All pirates want a weapon that can paralyze a prize vessel without actually screwing up said prize. Shooting out the power plant or computer is an option, but those cost serious MCrs, and could pull in a nice pay day. What kind of disabling weapons could/do you use in your campaign?
I have a few of my own: an EMP weapon. treat it as a Nuclear Missle to hit, ignore dampners, and only have it damage on the "Radiation Table" in High Guard. GFG packets. a combination tracker/gravity force generator. Make the ship INCREDIBLY heavy, "fooling" the ship into "thinking" it is much heavier than it actually is, rendering it's drives useless. What ideas do you have?
I have a few of my own: an EMP weapon. treat it as a Nuclear Missle to hit, ignore dampners, and only have it damage on the "Radiation Table" in High Guard. GFG packets. a combination tracker/gravity force generator. Make the ship INCREDIBLY heavy, "fooling" the ship into "thinking" it is much heavier than it actually is, rendering it's drives useless. What ideas do you have?