Please clarify this.
I thought all defensive batteries were allocated against hits at the same step and then resolved simultaneously.... It sounds like you're saying that you can allocated and resolve the Repulsors... and THEN allocate and resolve the sandcasters.
Step 5 C in the High Guard sequence of play implies to me that sandasters, beam weapons, and repulsors are allocated all at the same time before you know their individual outcomes. Nuclear Dampers and other passive defenses *are* resolved in a separate step, though.
For what it is worth:
The Dominator Class CZ (cruiser experimental), has 28 Sandcaster batteries at factor 9, 10 factor 6 Repulsor bays, 6 factor 9 missile bays, and 1 factor L Partical Accelerator spinal mount. Its computer is a model 6 fiber optic computer, and has 2 factor 1 nuclear Dampner screens (one is a backup). Craft was built using TL 12 specifications and limits. Agility is 6.
Meanwhile, the Defender class ship has a single factor 3 missile battery and a single factor 4 laser battery. Its computer is a model 5 fiber optic and its agility is also 6. Add to this, the fact that the defender class system defense boat has 9 levels of armor, treating its size 4 hull as though it were a size 8 hull (for purposes of determining how many critical hits are caused by factor 9+ attacks).
To hit computations:
Factor 3 missile at long range: 5+ Short Range: 6+
Long Range: 5 + target agility 6 + computer size difference 1 = 12+
Short Range: 6+ 6+ 1 = 13+ (missiles can't hit at short range)
Factor 4 Laser at Long Range: 7+ Short Range: 6+
Long range: 7+6+1 = 14+ (laser may not hit at long range)
Short range: 6+6+1 = 13+ (laser may not hit at optimal short range either)
Now, 125 missiles fired by 125 SDB's at Long range, hitting on a 12+ only, will hit on average, with only 2.7% of the salvos. Statistically speaking, you can expect about 3.4 hits to occur with rolls of 12+. Lets be particularly nasty here. Lets say that the Dominator class ship gets nailed with 20 actual missile attacks.
Rolls to penetrate a factor 6 repulsor defense requires a roll of 18+. With the target having the bonus of a better computer size - that becomes a 19+. Rolls to penetrate the Nuclear Dampner factor 1 with a factor 3 nuclear missile strike is 8+, modified to 9+ due to computer size modifier. Last but not least, to penetrate a factor 9 sandcaster, one needs to roll a 11+, modified to 12+ due to computer size modifier.
Now, with 8 repulsor bays, 24 sandcaster defenses - allocate your defenses in an optimal manner:
8 repulsor bays against 1 missile each. That leaves you with 12 incoming missiles you've yet to allocate a defense for. With 24 sandcasters that are bearing out of 28, that gives you essentially 2 sandcasters per incoming missile. This means that each of the remaining 12 incoming missiles need to roll to penerate sand twice, at 12+.
Effectively, the Dominator's defense screens, repulsor bays, and factor 9 sandcasters render the missile attacks of the Defender class SDB, virtually ineffective.