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New Classic Traveller Character Generator - TravCharGen (Ver 0.7)


Last fall I wrote my first full featured Classic Traveller, Book 1, Character Generator using Perl. Over the last week I decided to learn C#, so I started over from scratch and built another version. That program, TravCharGen Ver 0.7, is available at DropBox for downloading as a ZIP archive. (Both links are the same, one is redirected via TinyURL shortcut)

The program is written in C#, using Visual Studio Express 2010. It runs on Windows PCs as a console application (command window).

Why only Version 0.7? I still need to:
  • Implement the Mustering Out tables
  • Add the service automatic skills (e.g. for rank)
  • Add the checks for stat losses due to age
  • Finishing the Cascade Skills (Gun Combat, Meleet Combat, etc)
Future Plans
  • Adding more error checking to Manual operation mode.
  • Adding options to specify filter criteria (terms, service, etc) for automatic generation.
  • Deplying a Forms (GUI) version.
  • Adding a configuration file for specifying options in lieu of command line switches.
  • Incorporating the other Classic Traveller books (Mercenary, High Guard, Scouts, Merchants).
Request for Feedback

My contact information is listed with the program archive. I am very interested in any feedback (bug reports, user interface issues, areas for improvement, etc).

Below I've listed a few example characters produced by the program.

Characters generated using TravCharGen (Ver 0.7) program by Bob King (2013)	
	The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises.
	Copyright 1977 - 2013 Far Future Enterprises.

******	Esseph Pezal	******

Name: Esseph Pezal	UPP: 762589	Gender: Male
Service: Marines (4 Terms)	Rank: Lieutenant (1)


STR: 7 
DEX: 6 
END: 2 
INT: 5 
EDU: 8 
SOC: 9 

Skills (6 rolls):

Vehicle: 1
Gun Combat: 1
Tactics: 1
Blade Combat: 1
Electronic: 1
Vacc Suit: 1

Mustering out benefits:

5 Rolls

******	Dorea Peray	******

Name: Dorea Peray  UPP: 78B9A7  Gender: Female
Service: Merchants (7 Terms)  Age: 46  Rank: 4th Officer (1)


STR: 7 
DEX: 8 
END: 11 (B)
INT: 9 
EDU: 10 (A)
SOC: 7 

Skills (9 rolls):

Streetwise: 1
Electronic: 2
Gunnery: 1
Medical: 2
Navigation: 2
Mechanical: 1

Mustering out benefits:

8 Rolls

******	Tina Keray	******

Name: Tina Keray  UPP: 7C7846  Gender: Female
Service: Merchants (8 Terms)  Age: 50  Rank: 3rd Officer (2)


STR: 7 
DEX: 12 (C)
END: 7 
INT: 8 
EDU: 4 
SOC: 6 

Skills (11 rolls):

Electronic: 0
Medical: 0
Streetwise: 1
Navigation: 0
Mechanical: 0
Gunnery: 0

[COMMENT: The zero based skills are a known minor bug; based upon how I "wipe the skills" during multiple character generation]

Mustering out benefits:

10 Rolls

******	Deby Meson	******

Name: Deby Meson  UPP: 73B749  Gender: Female
Service: Other (2 Terms)  Age: 26  Rank: Enlisted


STR: 7 
DEX: 3 
END: 11 (B)
INT: 7 
EDU: 4 
SOC: 9 

Skills (3 rolls):

Streetwise: 1
Gambling: 1
Brawling: 1

Mustering out benefits:

2 Rolls

	The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises.
	Copyright 1977 - 2013 Far Future Enterprises.
This is a two year old thread. Do you still need/want feedback? Also, the direct link gives me a 404. The Tiny URL link works.