That could also mean a German Version or a Russian, Spanish, Italian, or a Chinese Version. The more sussinct and direct the material is presented, the easier that is possible.
There are huge untouched Science Fiction Markets in South America, Spain, Poland, all over the place. I will not say it would be easy to do such a thing, but with the web it is certainly a LOT easier in many ways. India has a skyrocketing overall market, as does Taiwan. There are a lot of people there...
I've seen German Traveller stuff and Japanese Traveller Stuff before, but who are these people that translated it, and where are they now?
The problem I have is seeing things like grip which sort of charge you for stuff that could easily be done for free. I know I am not understanding it right, so pardon me.
My point is, we should not expect ppl to shell out for stuff they can do on thier own, unless there is a clear reason behind it. Example, I will not pay for a Cartography program when I know how to use Adobe Illustrator. I do not think I would need to pay into a server based game setup, when there are dozens of free options to transmit data, images, video, and sound over the web in half a second.
What I propose is all working towards a good agreeable standard of presentation in our own areas we like to work in. If you like doing ships, don't bother doing an offshoot Yahoo group or something, do it here, where everyone can see it and be encouraged by it to step up.
(and I wax metaphysical here perhaps)
It takes a special sort of person to be into Traveller, and by which I do not mean crash helmet special (well, in most cases
I mean a lot of you guys beyond being overall cool, and of a like mind to me, are also flippin geniuses! I know it can be as hard as herding scallops to get geniuses to work in concert, but it should also have a modicum of fun involved. It is a sort of sub-culture, after all...
Refocused, I am convinced that Trav would be unstoppable, and should be.