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Newbie adventure and questions

How did your boarding action play out this time? Any new twists there?

This last post was old news, nothing new. I sit on the couch with reams of scrap paper and write things out as they go. Then, I put it in a word document, sometimes days later, then I post it here.

So my discussions are usually about what is in the scrap paper, but the posts here are whats in the word document...

The next encounter was with a Merc Cruiser, which I ran just by lining up the 25 pirates vs. 10 Mercenarys. It was actually a bit scary, but the pirates rolled up some bad equipment, where the Merc's had Combat Armor and Laser Rifles. That encounter will be in the next installment. I'll probably have incorporated the book 2 simultanious fire rule by then as well. I'm thinking that 10 Mercs, no matter how well equipt, will not be able to stand up to 25 pirates, especially if they get auto rifles (which I think is reasonable weaponry for a pirate...). The players may need to do some investing in something, probably their own Merc Cruiser and more hired mercs, if they want to survive...
I'm thinking that 10 Mercs, no matter how well equipt, will not be able to stand up to 25 pirates.
Not so sure about that! I think that the combat armor on the one hand will seriously cut down on the AR's effectiveness, and that the laser rifles should result in dropping a pirate with every shot. In a situation like this, you might well have your armored mercs lining up in the hall in ranks: two down low in front, two standing behind, or maybe three and three - firing away and relying on their armor rather than evading. The pirates won't be able to do that and survive: they'll have to be firing from around corners and evading.
Not so sure about that! I think that the combat armor on the one hand will seriously cut down on the AR's effectiveness, and that the laser rifles should result in dropping a pirate with every shot. In a situation like this, you might well have your armored mercs lining up in the hall in ranks: two down low in front, two standing behind, or maybe three and three - firing away and relying on their armor rather than evading. The pirates won't be able to do that and survive: they'll have to be firing from around corners and evading.

geez..your a meanie GM..... daXX the torpedos full steam ahead!!!!! :)
Me? Meanie?

Suppose it depends on which side the PC's are on. If the PCs wanted to charge straight down the hall in a cluster against an armored, professional foe with precise, powerful weaponry, to be sure I'd give them the best chances they deserved... :rolleyes:
Cute, vera cute....

Me? Meanie?

Suppose it depends on which side the PC's are on. If the PCs wanted to charge straight down the hall in a cluster against an armored, professional foe with precise, powerful weaponry, to be sure I'd give them the best chances they deserved... :rolleyes:
Now what if one of the PCs is favored of the gods.....well, one hopes so otherwise that just doesn't make sense....
Like many others I'm enjoying these posts.

What's clear is that CT really does allow a multitude of different types of play. Whatever works for you is good enough, and to heck with the barrack room lawyers ;)