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Not Sure Which Background Skills To Take?

Yes, I have disliked the duplication of skills aspect of basic training.
IMTU I instituted a (+1) bonus to the enlistment dice roll for each basic training skill the character already has at level 0, then have basic training increase such a skill to '1' if called for. Alternately it could be assumed that Basic Training took the character less time, and so they get an extra skill roll that term.
The in universe explanation is that the character wanted to join a specific career, so did what they could to learn relevant skills on their own before applying. This impresses the recruiters and increases the chance of the character being enlisted.

Should I have put this post in the IMTU section?
Yes, I have disliked the duplication of skills aspect of basic training.
IMTU I instituted a (+1) bonus to the enlistment dice roll for each basic training skill the character already has at level 0, then have basic training increase such a skill to '1' if called for. Alternately it could be assumed that Basic Training took the character less time, and so they get an extra skill roll that term.
The in universe explanation is that the character wanted to join a specific career, so did what they could to learn relevant skills on their own before applying. This impresses the recruiters and increases the chance of the character being enlisted.

Should I have put this post in the IMTU section?

those are some good ideas...snagging them as I also hated the player not getting a skill due to overlapping background & basic training.
Yes, I have disliked the duplication of skills aspect of basic training.
IMTU I instituted a (+1) bonus to the enlistment dice roll for each basic training skill the character already has at level 0, then have basic training increase such a skill to '1' if called for. Alternately it could be assumed that Basic Training took the character less time, and so they get an extra skill roll that term.
The in universe explanation is that the character wanted to join a specific career, so did what they could to learn relevant skills on their own before applying. This impresses the recruiters and increases the chance of the character being enlisted.

Should I have put this post in the IMTU section?

Good ideas.

I use a simpler method, as I've mainly GMd CT/Mega Hybrid.

If a skill comes up during Basic, which the player already has from Background and would like a different one, I have them roll 1d6.
On a 6, you get to re-roll for the skill. No do-overs beyond that.

Allows some leeway, but keeps the "decision" in the hands of Bona Fortuna.
I don't know why the game just doesn't have a provision like:

If you roll a level 0 skill or get a skill at level 1 when you already have it at that level or greater, you can reroll until you get a valid result.

The idea that skill rolls can just be lost should have been excised from the game. There is enough randomness in character generation as it is.
My main break from RAW is that I allow them to roll then pick the table within the bunch that they are allowed. This is for the players that are used to designing their own characters with total control and seem to hate the randomness.

For those who played Traveller back in the day we go RAW as it can bring out a set of skills and background you would never have thought of, and a character you may never have thought of playing. Too many times players play the exact same character within different rule sets: I'm a huge barbarian with a chip on my shoulder; I am the buff Marine with anger issues; I am the bad cop that lashes out at everyone.

Which is one of the reasons I really like Traveller: the character generation system may not give you what you want but gives you what you need (or kills you...)
Yes, I have disliked the duplication of skills aspect of basic training.
IMTU I instituted a (+1) bonus to the enlistment dice roll for each basic training skill the character already has at level 0, then have basic training increase such a skill to '1' if called for. Alternately it could be assumed that Basic Training took the character less time, and so they get an extra skill roll that term.
The in universe explanation is that the character wanted to join a specific career, so did what they could to learn relevant skills on their own before applying. This impresses the recruiters and increases the chance of the character being enlisted.

Should I have put this post in the IMTU section?

I like it. The idea of having background skills completely different from the basic training you are going into always seemed a bit odd, but RAW, its the best way to go, as CyborgPrime points out.