than a factor 9 missle attack needs 10+ to hit. With a 27.4 power plant, I have 50 staterooms, 20 low berths and 7 emergency low berths (and 2 EP to spare). I can drop it to dampner 6 and an even 27 power plant.