I was skimming the threads and saw some comments about how MT materials were slanted to fit a point of view. That kicked off a chain of thoughts.
Classic Traveller was written.
Then Star Wars 4-6 came out. Not just big ships, but rebellions, with factions, bases, fleets, nobility on the rebel side. So we got MT. Sure, the 3I and surrounding is huge, but let's blow the whole setting up, not just part, and they rewrote everything, and added adventures in accounting.
Then the 80s sci-fi anarchy wave came, so Miller blew it up again, this time sticking the final knife in Traveller's body by not only ruining another setting, but getting Vampire self aware ships in the mix with literally space pirates with swords and filth.
Literally chasing movies is what ruined Traveller. Compare with D&D, who changed mechanics and even worlds, but never the concept setting.
Classic Traveller was written.
Then Star Wars 4-6 came out. Not just big ships, but rebellions, with factions, bases, fleets, nobility on the rebel side. So we got MT. Sure, the 3I and surrounding is huge, but let's blow the whole setting up, not just part, and they rewrote everything, and added adventures in accounting.
Then the 80s sci-fi anarchy wave came, so Miller blew it up again, this time sticking the final knife in Traveller's body by not only ruining another setting, but getting Vampire self aware ships in the mix with literally space pirates with swords and filth.
Literally chasing movies is what ruined Traveller. Compare with D&D, who changed mechanics and even worlds, but never the concept setting.