alanb wrote:
"With comparatively small amounts of tweaking, it would be the perfect setting for something like a club game, with multiple PC groups working at cross purposes."
"Fixing" its logic wouldn't necessarily be a problem - you would just have to discard maps of subsectors few people use much anyway, and move it a couple of subsectors away from the Imperial border. This would require redrawing one of the subsectors in the book slightly, but that involves worlds that aren't really critical anyway."
Mr. Bradley,
I liked 'Leviathan', liked the deckplans, liked the idea of merchants exploring the unknown as opposed to quasi-military types, liked the premise. I mentioned the canonical gripes with it because the goals of my mini-review required it. Many people have problems with 'Leviathan' because of them, I don't (except for the jump torpedoes and I've used them in another setting!)
"One of the keys to what makes Leviathan work, IMHO, is that the subsectors seem to have been hand designed rather than randomly generated. There's nothing there that isn't meant to be there."
A very good point. There is very little 'waste' in the subsector presented, every world presents a challenge and it seems that every world was essentially handcrafted. TTA approached this problem in reverse. It tried to provide adventure seeds for each world in the Aramis subsector. Leviathan created an adventure and then built the worlds to suit it.
As you point out, 'Leviathan' could easily be 'ported elsewhere. Iphigenia, Beyond, or even the Far Frontier sectors come to mind first, as does the rimward reaches of the Solomani Confederation. A Leviathan-class, either complete or in sections, toted out to a entrepot world on the Iphigenia-Far Frontiers border and crewed by people awakened from low berths would make for a wonderful campaign.
The merchantile clans IMTU's Grote band together and fund 'Black Ships'. Every year or so, these vessels make fast, secretive voyages to various entrepot worlds ranging from Vland to Far Frontiers and the Marches to the Trans-Rift Route. They carry out crewmen and precious trade goods and haul back the same. A 'modular' Leviathan, hauled out in sections, carefully assembled, and jumping off from a distant world could very easily begin to explore areas that the Imperium merchantile community knows very little about.
"Could it be that the Kinunirs were testbeds for the experimental deployment of early prototypes of... Virus?"
You, sir, are an evil man!