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New Patent of Nobility


SOC-14 1K
I am the proud possessor of an Imperial Patent as Baron of Jarsae in Dagudashaag 2803. Newly promoted to the Moot I am naturally quite curious about my new charge and hope to visit it one day :).

Seaching through local library data (Google) I find several references to Signal GK which appears to have developed some background for this area. Is Signal GK 'canon' and are there other sources that may have developed Jarsea or the Dagudashaag sector?
Ta. This is one of the more useful sources that came up via Google. But it is not clear whether the use of Signal GK has "fan fiction" status or "canon" status.

Don't get me wrong, its good stuff. But I would consider, for example, my family background as "fan fiction" and a shade less authoritative than canon.
I got an SEH w/Diamonds for the Battle of Boughene, and Count Gorod (Reft 1302)
Ta. This is one of the more useful sources that came up via Google. But it is not clear whether the use of Signal GK has "fan fiction" status or "canon" status.
It's somewhere in between. Signal-GK was originally a fan project. Until one of the T4 adventures made references to the library data. Which dragged it into the realm of semi-canon with data and references being pushed into canon documents.

Don't get me wrong, its good stuff. But I would consider, for example, my family background as "fan fiction" and a shade less authoritative than canon.

We welcome everything, even fan fiction.
If I can get my act together, there's been a plan to make this canon much more available for over a year, but I've been the delay.

I know, back to the salt mines.
I picked up Marquis Tuwayk/Deneb 0339. Finally, a decent starport.

I assume it's because I bought the T5.09 PDF?
If I can get my act together, there's been a plan to make this canon much more available for over a year, but I've been the delay.
I tend to shy away from this subject, since as I don't have a title of my own, anything I say can far too easily be percieved as sour grapes. Otherwise I would have objected to this thread being in the OTU forum, on the grounds that some of these, let me coin the term 'reward titles', are plainly not part of the OTU. All the archducal titles for starters. There's even an Archduke of Sylea who isn't Strephon in the 'RTU' (Reward TU ;)). Granted, many of these titles are canon-compatible, but none of them are canon, not having shown up in any official published material.

So when you speak of making the canon on reward titles available, I just have to ask just how Marc Miller see them fitting or not fitting into the OTU.


PS. Another reason why I don't speak up more on the subject is my resolve to try to avoid raining on other people's parades if I can avoid it (and if I remember not to). People get worlds and get exited about it, generating all sorts of material about their world, usually with their avatar in charge of the place. Why spoil their fun by pointing out that any world run by a noble appointed by the Imperium would be a type 6 government or similar dog-in-the-manger carping? Even if I think they don't belong in the OTU.
I tend to shy away from this subject, since as I don't have a title of my own, anything I say can far too easily be percieved as sour grapes. Otherwise I would have objected to this thread being in the OTU forum, on the grounds that some of these, let me coin the term 'reward titles', are plainly not part of the OTU. All the archducal titles for starters. There's even an Archduke of Sylea who isn't Strephon in the 'RTU' (Reward TU ;)). Granted, many of these titles are canon-compatible, but none of them are canon, not having shown up in any official published material.

So when you speak of making the canon on reward titles available, I just have to ask just how Marc Miller see them fitting or not fitting into the OTU.


PS. Another reason why I don't speak up more on the subject is my resolve to try to avoid raining on other people's parades if I can avoid it (and if I remember not to). People get worlds and get exited about it, generating all sorts of material about their world, usually with their avatar in charge of the place. Why spoil their fun by pointing out that any world run by a noble appointed by the Imperium would be a type 6 government or similar dog-in-the-manger carping? Even if I think they don't belong in the OTU.

It's quite likely that they're 4th Imperium titles. Marc's handle is Avery, not Strephon, after all.
I tend to shy away from this subject, since as I don't have a title of my own, anything I say can far too easily be percieved as sour grapes. Otherwise I would have objected to this thread being in the OTU forum, on the grounds that some of these, let me coin the term 'reward titles', are plainly not part of the OTU. All the archducal titles for starters. There's even an Archduke of Sylea who isn't Strephon in the 'RTU' (Reward TU ;)). Granted, many of these titles are canon-compatible, but none of them are canon, not having shown up in any official published material.

So when you speak of making the canon on reward titles available, I just have to ask just how Marc Miller see them fitting or not fitting into the OTU.


PS. Another reason why I don't speak up more on the subject is my resolve to try to avoid raining on other people's parades if I can avoid it (and if I remember not to). People get worlds and get exited about it, generating all sorts of material about their world, usually with their avatar in charge of the place. Why spoil their fun by pointing out that any world run by a noble appointed by the Imperium would be a type 6 government or similar dog-in-the-manger carping? Even if I think they don't belong in the OTU.

Actually, my comment wasn't about the reward titles, it was about the canon status of Signal GK the fanzine material.

The delay on the Dagudashaag material is squarely on me.
As the thread starter I will second Don's comment and point out the thread is about Signal GKs canon status. My reason for asking is transparent and in the thread title, but it was never about anything else than trying to establish the OTU status of the background to Jarsae.

I like fan fiction. I also like to be able to tell it apart from canon. It seems Signal GK is somewhere in the middle.

Regards raining and parades, I shall be having mine on Sylea. No point travelling half the galaxy for a parade on a backwater when we have perfectly good weather control here. I'll send a minion to Jarsea to pronounce the good news.
Fixed for you.

Identified for you.

It's quite likely that they're 4th Imperium titles. Marc's handle is Avery, not Strephon, after all.

Mmmm, the card says it is issued by HM Strephon on the back and is signed Strephon, K.

Having just received a card as Marquis Musayid (Deneb 0214), I was wondering whether it is in addition to or replaces my previous title card as Marquis Skull (Spin 2420). I prefer Skull's TL, but Musayid is marginally more earthlike.

Kind Regards

Having just received a card as Marquis Musayid (Deneb 0214), I was wondering whether it is in addition to or replaces my previous title card as Marquis Skull (Spin 2420). I prefer Skull's TL, but Musayid is marginally more earthlike.

There is no reason a noble might not have multiple titles of the same rank. It happened historically.

Which brings up an alternative possibility for actual gaming: If you are dealing with characters at Noble Rank (either during CharGen or during play) who receive a "bump-up" of +1 Soc for some reason, you could reward them with an additional lesser title or additional knighthood (in an Order that they are not already a member) and keep their Social Standing the same instead of giving them the +1.
There is no reason a noble might not have multiple titles of the same rank. It happened historically.

Which brings up an alternative possibility for actual gaming: If you are dealing with characters at Noble Rank (either during CharGen or during play) who receive a "bump-up" of +1 Soc for some reason, you could reward them with an additional lesser title or additional knighthood (in an Order that they are not already a member) and keep their Social Standing the same instead of giving them the +1.

Or even higher rank in the Knighthood they already have maybe? Which I don't know what that would really mean game-wise.