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Overtonnage and Undertonnage - Discussion

Overtonnage applies to the hull on page 70:
Ultimate Hull Tonnage May Vary. Undertonnage improves performance. Overtonnage reduces performance. Gross overtonnage (more than 49 tons) is rounded to the next larger hull.
^ My emphasis above. That last sentence only applies to the hull.
You truncated the full quote a bit there:
B2, p51-52:
___ Overtonnage and Undertonnage. It is impractical to begin with hulls in less than multiples of 100 tons (for example, a 343-ton hull is not available as a starting point, although it may be a final result). Conversely, fine tuning in the final design is possible by attaching appropriate tonnage Pods or Subhulls.
___ In the final design, the Hull may be more or less than the initial design tonnage. Slight undertonnage (49 or fewer tons under design hull tonnage) positively impacts perfor- mance by increasing Agility (+1 per 25 tons under). Slight overtonnage (49 or fewer tons over design tonnage) negatively impacts performance by decreasing Agility (-1 per 25 tons over). Gross overtonnage (50 or more tons) requires rounding the Hull Identifier to the next higher size.
We have an implied choice here: We can adjust the volume of the hull with a pod, OR take it as overtonnage.

In the 343 Dt example we could attach a 50 Dt pod with the extra stuff, recalculate drive performance, and have 7 Dt undertonnage. If we choose, if we feel like it...

At the same time, the Daring creates an undertonnage based on the total tonnage:
In combat, the ship ideally sheds its two Fighters and Ship’s Boat to create an undertonnage (348 tons) and Agility +2 (total in Atmosphere +3).
Mirroring the "Gross overtonnage (50 or more tons) requires rounding the Hull Identifier to the next higher size", I would say that is a 300 Dt hull with severe overtonnage, not a 400 Dt with gross undertonnage. But, OK, that is not explicitly stated in the rules...

Perhaps the Daring's position is identical to the Gazelle's after all (p37):
Unfortunately I think you are on to something there...

As I put it before:
Just possibly, small attached items don't affect design tonnage but is counted as overtonnage? At least if the designer feels like it?

It seems like an imprecise sliding scale:
If it's just a little over, you can take it as overtonnage, if you feel like it, or perhaps not.
If it's a lot over, you have to use a bigger hull and/or recalculate drive performance as appropriate.

Which is exactly what you don't want to hear when you design spreadsheets...

What I'm saying here is that it seems you are correct, we can take external craft or internal stuff as overtonnage (if it's small enough and you feel like it), and I'm correct that external craft should be external and recalculate drive performance (if you feel like it).

But if the difference is large enough (≥50 Dt?) hull size should be adjusted and drive potential recalculated. I think, perhaps, if you feel like it?
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It's not a pocket Kinunir, it's the High Guard implementation of the Type T Patrol Cruiser concept. With matched acceleration and 1 Jn higher with the tanks retained, just to show off how much better HG ships are.
The original (JTAS#4) is a proper little TL-15 warship with heavy armour, a nuclear damper, and even a bay. It is way out of the Type T's, or Kinunir's, league.
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I appreciate the exchange, since it forced me to read the book -- which I am typically too lazy to do. This means I am wrong plenty of times, and I could have been wrong this time.

Actually I still can be wrong: Marc may not have intended this position at the last writing, and it's just that enough bits filtered through to make it look this way.

On the gripping hand, it (in a way) is encouraging that it probably doesn't usually matter one way or the other. Where it might matter more, perhaps, is in military battles.
The problem is how much work it takes to figure out what the probable rule is, rather than the rule itself.
we can take external craft or internal stuff as overtonnage (if it's small enough and you feel like it), and I'm correct that external craft should be external and recalculate drive performance (if you feel like it).

But if the difference is large enough (≥50 Dt?) hull size should be adjusted and drive potential recalculated. I think, perhaps, if you feel like it?

This sounds like the way Marc would do it. The designer decides how to handle it.

It seems to be a problem operationally though. Now you have to consult the design notes to see how the ship behaves... seems wonky, doesn't it?

It is wonky if this problem crops up everywhere. If it can be relegated to a niche then OK, that's "good Huffman coding." Maybe.
A) It is eminently exploitable, e.g. a 100 Dt trader with 49 Dt overtonnage.

B) The Daring-class is still nowhere near a reasonable design.

Accepting that everything is swept under the rug as overtonnage, I get:
67 Dt undertonnage in the "400 Dt" (420 Dt w wings?) hull, balanced against 50 Dt overtonnage in external craft.
TL-14  LE-DS33                       Ergo 2   Comfort 2    Demand 0        Agility 2
       Light Corvette                Total:        67,0       221,6        Stability 1
SYSTEM                                    #       DTON         COST     
Hull                                              400                   
Config: Streamlined                                            28       
Structure: Charged Plate       AV=56 ( 560 vs Blast, 168 vs Pen, 1960 vs Heat/Beam, 560 vs Pres, 1400 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )     
Coating: Reflec                AV= 0 ( 1400 vs Heat/Beam  )     
Armour Std Anti-Kinetic                   1                          AV=28 ( 280 vs Blast, 140 vs Pen, 280 vs H/B,    0 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )     
Armour Std Anti-Rad                       1        16                AV=28 ( 280 vs Blast,  28 vs Pen, 280 vs H/B, 1400 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )     
Landing Wheels Wilderness                          12           6       
Wings Incr Perform                                              4       
Folding Fins Incr Agility                                       2       
Lifters Installed                                               2       
External Craft                            0                                -50  External Craft
Drop Tanks (95% fuel)                     0                                 67  Hull
Total Drive Capacity                    400                                 17  Over/undertonnage: Agility +1
Jump Field: Jump Bubble                                                    D=351 m, Flash 7
Mod J Drive F  J-3, 660 EP                1        17,5        17,5     
Adv M Drive F  3 G, 720 EP                1         3,7        14,7     
Adv P Plant F  P 3, 720 EP                1         6,3        12,7     
Fuel, Jump   J-3                                  108                   
Fuel, Power  4 weeks                                9,6                 
Purifier                                  2         2           2       
Scoops                                    2         2           0,2     
Console, Control C+S=14                  19        38           3,8       
Computer m/4                              1         4          18       
Adv DS Surf Commu-13 +16A+12 PA           1                     7         
Ear AR Surf CommP-14 +13A+7 PA(           1                     3         
Mod AR Ant EMS-14 +17A+7 PA(Ele           1         1           1          ACS S=7
AR Surf Visor-14 +14A-- P(Phot)           1                     2          ACS S=5
Mod DS Surf Neutr-14 +16A-- P(G           1                     5,5        ACS S=10
Gen AR Surf Grav -14 +14A-- P(G           1                     1,5        ACS S=7
Gen G Surf Life -14 +14A-- P(Ma           1                     6,1        ACS S=1
Crew:                                     2                             
Large Stateroom (1) for 1                 1         4           0,2     
Suite (2) for 2                           3        12           0,6     
Stateroom for 2                           4         8           0,4     
Spacer Niche (1) for 1                   22        22                   
Common Areas                             31        30,9                 
Life Support:                                                           
Clinic                                    1         2           1       
Life Support, Long term 160%              6        12          12          7200 person-days
Payload, General                                    1                   
Payload, Sophisticated                              1           1       
Standard Air Lock                         4                             
Ult DS T3 Miss-14 +18 H:M                 2         6          22       
Imp G T3 Beam-14 +17 H:3 Def+3            2         8          13       
Mod Vd Bo Nucle-14 Def+3                  1         3           3,5     
Carried Craft                                                           
Grapple Ship's Boat 30 Dt                 1         1           9       
Bracket Fighter 10 Dt                     2         2          22

A 420 Dt hull that is actually 333 Dt? No, sorry, can't do it.
I would have to establish some basic standard for reasonableness, say within 10%.

E.g. A 400 Dt Subbie with a 20 Dt craft as overtonnage, hidden by 20 Dt undertonnage in the hull? OK, that is within 10% (40 Dt).

E.g. A "400 Dt" Patrol Corvette that hides 20 Dt wings and 50 Dt external craft as overtonnage, hidden by 67 Dt undertonnage in the hull? No, that is way out of line...

E.g. A 200 Dt Free Trader with 22 Dt overtonnage? Pushing it just over the line, but I can live with that, I guess.
I would have to establish some basic standard for reasonableness, say within 10%.

E.g. A 400 Dt Subbie with a 20 Dt craft as overtonnage, hidden by 20 Dt undertonnage in the hull? OK, that is within 10% (40 Dt).

E.g. A "400 Dt" Patrol Corvette that hides 20 Dt wings and 50 Dt external craft as overtonnage, hidden by 67 Dt undertonnage in the hull? No, that is way out of line...

E.g. A 200 Dt Free Trader with 22 Dt overtonnage? Pushing it just over the line, but I can live with that, I guess.
Space drag should count.
A) It is eminently exploitable, e.g. a 100 Dt trader with 49 Dt overtonnage.

I've actually done this. A 40 ton hull with 60 tons of grappled pods.

It can't jump if it ejects a pod, though. But, it could eject the pods upon arrival.

So for example the Sword Worlds' jump sloop. It uses pods for jump fuel, jumps to the destination, ejects the empties for a performance gain, then starts its reign of terror.

That hardpoint is a cheat, though. Hmmm... yes, I can't have a true hardpoint on this thing.

Better off with J1 emergency fuel and having a dozen of these tended by a battlewagon... Back to the battle rider concept.
I've actually done this. A 40 ton hull with 60 tons of grappled pods.
Haha, bonus points for using external load and overtonnage at the same time!

And the Tardis:
A 10 Dt pod with A drives, 4 G, four staterooms, an air/raft, and 10 Dt cargo. 40 Dt overtonnage...
TL-12  A-1A40                        Ergo 1   Comfort 5    Demand 0        Agility -1
       Lifepod                       Total:       -40           8,8        Stability 0
SYSTEM                                    #       DTON         COST     
Hull                                               10                   
Config: Airframe                                                0,8     
Structure: Plate Kinetic       AV=12 ( 120 vs Blast, 2400 vs Heat/Beam, 120 vs Pres, 1200 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )     
Coating: Reflec                AV= 0 ( 1200 vs Heat/Beam  )     
Armour Std Anti-Rad                       1                          AV=12 ( 120 vs Blast, 1200 vs H/B, 1200 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )     
Landing Wheels Wilderness                                               
Wings Incr Perform                                                       
Fins Incr Agility                                                       
Lifters Installed                                               0,1     
Drop Tanks (95% fuel)                     0                                -40  Hull
Total Drive Capacity                     10                                -40  Over/undertonnage: Agility -2
Gen M Drive A  4 G, 90 EP                 1         2           2       
Gen P Plant A  P 4, 90 EP                 1         4           2       
Fuel, Power  4 weeks                                0,4                 
Scoops                                    1         1           0,1     
Water Intake                              1         1           0,1     
Console, Control Gen C+S=11               2         2           0,3        Brain: INT=4, EDU=2
Console, Operati Gen C+S=11               1         1           0,1        Brain: INT=4, EDU=2
Computer Gen m/0                          1         0,5         0,1     
Vd  Commu-8 +8A+2 PA(Elec)                1                               
Vd  Radar-9 +9A+2 PA(Elec)                1                                ACS S=2
D  Porth-5 +5A-- P(Phot)                  1                                ACS S=1
Crew:                                     5                             
Stateroom for 1                           4         8           0,4     
Freshers Shared                           2         1           1       
Common Areas                             11        11                   
Life Support:                                                           
Life Support, Standard 200%               1         0,8         0,8        240 person-days
Escape Capsules 200%                      1         1           1           10 people
Standard Air Lock                         2         1           0,2     
Cargo                                              10,3                 
Carried Craft                                                           
Interio Air/raft 4 Dt                     1         5           0,1     
                                       Crew    Consoles      Panels     
Crew                                 1                3          10     
Bridge Crew                          1    0                             
    Pilot                                 1           1           2     
    Sensor Ops                            0           0           2     
Engineer                             0    0                             
    Engineer                              0           1           4     
Service Crew                         0    0                             
    Operations                            0           0           2     
Gunner                               0    0                             
    Gunner                                0           1           0
Oh tardis, that's brilliant. I will use that one.

You need a special drive for that...
A "random" ship uses a main hull of 400 Dt + 20 Dt pod = 420 Dt (design tonnage). Drive performance is calculated for 420 Dt.

That is where the problem starts -- and ends. Drive performance is not calculated like High Guard; they're very close to Book 2. Hence, drive performance here is not calculated at 420 tons, but 400; the drives are indexed on 00's of tons. Per the drive potential table, the drives are installed, and perform, based on a 400 ton ship assumption. Thus the random ship with its pod is 20 tons overtonned.

I think we can take this ad absurdum. Take a random ship with a main hull of 400t and a 49t pod. It's 449 tons. Using ACS, we install "A"-class drives for this ship, giving us J1 M1.

By your method above, drive performance is calculated for 449 tons. Thus it would seem that overtonnage here is zero. That's the error, because using the exact same drives on a 400 ton hull, the overtonnage would be significant by adding a 49t pod. The problem is compounded if you take a 351 ton hull and use the exact same drives and claim that drive performance is calculated for 351 tons. That means that when you tack on a 49 ton pod, it becomes severely overburdened at exactly 400 tons. And yet the drives are identical.

Now let's add a 49 ton cargo pod to the 449t ship. It now becomes overtonnage by 49 tons.

But, those drives are actually pulling 498 tons.

So we've managed to get "A" class drives into a nearly 500 ton design and retain J1 M1. This flies in the face of the intent of the rules, where if you are 50 tons over, your ship graduates to the next century. Case in point, we can't start with a 400 ton hull with exactly the same drives, and add a 98 ton pod to it; no, we are required to treat the ship as a 500 ton hull. This is what I would expect. And I don't know what to do with a 351 ton hull that has a 98 ton pod strapped to it; it's only 449 tons, and yet it must be treated as ... what? A 450 ton hull? Such hulls do not exist in the drive potential table.

I think the moral of this story is that drive performance is calculated on 00's of tons, with overtonnage and undertonnage being the ways to show gradations between the hundreds marks.
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All of this goes away with BCS -- which is of course naturally HG inspired -- where drives are custom-calculated based on the specific tonnage of your ship design. If your ship is 13,281 tons, then by golly those drives are tailored within a half-percentage for ships which displace 13,281 tons.
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That is where the problem starts -- and ends. Drive performance is not calculated like High Guard; they're very close to Book 2.
Yes, we CAN do it that way, but we don't have to... T5.10 is way more complex than LBB2.

Hence, drive performance here is not calculated at 420 tons, but 400; the drives are indexed on 00's of tons. Per the drive potential table, the drives are installed, and perform, based on a 400 ton ship assumption. Thus the random ship with its pod is 20 tons overtonned.
We CAN use the Drive Potential Table, but we don't have to...
We can just as well use the Precise Drive Potential (T5.10, B2, p63):
_ _ Precise Calculations Are Possible. Because hulls can be overtonned or undertonned, Potential calculation
can use hull tonnages other than full multiples of 100 tons.
_ _ Precise calculations ignore plus or minus 50 tons
The Drive Potential Table is just a simplified special case of the precise drive potential calculation.

So, I can calculate it as a 420 Dt ship, or a 400 Dt ship with 20 Dt overtonnage. Both options are equally valid.
I can even make a 420 Dt ship with 20 Dt overtonnage, for a total of 440 Dt...

I think we can take this ad absurdum. Take a random ship with a main hull of 400t and a 49t pod. It's 449 tons. Using ACS, we install "A"-class drives for this ship, giving us J1 M1.

By your method above, drive performance is calculated for 449 tons. Thus it would seem that overtonnage here is zero. That's the error, because using the exact same drives on a 400 ton hull, the overtonnage would be significant by adding a 49t pod.
A 400 Dt hull would require B-drives for potential 1.

It would not be the exact same drives, a 449 Dt ship would require more powerful drives than a 400 Dt ship, e.g. with a Stage with better Efficiency or C-drives (perhaps even with less Efficiency such as Generic Stage).

The problem is compounded if you take a 351 ton hull and use the exact same drives and claim that drive performance is calculated for 351 tons. That means that when you tack on a 49 ton pod, it becomes severely overburdened at exactly 400 tons. And yet the drives are identical.
You can explicitly not do that with the Drive Potential Table.
T5.10, B2, p52:
Gross overtonnage (50 or more tons) requires rounding the Hull Identifier to the next higher size.
You can of course do exactly that with Precise Calculation, but it would not be a bog standard 300 Dt drive.

So we've managed to get "A" class drives into a nearly 500 ton design and retain J1 M1. This flies in the face of the intent of the rules, where if you are 50 tons over, your ship graduates to the next century. Case in point, we can't start with a 400 ton hull with exactly the same drives, and add a 98 ton pod to it; no, we are required to treat the ship as a 500 ton hull. This is what I would expect. And I don't know what to do with a 351 ton hull that has a 98 ton pod strapped to it; it's only 449 tons, and yet it must be treated as ... what?
It would require a B-drive pulling 449 Dt with 49 Dt overtonnage.
E.g. an Adv B-drive could do it...

A 450 ton hull? Such hulls do not exist in the drive potential table.
No, not in the Drive Potential Table, but can be used with Precise Calculation.
We can easily create a 450 Dt hull by using a 400 Dt hull with a permanently attached 50 Dt Pod.

I think the moral of this story is that drive performance is calculated on 00's of tons, with overtonnage and undertonnage being the ways to show gradations between the hundreds marks.
No, the morale of the story is that T5 is more complicated than it first appears to be, as is generally the case when mixing systems. T5 is not LBB2...
What I'm saying here is that it seems you are correct, we can take external craft or internal stuff as overtonnage (if it's small enough and you feel like it), and I'm correct that external craft should be external and recalculate drive performance (if you feel like it).

But if the difference is large enough (≥50 Dt?) hull size should be adjusted and drive potential recalculated. I think, perhaps, if you feel like it?
This is just as valid as a bog standard Subbie:

440 Dt hull (= 400 Dt hull + 40 Dt Pod) using Mod B-drives (Efficiency 110%) to get potential 1.
With an additional 45 Dt overtonnage it has a total tonnage of 485 Dt.
Usable payload is 385 Dt.

TL-11  F-DA11                        Ergo 2   Comfort 4    Demand 0        Agility -1
       Freighter                     Total:       -45          63,1        Stability 0
SYSTEM                                    #       DTON         COST     
Hull                                              440                   
Config: Airframe                                               30,4     
Structure: Plate Dense         AV=11 ( 110 vs Blast, 2200 vs Heat/Beam, 110 vs Pres, 1100 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )     
Coating: Reflec                AV= 0 ( 1100 vs Heat/Beam  )     
Armour Std Anti-Rad                       1                          AV=11 ( 110 vs Blast, 1100 vs H/B, 1100 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )     
Landing Wheels Wilderness                                               
Wings Incr Perform                                                       
Fins Incr Agility                                                       
Lifters Installed                                               2,2     
Drop Tanks (95% fuel)                     0                                -45  Hull
Total Drive Capacity                    440                                -45  Over/undertonnage: Agility -2
Jump Field: Jump Bubble                                                    D=362 m, Flash 7
Mod J Drive B  J-1, 220 EP                1        10          10       
Mod M Drive B  1 G, 220 EP                1         2           4       
Mod P Plant B  P 1, 220 EP                1         4           4       
Fuel, Jump   J-1                                   39,6                 
Fuel, Power  4 weeks                                4,0                 
Purifier                                  2         2           1       
Scoops                                    1         1           0,1     
Water Intake                              1         1           0,1     
Console, Control Gen C+S=10               5        10           0,8        Brain: INT=4, EDU=2
Console, Operati Gen C+S=10               5        10           0,5        Brain: INT=4, EDU=2
Computer Gen m/1                          1         1           0,8     
Mod AR Surf Commu-10 +12A+7 PA(           1                     1,5       
Mod AR Surf Radar-11 +13A+7 PA(           1                     1,5        ACS S=6
Mod AR Surf Scope-11 +13A-- P(P           1                     1,5        ACS S=4
Gen AR Surf Neutr-11 +11A-- P(G           1                     1,5        ACS S=7
Crew:                                     4                             
Stateroom for 1                           3         6           0,3     
Freshers Shared                           2         1           1       
Common Areas                              5         5                   
Life Support:                                                           
Med Console                               1         0,5         0,5     
Life Support, Standard 200%               1         0,6         0,6        180 person-days
Escape Capsules 200%                      1         1           1           10 people
Standard Air Lock                         4                             
Cargo                                             385,3                 
Spare Space                                         1                   
                                       Crew    Consoles      Panels     
Crew                                 3               10          14     
Bridge Crew                          2    0                             
    Pilot                                 1           1           2     
    Astrogator                            1           1           0     
    Sensor Ops                            0           1           4     
Engineer                             1    0                             
    Engineer                              1           3           6     
Service Crew                         0    0                             
    Operations                            0           1           2     
Gunner                               0    0                             
    Gunner                                0           3           0
Bog standard Subbie:

400 Dt hull + 20 Dt Launch as overtonnage:
Std B drives.
290 Dt usable payload.

Less payload at a higher price, but can be built at lower TL.

TL-9   F-DA11                        Ergo 2   Comfort 4    Demand 0        Agility 0
       Freighter                     Total:         0          70,9        Stability 1
SYSTEM                                    #       DTON         COST     
Hull                                              400                   
Config: Airframe                                               28       
Structure: Plate Plate         AV=9 ( 90 vs Blast, 1800 vs Heat/Beam, 90 vs Pres, 900 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )     
Coating: Reflec                AV= 0 ( 900 vs Heat/Beam  )     
Armour Std Anti-Rad                       1                          AV=9 ( 90 vs Blast, 900 vs H/B, 900 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )     
Landing Wheels Wilderness                                               
Wings Incr Perform                                                       
Fins Incr Agility                                                       
Lifters Installed                                               2       
Pods & Subhulls                                                         
Grapple Launch 20 Dt                      1         1           1       
External Pods&Subhulls                    0                                -20  Pods & Subhulls
Total Drive Capacity                    400                                -20  Over/undertonnage: Agility -1
Jump Field: Jump Bubble                                                    D=351 m, Flash 7
J Drive B      J-1, 200 EP                1        15          15       
M Drive B      1 G, 200 EP                1         3           6       
P Plant B      P 1, 200 EP                1         7           7       
Fuel, Jump   J-1                                   40                   
Fuel, Power  4 weeks                                4                   
Purifier                                  2         2           1       
Scoops                                    1         1           0,1     
Water Intake                              1         1           0,1     
Console, Control C+S=9                    4         8           1          Brain: INT=4, EDU=2
Console, Operati Gen C+S=8                6        12           0,6        Brain: INT=4, EDU=2
Computer m/1                              1         1           1,5     
Gen AR Surf Commu-9 +9A+7 PA(El           1                     1,5       
Gen SR Surf Radar-9 +9A+5 PA(El           1                     1          ACS S=5
Gen SR Surf Scope-9 +9A-- P(Pho           1                     1          ACS S=4
Gen SR Surf Neutr-9 +9A-- P(Gra           1                     0,8        ACS S=4
Crew:                                     4                             
Stateroom for 1                           3         6           0,3     
Freshers Shared                           2         1           1       
Common Areas                              5         5                   
Life Support:                                                           
Med Console                               1         0,5         0,5     
Life Support, Standard 200%               1         0,6         0,6        180 person-days
Escape Capsules 200%                      1         1           1           10 people
Standard Air Lock                         4                             
Cargo                                             290,9                 
                                       Crew    Consoles      Panels     
Crew                                 3               10          15     
Bridge Crew                          2    0                             
    Pilot                                 1           1           2     
    Astrogator                            1           1           0     
    Sensor Ops                            0           1           4     
Engineer                             1    0                             
    Engineer                              1           3           6     
Service Crew                         0    0                             
    Operations                            0           1           2     
Gunner                               0    0                             
    Gunner                                0           2           0     
Flight Crew                          0                1           1
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