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General Pell 'Droids - Have you used them?

First, I have to admit I laughed at the list of discussions the site said this was already being discussed in...

Anyway, my PC's have been wanting a pell 'droid to practice with their bladed weapons against. Or, run training routines.
This is the mock up I came up with, for what they can "rebuild" from the wrecked parts they found

For those who ask, This is the training android Paul Atreides practiced against in the 1984 movie.
I "cut off" the domed top, used that to make an ovaloid which I put in the center of the android.
And I removed it from its base

I am planning to introduce it as an LSP model which has grav-capable movement while striking with various installed weapons
It stands six feet tall, and can "score" any strike against it.

Have any of you worked with pell 'droids? Do you have images of such devices you like? I'm not 1005 pleased with mine.
I don't want a humanoid image, but...

How about something like a wooden martial arts training target (pole with 'arms' sticking out) but with a robot brain/A.I. that can rotate the arms for offense & defense. For one training with weapons, you could have a selection of 1 or 2 weapons or 1 weapon & shield with combat selection for weapons only, unarmed only, and mixed. It could be static or mobile. Adjusted for small, medium, or large opponents. And any other combat options you think might be necessary.
Yes, an android body and other components can be made of anything, including wood, if the requisite electronics, motors, etc, are hidden and designed/programmed properly. Of course, that would tax my graphic arts skills given I'm less than a padawhan.

I kind of prefer something with "a body" even though the one I doped up is nothing like an actual human attacker.
Besides, that type of training was more "in-coming fire deflection" than actual blade vs blade training. So, it would be outside what I hope to present.

And while I can "get by" with what I have, I would like different models to present my players because I haven't decided if the wreck they've bought and are trying to re-assemble will be able to be made functional or not?

They are currently in the Denotam system(Vilis/Spinward Marches) and play to jump to the Ghandi system(Lanth/Spinward Marches).
They've sent an x-mail to InstellArms in Ghandi [I just love the irony of buying weapons systems in a system named Ghandi] and IA is expected to have a line up of the pell bots they have on hand

So, I'd like several models if I can find them?
Yes, an android body and other components can be made of anything, including wood, if the requisite electronics, motors, etc, are hidden and designed/programmed properly. Of course, that would tax my graphic arts skills given I'm less than a padawhan.
Even I wouldn't consider wood for a weapons training bot, unless it was comparable to some kind of ceramic/metal composite that is very durable.

Between movies & books, I've come across a few mentions of weapon training robots that are a pole with one or more arms with weapons. Saves money when it's not 'humanoid' in form. Some are stationary and others are mobile.